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Imprisoned in the tunnels beneath Canterlot, she withers away in hunger and despair. In the castle above, curiosity leads him to a door that he is forbidden to open. When they finally meet, it is just the opportunity she has waited for. Mislead by a child's trusting innocence, Spike unknowingly stumbles into the clutches of Equestria's greatest foe. And once you embrace the darkness, the darkness never lets you go...

Cover image by ss2sonic

Chapters (3)

Bill Overbeck. Soldier, veteran, old man, wise head, zombie apocalypse survivor and a dead man. Did I say a dead man?

Indeed, he's dead saving his beloved and the others in order to let them escape to an isolated island with no Infected. Finding himself after death in a world in conflict just like his from beings odder than the zombies and somehow, he's died again.

Well, it's going downhill from there, just like the outbreak once more.

Inspired by Eakin's Hard Reset fiction (And it takes place in that same universe too!) Read the comic first, it'll help you understand the situation. To make a note, I might not update this as often as I do with Command and Blunder because well, I was so bored with this one.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Memory Pending

The story of Moon Mender continues after his dream of an ending ceases. He continues his struggle to belong in a world so far divorced from the only other experience he can remember, but as an outsider of truly alien mindset, will he ever be able to find a place in Equestria? More importantly, will the life he left behind give up on its death grip so easily? The most important thing to remember is that things are rarely as they seem and sometimes, some things are better off forgotten.

This story is a direct sequel to Memory Pending. Without having read that, this story might be a little strange to most, which is frightening considering how strange it is already. It can be read as a standalone story of course, but you won't get the most out of it.

Further, I’m fully aware that not everypony enjoys more mature themes, so any scenes containing things of an M rated nature shall only be released in a separate story when the time comes. This story deals with more mature themes on a whole, as a warning. This version will do its best to censor the really sensual or graphic content out, of course.

Last but not least, this story has reached this final format through combined efforts of not just myself, but many a helpful pony along the way! Here’s an abbreviated list of those involved and the rolls they played:
Kiroberos – Author (Obviously)
Julia – Editor (Corrections, Grammar, and Flow)
Azu – Beta Reader (Corrections, Flow) (Until Chapter 35)
ExplosiveBrohoof – Beta Reader (Grammar) (Until Chapter 22)
Muffinking – Beta Reader (Corrections, Grammar) (Until Chapter 22)
All of my readers for being amazing, supportive, and best of all, enjoying the world we read and write about.

Chapters (104)

As the newly coronated princess of Equestria, Twilight attempts to go back to the everyday life with her friends that she had grown used to.

...but being a alicorn princess living with her newly acquired royal retainers in the small town of Ponyville can lead to some... problems.

Chapters (26)

Recently spruced up! Will be updated weekly.

Hi. Name's Church. I hate ponies. They ruined the internet. But here I am! In the magical land of Whatever-it's-called! Stuck in Rainbow Dash's body, and being tortured with adorableness! MAKE IT STOP!

Sup ponies, I'm the one and only Rainbow Dash! And uhh... I don't even know where I am... and what the hay am I?! Mother of Celestia! I'm a colt!

Rated Teen for swearing and pony hating.

Chapters (29)

Many millennia ago, Pokemon used to roam the world of Equestria freely. Then, one day, they simply vanished... One day, a crazed stallion decided to mess with something that should have been left alone. With Pokemon suddenly appearing in Equestria once more, how will Equestria cope with change, especially when the Pokemon appear to be more than what the myths said?

(Formerly known as "Faraway World of Our Dreams".)

This idea came to mind when I saw all of the Human-turned Pokemon in Equestria fics, and I thought, “Hey, maybe I can make a unique spin on it!” So that’s how this came to be. Hopefully, aside from a random twist here and there, you’ll enjoy a (relatively) realistic take on HiE as Pokemon. Will update sporadically, whenever I get ideas and have time to write.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Pokemon, nor do I own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. They are owned by Nintendo and Hasbro respectively. I claim no credit, ownership, etc, and ask that you support the official shows.

Chapters (42)

An entity ends up in equestria with only partial memory's of his past, not to mention he is in an Alien body. Let the Oddness begin!
Alien Crossover
Not my best. 0_0

Chapters (3)

Note from the Author (3/28/2021)-
Really gotta hate how people don't listen to this segment. Really gotta love it.

Seriously people, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY Please do not comment on, thumbs up, fave this story, or add it to any bookshelves. Years later in all honesty I'm not happy with this story or how I ultimately wrote it. The only reason I don't delete it is because it got featured and because so many folks have it in their bookshelves already.

Hello. If you're reading this, you somehow found my message. Hopefully you are a fellow Brony, and will not simply assume this is the insane ramblings of a crazy person.
Oh, I suppose I should introduce myself, this story is about me, I guess. The name's Cain. Nice to meet ya.
Now, getting to the point of why I sent this out. Ya see, a few months ago, I had a rather unsettling experience. My mind was ripped from my body on Earth and transported to wherever it is our beloved Equestria lies. Normally, this would be nothing to worry about, as it seems to happen all the time, but frankly, this time was different. Instead of being sent to Equestria as a human, or nay, a pony, my mind was placed inside the body of an Equestrian.

Unfortunately for me, it happened to be Diamond Tiara.

Yeah...not what I was expecting either. Now, quick, before the message fades, get me some help!!

Looking for Co-Authors!
Helpers-Hoopy McGee,CloneBurner, RemareShadows,
shagohad12, Dusty the Royal Janitor

Inspired by Hoopy McGee's Why am I Pinkie Pie?!

Chapters (20)

Luna flew about the sky, guarding the night over Equestria, noticed something unfamiliar in the sky, something that looked Alien. She had used her power of the night to draw this object down from orbit for a second look. It was a Structure Composed of a Gold metal, hexagonal main body, with a thin, large bowl shape at the top. In the center of the bowl, a small radio antenna lie. There were also longer antennas on the sides, 3 of them to be exact. The other side had a Small, golden truss beam, with several radio instruments on it. On one of the sides, like a Large, golden disk with several alien markings on the front. Luna flew it back to the main Canterlot castle and informed her sister for a closer inspection.

Note: I do not own any videos or images in this story. I only wrote it.
The side of the spacecraft was labelled "Voyager"

Image borrowed without permission from Wikipedia:

Chapters (4)

I had a great life. No problems. Good friends. Good family. Good life. I even got to enjoy a bit of adventure on my vacations. Just about all of that went down the tubes when I got zapped into a land of cartoon ponies. I didn't even like cartoons. That's not too bad, but the worst part was that when I apparently got shape shifted I lost my sight. It took a while for me to figure it out, but on the whole, my good life was gone entirely.

Set in the universe created by Rust in his fic The Ballad of Echo the Diamond Dog. Used with permission.
Now set in its own universe.
First four chapters changed a little so they're no longer in the Chessverse. Nothing really significant though.
Additional tags and characters will be added as the story progresses.

Chapters (4)