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Twilight's slight miscalculation with the Elements of Harmony land her and Rarity in a telepathic funk. But when Princess Celestia goes missing, it looks like having a window into each other's minds is going to be the least of their problems. The Mane Six will find themselves everywhere from Equestria's capital, to the home of the sea ponies, to a battle on the ocean for the fate of the world - all in this long adventure with more innuendo than you can shake your plot at. (Comments are appreciated! Finally done!)

Chapters (18)

The sun has stopped moving causing the surface of Equestria to become boiling hot. Twilight and friends must set out in search of answers in a hostile environment, with the never ending wrath of the sun beating down on them. Their travels will take them across Equestria and bring them face to face with their worst fears.

Chapters (28)

This story is a sequel to The Broken Mare

While ensuring that the Nightmare has once again been banished to the Moon, Luna is attacked while teleporting back.

A stallion has escaped from the lunar prison. Who is this pony? Is he controlled by the Nightmare? What is he after?

Is Twilight's daughter in danger?

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle wakes up on the edge of the Everfree Forest, with no memory of how she got there, or why she is now several months pregnant. The last thing she remembers is getting home to Ponyville after attending her brother's wedding. What happened? Why is she with foal? And why has Fluttershy's cottage been abandoned for some time?
This is my first MLP fic, and the first story I have posted online in many years. Its been bouncing around my head for several months now, and I've been wanting to write for much longer. I would like some feedback on my writing style, and if you have any ideas for where to take this tale, please share them with me.

Sequal: The Rogue Stallion

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Avocation

Life in Ponyville has been relatively quiet recently, which is somewhat surprising, given that the town's librarian tried to usurp the Equestrian throne only a few months ago. Aside from the appearance of a grumpy pegasus who set up shop as a cloudsmith, the aftermath is so unnoticeable that most ponies aren't even aware that the incident happened at all. Unfortunately, all that's about to change, thanks to the return of a certain revenge-obsessed showmare....

This is the fourth story in The Petriculture Cycle; reading the first three stories, which begin here, is highly recommended.

The artwork was provided by Page Turner, and the TV Tropes entry can be found here.

Chapters (3)

There is a dragon problem, and the Mane 6 are there to stop it. However, something goes wrong and they wake up in the blocky world of Minecraft. They find Spike and use him to contact Princess Celestia to get out. But will they survive until Celestia can help? Or will they just die and respawn several times?

Chapters (16)

As an unstoppable hurricane bears down on Manehatten, Rainbow Dash has to face the unpleasant truth that not all of life's obstacles can be overcome. Sometimes you just have to do your best to get by. And when Dash gets the opportunity to become a Wonderbolt for a day, doing her best takes on a whole new, unexpected, meaning.



Editing provided by: Spabble
If you like this, try: Words Failed Her

Chapters (8)

Ponyville is obsessed with a new comic book about local superheroes The Mysterious Mare Do Well and Rainbow Flash.

Mare Do Well's secret identity as a mild-mannered unicorn librarian is unsettling enough, but the comic writer seems to know much more than they should about Ponyville's secrets, and possibly even its future.

If the comics are right, Ponyville is going to need real heroes. Heroes like Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle.

Chapters (4)

Taking place a month after the conclusion of "Rainbooms and Royalty," Rainbow Dash is settling into her new life in Ponyville. On the whole, it's great! But as some minor tensions crop up at her job and her new life, an old friend comes into town to turn everything upside down. What's a pony to do?

Chapters (14)

This is an idea that wouldn't leave my head, inspired by Fairy Slayer's "Mommy Nearest," Aldea Donder's "Alicorn," SoundofRainfall's "Play" and RainbowDoubleDash's "Lunaverse"

Alternate Universe: Instead of Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia made Rainbow Dash her personal student instead! Follow her through the events of the 1,000th Summer Sun Celebration. A reimagining of "Friendship is Magic"

Chapters (35)