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After realising that Scootaloo has never been to Cloudsdale, Rainbow takes the filly to the citadel of the pegasi, much to Scootaloo's excitement.

A short sketch for Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo; gentle friendshipping.

Update: It was translated into French! Have a link: Scootaloo à Cloudsdale
Update 2: And then it was translated into Russian! Wow! Скуталу в Клаудсдейле

Chapters (1)

Hearts and Hooves Day is fast approaching, and Canterlot's newest musical star is without a date. Reluctantly, Sweetie Belle agrees to let her manager set her up on a blind date--after all, what's the worst that could happen? But when she arrives to the designated restaurant on February the 14th, Sweetie is shocked to find herself sitting across from a familiar orange and purple pegasus!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is torn between fulfilling her dreams and acting on her feelings for Twilight Sparkle. Does Twilight not feel the same way, or is she simply oblivious to Rainbow's intentions?

Cover art by http://jewlecho.deviantart.com/ !

Chapters (1)

When a freak reading accident causes Twilight to be admitted to the Ponyville hospital, Rainbow Dash is right by her side. Compelled by a sense of duty and repayment, she takes it upon herself to cheer up her friend.

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkles learns a little too much about Fluttershy's personal life. Fluttershy can't stand the embarrassment and becomes frozen in fear. The only way to snap her out of it is for her friends to do some unmentionable things.

Chapters (12)

It had to happen eventually.
...actually, no. No, it really didn't.
Set immediately after the events of Boast Busters, Trixie finds herself in a quandary when she realises that she has left her purse behind in Ponyville. She faces a humiliating walk back into town to pick up her money.
Before she can turn back, however, she meets a magical, sentient pine cone... sigh. Okay. Here's a proposition.
If you can make it to the end of this story without going "what" even once, you win a free internet.

Chapters (1)

A slightly more realistic take on the "Human in Equestria" story concept.

... For a given value of "realistic."

Okay, it's barely realistic but it is a hell of a lot of fun...

Now with an image graciously provided by Page Turner, and an audiobook version narrated by multifanficaday and if you prefer it in German, FrankyDoodle has got you covered!

And a TVTropes Page!

Last Featured: 11/26/2019! Thank you so much!

Chapters (48)

Fluttershy is used to nursing critters of all sorts back to health. When she comes across a broken showmare, however, it will take all her patience and care to help the other pony. Especially when Trixie begrudges her help every step of the way. Can she get through to her? And can Trixie learn that she doesn't need to stand alone to stand strong?

Chapters (6)

COMPLETE! NOW WITH SEQUEL!Diamond Tiara has moved away to Manehattan leaving behind a lonely and friendless Silver Spoon. Depression slowly sets in, but one Cutie Mark Crusader extends the hoof of friendship. The sequel The Spoon That Refused Polish

Chapters (15)

Finally old enough to pursue her dream, Rainbow Dash parts with her friends and joins pre-season training with the Wonderbolts. Old enemies and new friends come together as she trains, but being a Wonderbolt is about more than just flying faster than the rest. Will Rainbow Dash prove capable of overcoming the obstacles arrayed before her, or will she drop out and become another failed hopeful? There's only one way to find out! Contains some language not appropriate for younger bronies.

Originally posted to EqD on Friday, December 2, 2011. Hiatus over, chapter 2 almost ready!

EDIT: All instances of "Ditzy" replaced with "Derpy." Her character is more-or-less unchanged from the original upload, though.

Chapters (3)