• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2012


I is a brony boy small but smexy

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Blueblood needs to learn some humility. With the help of Celestia and a few "friends" he will learn his lesson, whether he wants to or not.

Chapters (5)

Desperate to be free from Diamond Tiara's bullying, Apple Bloom wishes on a star and escapes to a new Ponyville, filled with strangely familiar colts and stallions. As a filly in a school full of colts, she comes to see a new side to both her friends and her enemies.

Inspired by Conner Cogwork's "On a Cross and Arrow", but not intended to be part of the same world or follow the same story.

Chapters (7)

An unfortunate event gives Princess Celestia a fresh view on her life by forcing her to see the world from a very different viewpoint. With Equestria changing around her, she is faced with a personal crisis... if she can ignore how cute a certain lavender unicorn suddenly looks to her.

Featured on Equestria Daily!
And some site about horse porn!
Liked this story? Read the sequel.
And the story this was a sort-of prequel to.

Chapters (1)

When Trixie wakes up in a cavern without the ability to tap into her magic, she must undergo a terrible test in order to escape with her life.

Based off my favorite horror movie franchise and requested by several of my readers, this is a single chapter event that I hope people enjoy.

I am rating this Teen for blood and some gore. I don't consider this mature as I do not go into graphic detail on the situation.

Chapters (1)

When Luna becomes the unwitting test subject of an ancient spell she discovered, she gets more than she bargained for.

Now a male alicorn named Lucian, he is forced to wait for several months before he can go back to being the mare he once was. With the help of Twilight Sparkle, however, he realizes that his accidental transformation is not the curse he had believed it to be. Thanks to his new identity, he is able to move into Ponyville without being recognized, and gets to make friends for the first time in centuries, learning many important lessons along the way.

At the same time, however, Lucian must deal with his own long-forgotten personal demons; what can he do when his past begins to catch up to him? Can he protect those closest to him? And more importantly, can he even protect himself?

The answers, perhaps, may lie with his sister's greatest pupil... who may come to be far more than just a friend to him.

Note to readers: This story takes place between season 2 and season 3. Therefore, inconsistencies with season 3 canon may ocasionally occur. Consider it an "Alternate season 3," if you wish.

Cover by jamey4

Chapters (20)

What if Rainbow Dash had been present when Discord gave the Mane Cast their first shot at him? How could things have gone different? How could this have changed things?How could this have changed Twilight?

Update Schedule Below the Break.
Now with the super editor FredMSloniker!
Now with a wonderful cover image by Conicer!
Also - Awesome Fanart - http://nyuuchandiannepie.deviantart.com/art/Discolight-273099814

Update Plans
December 11 - Edited versions of first four chapters
December 14 - Chapter 5
Future updates at least 1 time per week.
Total Planned Chapters - 12

Chapters (10)

Its easy to say that Octavia never fit in anywhere she went. When she and her mother move to one of the poorer neighborhoods of Manehattan, she is obviously less than thrilled. Constantly bullied at her last school she thinks it will be a different story here, but she was way off. Then on one snowy night, she meets a certain pony who she can actually relate to. But is she as normal as she seems or is she hiding a much darker and bloody secret.

Chapters (4)

The Doctor has had a good, long run through time and space with Ditzy Doo. But it is that time again for him to regenerate bodies. But this time, it seems... different...
What would happen if The Doctor regenerated... as a mare?

Chapters (4)

An In-no-sense Innocent Short Story.

Sometimes the enemy is more devious than you think.
Trickery and treachery go hoof in hoof, change always results.
Somethings, like allegiances, can be changed back.
Others.... others can't.

Chapters (6)

Years have past since the changelings were driven away from Equestria, giving room for peace and love. Suddenly, Twilight is captured in the middle of the night, and is brought to the hooves of Queen Chrysalis. Seeing that she has captured the element of magic, she is determined to gain her revenge against both Twilight and anyone that has ever wronged her.

Using her dark magic, the queen transforms the unicorn into a horrifying creature. Will Twilight hold on to her sanity, and more importantly, her devotion to friends?

Or will she slip into the darkness, and lose all hope.

Props to chaos2012 for bringing me this idea. The story is mine though

Evilpresident is also onboard as a Pre-reader.

Okay, new cover art! This time it was actually made for the fic, so credit goes to BronyInvestigator
I cannot thank him enough.

Chapters (16)