• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2012


I is a brony boy small but smexy

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When Twilight Sparkle attempts to turn herself into an Alicorn for a day, a freak accident causes the spell to mess up. How will Equestria handle thousands of Alicorns?

Thanks to Syntactics for the amazing cover art!

Chapters (23)

After leaving on a second pilgrimage to find himself, Spike returns to Ponyville, physically larger and sporting an impressive array of skills and powers.

His plans for a calm life in Ponyville, however, takes a different path as he soon finds himself the desire of several ponies interests, friends old and new included.

Change breeds benefits, as the saying goes. Spike has yet to hear it ring true.

Chapters (1)

"Who are you?!"

Lyra wrenched her hands together, strands of teal hair falling over her golden eyes. Suddenly, she seemed so small. She didn't answer. Couldn't? It hurt to remember, hurt to say. She was lying, or maybe it was the truth, and she really didn't know.

Cover art done by the amazing Conicer and bunnish!

Chapters (18)

The Mane 6 have been cordially invited to the Royal Wedding... Connor, too!

This branched off of my first fic, "Equestria's First Human."

Written in sync with the Canterlot Wedding episodes. (I know I did not make those episodes.)

Chapters (1)

Eric was a typical high school student. Low grades, two best friends, and a grey cross-eyed pegasus living in his apartment. Oops. That's not normal.

For those who don't know, I combined the chapters cause I can.

Chapters (4)

(The Redone Version) (EFH has it's own TV Tropes page! Thanks to redandready45! )

A human has been teleported to Equestria after a lightning bolt struck him. The ponies of Ponyville had never seen anything like him before. Full of fear and uncertainty, all of Ponyville, except for the Mane 6 and Spike, avoided him. The human, with the help of the Mane 6, must earn Ponyville's friendship before a way back home is found.

Rated Teen for some language and mild peril.

Chapters (18)

I was a regular person of the male gender before by some crazy turn of events I got turned into a pony! My name is Dalton and this is my weird arse adventure traveling up the east coast

part of the PonyEarthverse

Chapters (1)

Although she is ashamed to admit it, Rainbow Dash sleeps with a Spitfire plush. But that gets her thinking...what would it feel like to cuddle with another pony instead of a doll? Now she is determined to seek out her friends and find out.

Chapters (14)

I thought it was just going to be a regular Thorsday morning. At least I did when I went to sleep last night. I never planned on waking up in a familiar yet alien body. Then again, you never really do plan that without the proper technology or magic ready.

I will make references to plenty of things. Some will be subtle, others blatant. If you can manage to figure out what the title references, you get 555 free internets (redeemable absolutely nowhere!). Firebirdbtops won the 555 internets. Congratulations.

Part of the PonyEarthverse.

While this may be my second fanfic (my other one's on dA), I will consider it my first one due to wonderful inspiration and a better plan. All advice is appreciated.

Cover image is fanart of Technia done by Pascal when she got a spot in The Invisible Brony Defense Force.

Chapters (13)

That is the common headline that most news stations and papers have these days. It started off small, with only two, then it grew with each passing day with no signs of slowing down. It was like a fanfiction come to life, something that seemed too surreal to be true, but yet was happening right before our eyes.

... Well, most people's eyes, because I was always cooped up in my room playing games. I tended to keep out of current events, usually paying no mind to them while I played stuff like Dark Souls. I would just wait it out until this blew over, as I was sure that everything would be back to normal.

I couldn't have been more wrong about that, as one morning, after having a Skyrim binge, I had the shock of my life when I discovered I was now inhabiting the body of Equestria's Queen of Electronica, Vinyl Scratch. Now, driven by nothing but sheer curiosity, I, Gage LeBoeuf, who was once a normal gamer from Louisiana, must now travel to New York to find answers and possibly a cure to my strange condition.

I mean, it's just a simple road trip; what could possibly go wrong? Turns out, almost everything.

Part of the PonyEarthverse Series. (http://www.fimfiction.net/group/199509/ponyearthverse)

Illustrations done by the amazing Chocolatechilla: (http://chocolatechilla.deviantart.com/)

Chapters (10)