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Sweetie Belle gets a 'love at first sight' crush on a pegasus known as Show Tail, who seems far more interested in everything else but her. Dealing with one's first crush is hard, when you have to beg for his attention. But if you persevere, just maybe, you can win a heart. Oh the woes of young love. Hope you like this better! I know I do!

Chapters (10)

'John Smith' has settled in Ponyville with his wife and two daughters for many peaceful years. When the TARDIS gets a temporal distress call, Doctor Whooves and his family find themselves lost in time. Now Derpy must contend with not only monsters and maniacs, but the future and past versions of her husband!

Chapters (4)

A noble earth-pony family, fallen somewhat on hard times, is killed in a mining accident. They leave behind a single male heir, who is in sore need of a guardian, and of protection. Celestia takes the young pony under her wing and delivers him not to ponies - not earth, unicorn or pegasus - but to a dragon, an ambassador, an old friend of hers.

Playing a game which may just be deadly to the uninformed, the dragon decides that the one path open to him to ensure the safety of his charge and to carry out his sworn duty, is to adopt.

Chapters (23)

Being the captain of Equestria's most renowned aerobatics team is a stressful, and sometimes thankless, job. Her joints ache; her muscles are taut; her mind reels from the sheer responsibility. But, like any professional, Spitfire takes it all in stride with a grin.

That is, until a certain rainbow-maned mare started mouthing off. Being accused of 'Camera Hogging' was the final straw. Spitfire finally lost her temper, dumping every ounce of that responsibility on an unwitting rookie and leaving for a single day of respite.

This story details her day of (mostly) relaxation.

(A/N: Spitfire's Day Off is a side-story to Blitz, taking place parallel to "A Very Long Day" chapter arc.)
(I was unable to locate the source of the cover image to give proper credits. Needless to say, it's not mine.)

Edit 03/07/2012: Changed format from triple-asterisk to Horizontal Rule and Sub-Chapter number. Looks much better, in my own opinion.

Chapters (1)

Magic works in strange ways, and seems to manifest in every pony differently. It's always about how one uses their gifts that magic has given them that matters. Sweetie Belle has learned one thing for certain in the past few years, and that is some gifts can quickly turn into a curse.

Featured on Equestria Daily: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/11/story-like-me.html

Update 2/27/12: Fixed a flaw related to the "Sweetie only tried once", complaint. It now explains she attempted a few times.
Also minor grammatical errors.

Chapters (1)

A mysterious brown Earth pony with an hour glass Cutie Mark sneaks into Canterlot Castle, only to be caught by Princess Celestia herself. Curiously, Celestia is intrigued by the seemingly endless stream of nonsense this pony is wont to speak. Luna soon joins them, and the group heads into the very depths of the castle, where something has been lurking for far too long...

Author's Note: The story begins with Season 1 Luna, weakened and with very little magical power, as well as having 'flat' hair.

Doctor Whooves is also an Earth pony in this fanfic, as he has appeared as both a Pegasus and Earth pony in show.

Co-Authors: Bramble Rose, MudBug, Diomedes

Chapters (10)

Through the workings of an ancient scroll, the world of ponies is transported to another universe. Will this cold, heartless, and uncaring void be the end of ponies everywhere? For to carve out a place of their own in this new galaxy, what ancient secrets, forbidden practices, and forgotten artifacts must see the light of day and night?

Chapters (5)

Spike has finally saved up his allowance, and on a beautiful winter's day he buys his first material possession, a sled!

When a technical difficulty causes him to doubt his purchase Twilight quietly uses her magic to solve the problem. But what awaits the dragon whelp as her magic turns an average sled into the Super Amazing Rocket Sled of Awesome?

Chapters (1)

(2nd-Person School-colt "you") Ever since meeting Sweetie Belle, you've been trying to avoid the filly because of the weird feelings she stirs up inside you. However, when a crusade leaves you two rather messy, will you be able to keep these feelings secret while you're forced to do the unthinkable and take a bath with her?

*With thanks to Eights and The Gentleman Creeper for editing*

Chapters (4)

Stoic. Calm. Unflappable. And above all, Professional. These are attributes that the pianist Frederic Horseshoepin likes to pride himself on.

But sometimes it's difficult to stay professional. Frederic finds it difficult to maintain a veneer of stoicism when he has to deal with his own feelings. What can he do when he's in love with a mare that he cannot hope to have?

Chapters (6)