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A new being appears in Equestria only one problem he wakes up in bed with Princess Luna, with no idea how he got there. How will everypony react to him? What will princess Celestia do to the first human to enter their world? Will he be banished when they find out his dark secret? Only time will tell.

This is my first fic so please be patient with me, also comments are appreciated.

Thank you

Chapters (13)

Now how do I start? I know, dinosaurs! I have a very intense fascination about them, even more so for a certain predator that seemed to beat the Tyrannosaurus and the Gigantosaurus in size and ferocity. The Spinosaurus. With a very odd sail and a snout like a crocodile, who wouldn't want to examine them? I did, and after treating a mother and her whiny son quite roughly, the equivalent of a holy punishment lands me in Equestria in the middle of an apple orchard belonging to everyone's favorite cowpony and as a Spinosaurus.

So how will they deal with something quite terrifying? And how will I deal with being a theropod that I know very little of?

I got this fairly ridiculous idea after this guy posted about the Helicoprion shark. Thank him, don't thank the German.

Chapters (7)

Sequel to the fanfic. Rain

Miles Wilhelm, once a human living on earth, has been brought to Equestria by Princess Celestia herself at the request of Rarity. He has followed the once pony-turned-human Rainbow (Rain) Dash, the love of his life, and has found a brave new world as an orange pegasus.

What's next?

Now, the young stallion has to adjust to his new life as a stallion. It'll be hard, and there will be pitfalls along the way, but he's up for it. If, for nothing else, only for Rain and for Scootaloo.

Original Artwork by InTheStardust

Chapters (3)

'What is it about humans that urges them seek out so many endeavors in order to feed their desires? Greed, power, family, friends, philosophy, knowledge; infinite goals and infinite reasons behind them. Whoever or whatever created these beings are either cunning; to create self motivating creatures that will constantly push the limits of what's possible, or downright cruel; never truly allowing them to feel true fulfillment or satisfaction. The point is humans were created with a void, a missing piece left intentionally empty never to be filled, an undying hunger.'

A bit grim right? The names Rodney, and in case you're wondering, this is the story of my life. A life of Magic, Gods, and regrettably, Ponies. Yeah, freakin-multi-techno-collored-goody-ponies.
But it's not all bad really, got way healthier with a more green diet. Though the lack of meat can be painful at times, that one landed me in less than desired situations. I get to screw with innocent ponies on a regular basis. Didn't kill myself or everyone else with me either. So not a bad deal really, even ended up retiring as teacher.

Teen for language and some adult themes.
This takes place before season 3.

HIATUS: Currently at a programmer's boot camp. Will be done late June 2015.

AN: If you can see past my cruddy writing skills there's plenty to tickle your funny bones, I hope. First attempt at writing a fic.

Chapters (49)

Alex is your average guy; average family, good job, and a bunch of great friends. After a night of crazy partying he wakes up in a field and a world of talking technicolor horses. None too please with this rapid change in his life he retreats to the Everfree to wait out what surely must have been a spiked drink.

Chapters (10)

The last thing you remember was being blown out a hole in the side of a crashing star cruiser, catching fire in the upper atmosphere and falling to your death upon an alien world below, yet there you are, whole and mostly unscathed and without a clue how you got there. But just because you survived the crash, it doesn't mean you're anywhere near out of the woods yet. With nothing but your power armor, rifle and wits to guide you, can you survive the depths of the swamps and forests of Everfree? And even if so, what about beyond?

[Second Person POV] [Sci-Fi]

Chapters (2)

When a college brony on a camping trip makes a wish on a shooting star, it turns out far differently than expected. Now this man turned dragon will find the there is much more to the world than the land of Equestria.

Chapters (41)

"Where are we?"
"I don't know... wait a minute! You're talking! So am I!"
The hooded pony quickly made way to a small pond that was in-front of them.
"S-S-Smoker! You might want to take a look at this..."

NOTE: If you are from the UK I'm sorry if the picture offends you in any way.

New unofficial theme for this fic right here.

Chapters (22)

* Voted Twice as the #1 Comedy FanFic on Equestria Daily *

Well, what can I say? This is the story of a man. Or maybe he was... a pony-man. Or maybe he was just a... Pony! But he was still...


... Yeah, this is that story. The story where a guy goes to a party and wakes up in Ponyville. That guy (I know him as 'me') seems to have landed in his own personal little heaven. Hell, I even brought me a pack of endless cigarettes. How does that not kick all kinds of flank?

So yeah, everything was awesome. The End.

Well, except for The Nightmare. And Trixie. And some jerk named David. Then there was that Azure Flora pony. And that skank princess that steals my goddamn phone!

Listen, summaries just... They just don't cut it. If you want the story, it's provided right here.

Just a warning. I use cusswords like a big boy.


Chapters (13)

"What happened?"
"What is going on?"
"Why are we Pokémon?"
"Why are we in Equestria?"

So long story short, a brony and pegasister are sent to Equestria as Pokémon and they don't know how it happened or why. Now they must travel through Equestria to either find their way home, or live out the rest of their lives in a new world in new bodies. And only one of these questions will be answered.

"Where is Fluttershy with the cuddles?"
"Don't look at me like that, I know you want one too."
Probably going to be that one.
Edited by: BronieMan305
Pre-read by: psychicscubadiver
Tank you Koru Konsui for helping me think of a name for this freakin' story.

Chapters (5)