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“Pure Chaos? Now there’s a joke if ever I heard one. No no no listen. I am the unexpected. I am disharmony. I am that one piece of spaghetti that refuses to stay on the fork. I am, and always will be, Discord. Oh, it's true that I may enjoy chaos... Oh, who am I kidding? I love the stuff. But I am not chaos itself. What you see before you, however... Now that is pure chaos"

If you think this is just your average HIE then think again. With only the thoughts of getting back home our lost human will have to get to grips with the world around her, just as the world struggles with getting to grips with her.

Chapters (10)

My name is Eric, Eric James Carlson if you want to be formal and this is my story of how I got sent to Equestria by the Eris, the greek God of Chaos because Discord presented her with a game but i find out that Equestria isn't the land of sunshine and puppy dogs that it is on the TV show. Now i have to figure out what I'm gonna do while I'm here and stuck in the middle of a three-sided war. Admittedly I took a few ideas from Rust and Blackwing's Chess Game of the Gods world in that outside of Equestria sucks, the gods who like to mess around with mortals and a few of the weapons used but it is a different universe. Picture isn't mine but it matches pretty well what is in my head. This is my first fanfic and I know my grammer probably isn't the best but I'm not a professional writer so be gentle. Will add characters as they appear.

Chapters (7)

When Spike's brother comes to Ponyville, he is seen with a rather careless atitude. It's up to Spike to reshape his long lost companion and prove to Twilight that he isn't as bad as he seems.

Chapters (2)

Scout, probably the most carefree and upbeat on BLU team, he's always cracking jokes and making fun of himself or others just for the laughs, sure some guys find him annoying, but he didn't care. He was glad he could make someone smile, he always smiles...
Because, sometimes, when he stop smiling, he starts screaming.


Thanks to my awesome Proofreader Editors,

The Stranger, that mysterious badass!Why U keep changing your name Identity


Sycro! That sexy emo guy!


Chapters (4)

(if you you haven't read 'Echo the daimond dog' and 'Griffin the griffin' read them first, this story is based on the theories they have of what goes on in Equestria and beyond it's borders; plus, they're both great reads)
They told me i could be anything......... well, I really didn't have a choice in this situation. Normally when a human goes to Equestria, they say human or become a pony, or a least that's what usually what happens in fanfics; that's not my case. of all things I could have become, I became a Demon from the pits of Tartarus.

Chapters (7)

I wasn't supposed to be where I was now. Or at least that's what the light in my dream said to me. I was supposed to be a "creator of worlds" it said. I was to create fate or something like that, and manage the lives of millions. But what can I do in a world that doesn't need saving? What can I build with the tool gun to change my fate? But more importantly, why was I chosen to wield such power over said gun?

(Thank you myhe01 for cover art!)

(Special thanks to my EPIC Editor ultra1437)

Chapters (13)

Jack was a normal teenage boy, other than the fact that he suffered from a deep depression. Well, maybe he was normal, everybody had depressing moments in their life, he was no exception. But something happens that forces him to believe he isn't normal. After wishing he could live in the world of Equestria, things take a turn for the worse.

He wakes up in Equestria and was extremely excited, only to find he was one of the most hated creatures - a changeling.

Will Jack be able to fit in as a regular pony? Or will he sink back into depression after torment from the ponies he once loved?

Will he end up fighting against the ones he once loved just to get his freedom?

Chapters (38)

He was an average man in nearly every sense of the term, but his entire life is flipped upside-down when a push for a paycheck turns into something unexpected...something much more. Marooned on an alien world with no known way home, how will he survive a potentially-hostile environment? Afraid, ignorant, and alone, he will be forced to adapt and survive, or seek out help.

Rated T for strong language, use of alcohol, violence, and suggestive situations.

A/N: Yes, there is romance in this story. No, I'm not referring to one-sided romances. Instead, most of the story is going to show the developing relationships between Jamie and those close to him, and you'll join him as he slowly and painstakingly overcomes a lifetime of human culture and morals.

Featured 09/18/2014! Holy horseapples, batmare!

Featured 06/13/2016! Thanks guys and gals!

Chapters (25)

An undead Emperor in need of a new body. A Spartan lost in space. A ragtag team on a suicide mission. What do they all have in common? They all wind up on the magical world of Equestria, where war has been forgotten. That, however, is soon about to change.
When each of them is about to be retrieved, ancient evils arise to unleash hell upon the unsuspecting world. When the forces of three galaxies clash around them, can our favorite ponies hold out against the onslaught?
This is a crossover involving Warhammer 40k, Halo, Mass Effect and MLP, and is also my first fanfic. Comments and reviews are welcome.
Rated T for language, violence, and general adult situations.
Now on Tv Tropes!

Chapters (20)

After Shining Armor and Princess Cadence's love send Chrysalis skyrocketing through the air, she is somehow transported to Earth. Bad thing is she has no idea what Earth or what humans are.
Edit: Made a Cover Photo. :)

Chapters (8)