• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2012


I is a brony boy small but smexy

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I always wanted to go to Equestria. When I got the chance, I took the deal without reading the fine print. To my surprise, I didn't arrive there as a pony, or even as a human. It seems I get to view this world from a different perspective than what I've imagined.

My name is Echo. I am a Diamond Dog.

-Edited by the one, the only, Nathan Traveler!
-(Cover by Jovial_Shake of fimfiction.net)
-Now featured on Equestriadaily.com!

Chapters (26)

Twilight Sparkle had been looking forward to a quiet, relaxing day with a friend, and at first it seemed that Fluttershy could provide just that. But when Twilight makes a rather unsettling discovery about the pegasus – and her unusually sanguine appetite – the knowledge proves to be anything but relaxing...

Chapters (1)

Twilight wakes up and finds out that she's changed back into a filly! What kind of trouble will she get into? How will her friends react?

Chapters (7)

Twilight Sparkle never was a Unicorn and she didn't even know it.
What happens when her true heritage comes to light? Will she willingly embrace it? Or will she be forced to?

Beware of spoilers in the comments!

Edited by uTTerAbsurdity, Zervziel, Stormwatch and Gwenio

Cover art by the talented Cartoonlion and colored by the equally talented Stormwatch, original can be found here

Click here for the Tvtropes page

Chapters (28)

It was true that the doctor had regenerated many times but this time something felt, different. He would think more on these things later because at the moment the TARDIS was crashing with more force than it ever had before. Plowing though dimension after dimension it finally decided to land in the backyard of what appeared to be a regular home. Thinking now was a good time to figure out why this regeneration had felt so weird. He walked up to his mirror and right of the bat he noticed why it had felt so weird this time. The three most obvious things that were new were these:one, he was a pony; two, he still wan't ginger; and number three, he was a she.

Chapters (1)

Everyone is familiar with the "waking up as a pony" trope, but no one expected this particular trope to occur in reality. Especially the 'pony' in this picture, who life gets more complicated then before. It will be a cumulative effort to adjust to this lifestyle, but surmounting this transformation is the only beneficial option.This story varies from mundane to supernatural carnage.

(Credit to Samaru163 for the coverart)
(Proof read by HoloGraphic starting from chapter 12-17)

Chapters (42)

When Octavia gets bitten by a supposed werewolf it opens up a whole new reality to her. She even might gain a couple new friends along the way. (Currently on hiatus due to lack of motivation to complete.)

Chapters (10)

In her latest bid to impress Princess Celestia, Twilight takes to mapping out the Everfree Forest. Along the way she discovers that some things are not to be disturbed. She also learns to get a second opinion whenever Spike offers her advice.

Artwork courtesy of Short Circuit: http://shortcircuitca.deviantart.com/
Editing by TypeandKey.

Chapters (6)

In hopes of breaking her normal routine, Twilight decides to make an effort to get away from her books and spend as much time with her friends as possible, dedicating one whole day to each of them.

Though nothing is as it seems. While spending a day with Bubble Berry, she receives a letter from Princess Celestia informing her that something sinister and magical is afoot in Ponyville, causing that day to be repeated. But with Bubble Berry asking her out on a date that very same day, Twilight may not have time to find the source of the anomaly while she comes to terms with the feelings developing between herself and one of her closest friends.

This story was a part of the FimFiction LOEG Story Swap of August 2012, and originally appeared on Pen Stroke's account

Chapters (1)

The official prequel to Rainbow's Lament!

When an emergency arises in the middle of the night, Dusk Shine finds himself on a journey into the Everfree Forest to uncover the reason behind Bubble Berry's sudden, unexplained insanity. There's just one problem: something is chasing after him on his quest. Something mysterious, dark and horrible...

...and it's catching up.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro.

Genderbent pony designs belong to Trotsworth.

I do not own any other properties contained within this narrative.

Special thanks to Smoking Gun for the name suggestion and JaquelinDreamz for the cover art.

Chapters (1)