• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2012


I is a brony boy small but smexy

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After Twilight Sparkle discovers a new book of pick-up-lines, she wants to bring her friends closer by complimenting them with cheesy lines.

And it does more than bring them closer...

Chapters (7)

Everyone has an imaginary friend growing up: a stuffed animal, a companion to guard us when the monsters come knocking and the like. We know them and love them; they mean everything to us. But have we ever stopped to ask what we mean to them?

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna is bored.

She spent a 1000 years on the moon and while she is happy to be back to her old self (even if she knows her evil scheme would have worked if it weren't for those meddling mares!) her sister refuses to let her do anything fun. .

The Princess of the Moon is fed up! She is going to go on an adventure! She is going to find Queen Chrysalis and punch that bug in the flank! And along the way she is going to fight bears, fall in love, explore strange worlds and everything else all the guide books say should happen on an adventure.

Too bad her sister (The ever calm and collected Celestia) has decided to tag along and bring their niece (the sex-crazed Cadence), nephew-in-law (the sane and rational Shining Armor) and brother (the grumpy OC/Oceanic Creature Tydal) along for the ride.

What happens when the gods go on a road trip? Chaos, insanity, and mayhem, of course!

(This is the spiritual sequel to "The Many Secret Origins of Scootaloo". While you don't need to read that story to enjoy this one, it wouldn't hurt to give it a glance to understand why many of the characters are the way they are).

TVtropes' Page Can be found here: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/TheGodSquad

The sequel, The God Squad: Equestria's Most Wanted, will be out soon.

Chapters (40)

This story is a sequel to The Rainbow's Surprise

On the day of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's wedding, Princess Celestia left Twilight a message saying that she should prepare herself if something happens. The next morning, Twilight awakens to find that all of Ponyville has succumb to a blinding fog. She must now travel a monster-filled town in search for her teacher and friends and try to return Ponyville back to the way it was.

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Too Shy for a Rainbow

If you liked this fic, check out the awesome Audio Dub version of it by The Lost Narrator!:

It's been a month since Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash started dating. Everything was going fine until Fluttershy started experiencing horrific nightmares that started keeping her up at night. Looking for answers, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie seek out Twilight. But when the three mares find themselves within the world of Silent Ponyville, will things turn out for the better? Or will things end in tragedy?

Sequel: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/14866/Silent-Ponyville%3A-Reunion

Chapters (14)

Pinkie Pie is being tormented by horrific nightmares. Unable to deal with it by herself anymore she seeks out Twilight's help, but will it have been the best decision when she finds herself alone in an abandoned, fog filled Ponyville?

Sequel: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/4676/Too-Shy-for-a-Rainbow

There have been a LOT of high-quality readings of Silent Ponyville, but this one is my personal favorite:

Chapters (12)

Cheer up, Twilight. It's not every day somepony changes species. In fact, no pony has ever changed species. It's something new and you like discovering new things. Granted, Equestrians don't like new things, especially things that fundamentally alter their government. So maybe there is reason not to be happy after all.

Chapters (18)

Another day in boring old Ponyville. AJ is out of town, Twilight is busy with her library and so Rainbow Dash is bored to death. As if fortune calls, a well known mare shows up.

This is just a short story about a little adventure of Rainbow Dash and Daring Do.

Chapters (3)

Rainbow Dash gets an invitation to try out for the Wonderbolts, so it's only fitting that Applejack would agree to watch her practice in preparation for the big day.

But when things don't go according to plan, Applejack realizes that she must take initiative and comfort her downtrodden friend.

Inspired by cover image, made by Fluttershy626 (http://fluttershy626.deviantart.com/)

Chapters (1)

There's something strange and unnatural living in Bon-Bon's house.

Something other than Lyra.

Chapters (6)