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Take no more than one pill every six hours.

Rainbow Dash accidentally gives Twilight a severe overdose of painkillers. Now, she and another visitor to the library must deal with the consequences of forgetting to read the label.

Rated Teen for drug references and strong pony language (Rainbow Dash uses the "b" word).

Accepted into Twilight's Library on 3/27/14.

Partial readthrough by Emporerson

Click here to see the five references mentioned in the A/N.

Chapters (1)

(READ ALL OF THIS) You have been given the Human's Guide to Life if Equestria. By some odd series of events you have come to this wonderful land of talking ponies. But a lot of you can't just jump into it without a little knowledge of your new home. Also you haven't been given this book, more like you have been forced to read every last word by Princess Celestia herself. But this is not a normal guide, no. This is a story, a story about you! In this we will cover, love and mating, your new self, settlement and careers, and many more things. So don't panic, because OMG THIS IS NOT HAPPENING.

(Please I hold nothing against humanity, or HiE stories, I love each and every one of them. In fact I'm giving them each a big shoutout for inspiring me. This is my second fanfic, and I just did it for the pure enjoyment of writing. It is roughly based off the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. I will update occasionally and I will finish it.)

(Rated Teen for: Some sexual references, crude humor, and mild goofiness, and a teeny tiny bit of swearing. And fourth wall breaking. )

And this also a Guide, not a Manual.

Chapters (13)

During Luna's banishment to the moon, there have been a great many advances in medical practices and technology, one of which being the field of dentistry. Being the devoted and loving sister that she is, Celestia has taken it upon herself to make her sister an appointment with one of the most skilled dentists around, Doctor Colgate! How will Luna's first cleaning go? Will she have any cavities? Gingivitis? Or, Celestia grant us strength, will she need braces? Will Honor Bound and Razor Edge be able to keep their princesses in check? Will Equestria ever be the same again?

I came up with this idea after visiting the dentist after 2 years of not going due to lack of insurance and found out that I had the startings of gingivitis and got to wondering what it would be like if Luna went after her time on the moon.

Many thanks to evenfall369 and kosherpickle for their help in editing this story and helping me to fix all my derps

MLP:FiM is property of Hasbro, The HUB and Lauren Faust. Honor Bound and Razor Edge are OCs of my design, and the fic artwork was made by DeJiKo07 on DeviantArt


Chapters (1)

During the Mane 6’s battle against the changelings Rarity witnesses a moment between two of her friends that implies that they are more than just friends, and after the royal Canterlot wedding draws to a close, decides to inform the other members of the Mane 6. Disagreements arise as the four pony’s debate on both the reason for this moment between two of their friends and whether it actually occurred at all and so they begin to discuss their own interpretations of the event Rarity believes she saw.

In this fanfic there are hints of TwiPie, mentions of SpArity, and both hints and mentions of FlutterDash.

I do not - nor do I claim to - own any characters or artwork I use in this story - they belong to their respective series and owners.

If you enjoyed Open to Interpretation then I suggest you also read its companion story, Snuggles and Nibbles by NintendoGal55.

Chapters (1)

What started as a normal friendly visit ends up taking two ponies on a trip down memory lane that leads them both to realize their friendship began even before Rainbow Dash's first sonic rainboom.

Chapters (1)

Frosty Mug runs the premiere (and only) watering hole in Ponyville. He's been behind the pine for years, and listened to many a sob story, and joyous announcement. Enjoy his recollections of a rather strange week in which he served a different Element of Harmony every day, and a pony he would have never thought he'd have the honor of getting drunk. These are the memoirs of a Ponyville booze vendor.

Now with bonus drinks! Consider it 'Happy Hour'!

Warning: Shipping is mentioned.

Chapters (10)

The Great and Humble Trixie Lulamoon's reputation could not possibly be any worse, but that is about to change.

Following the disaster with the Alicorn Amulet, Trixie turns herself in to the authorities to account for her crimes. In penance, she is tasked by Princess Luna with the defense of Hollow Shades against a shadowy and unknown foe.

Trixie will have to draw upon every trick and every scheme she knows just to survive. And when faced with a fate worse than Death, she will have to prove there is more to her than flash and spectacle, and learn just how far her magic can go.

And learn how to Rise.

A Side-Story of The Code's Apprentice and The Code of Harmony
Many, many, Many thanks to Hooves McCoy
and The Cacophonous Muse for their aid in editing this story.

Chapters (4)

The Doctor goes beyond Equestria in this third installment of the Doctor Whooves Series.

When a chance encounter with the Doctor in the middle of Ponyville causes Zecora to run away in blind terror, he is understandably perplexed, as the two had never met before. Shortly after, the cryptic zebra turns up suffering from a mysterious ailment that is somehow related to her homeland of Zebrica, and the Doctor, Twilight, and (much to their surprise) Fluttershy must travel to the distant savannah in the TARDIS to discover the cause of her distress. But what begins as a search for a cure will lead to a darker place than one might believe possible, as a mystery spanning the whole of time and space deepens and hungry gods from far-off memories demand the Time Lord’s blood.


"Along Came a Spider" is the third Doctor Whooves Episode and the fourth of the expanded "Number 12" continuity begun by the inspirational Squeak-anon.

It is strongly recommended to read the following fics here on FIMFiction before proceeding with "Along Came a Spider."

1 - Number 12 by Squeak-anon
2 - Traveler by Squeak-anon
3 - The Pinkie Conundrum
4 - Game of Stones

Comments and critiques are very much desired and let this crazed writer know that the herd does indeed care.

Elements of Number 12 & Traveler: Squeak-anon
Doctor Whooves Intro posted on YouTube by: Cshep99
Cover art provided by FoxInShadow from
Proofreader, Editor and Number One Assistant: 2dextreem

*Rated T for scary moments and some Doctor Who level violence.*

Chapters (11)

This story, and the Kirin Chronicles as a whole, are being rewritten and published as a new story due to the size of the adjustments.

Part I of the Kirin Chronicles
It's Twilight Sparkle's coronation day. She's ready to go, all dolled up by Rarity, and the three Princesses await her okay on the spell. She nods. Their horns light, and a deep warmth spreads through her. She closes her eyes.

"Nn- Twilight!"

Her eyes open. Spike, running towards her. His claw brushes the magical aura surrounding her. A roll of thunder echoes, and he is thrown against the wall. The magic surrounding her rises in turmoil, battering and burning, and it's all she can do to stay awake. It ends with a snap, dropping her to the plush ground in a heap. The Princesses are crying, Spike is unconscious, and Twilight... Twilight is no longer a petty Unicorn.

But she's not much of an Alicorn either.


Initially featured from February 8th, 2013 - February 11th, 2013.
Part II of the Kirin Chronicles
Part III of the Kirin Chronicles

** This story was written when I was 15, and the quality and content reflect that. Please be aware that my position on topics contained within may have changed in the time between publishing and now, and I apologize for any offensive material that I may have condoned in my younger years. **

Chapters (11)

Is Equestria real? Or merely a far-off fairytale?

A simple brony goes on a quest to find the unimaginable; the world of Equestria. The chances to find it prove impossible; will he have the strength to overcome? How much faith will he have to supersede his bounds and obtain what is unobtainable?

Edited by:
Majesticyoshi and Revere91

Audio Book by Ender Brony

Chapters (7)