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Twilight and her friends are approached by Princess Luna who presents them with a set of questions that trigger a long and perilous journey.

Did you ever stop to wonder what became of Trixie, Gilda and Blueblood after your encounters? What did these episodes truly mean to you? What role will they yet play in the lives of the Elements of Harmony?

Last, are these questions as relevant as the journey towards the answers? Who will benefit from seeking these answers - you, them, or I?

Chapters (25)

"Equestria's Guard: the Bravest and the Best. Do you have what it takes?"

So the advertisements say. When Rainbow Dash saves the life of Princess Luna, however, she quickly comes to learn that there's a lot more to the guard than what everypony knows. As she faces down threats to her friends, her Princesses, and her country, Rainbow will have to decide exactly who she is loyal to.

A Price of Loyalty story.

Chapters (19)

Note- The story isn't that dark.

This story was written with my friend, Godzillawolf. After stumbling upon a homeless Trixie, Twilight tries to help her get a new job in Ponyville. However, an unexpected visitor to the town wants to leave Trixie homeless and feeding off scraps. Checker Monarch is set on ruining everything Trixie does, for reasons not yet explained. Trixie must discover new friends and must face this old danger through new eyes.

Chapters (16)

As Twilight Sparkle prepares for her coronation, she can't help but worry about what the future holds. Normally, this would be the time for a good book, perhaps a biography, to shed some light on how she should react to this sudden change in her life, but it seems no pony has have ever been where she is now.

With Celestia busy with coronation preparations, Twilight has no idea where to turn for advice, but this time, advice seems to have found her.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Code's Apprentice

Sequel To : The Code's Apprentice

The land of Equestria has been changed forever.

New monarchs sit upon the thrones of the Sun and Moon, the once almighty power of Harmony overturned to make way for a new Diarchy of Balance. Political unrest and turmoil have engulfed the land, and at the very center of it all, Princess Celestia - renamed Tia Sunbeam - seeks atonement for the crimes she committed in the name of Eternal Harmony.

With much of her power sealed away, Tia must live amidst the citizens of Ponyville as the world changes all around them. As Ponyville works to rebuild following the struggle between student and teacher, they must cope with the edicts of a new government determined to bring equality to all creatures, beliefs, and ways of life - even those that were long since banished to the dark places of the world.

Tia Sunbeam will struggle with her own deeply held convictions on the way the world should be, versus the way it will now become. She will face a truth she has long since denied, and realize the true meaning of Harmony. And perhaps, most importantly of all... She must make some Friends.

Cover art by SinSays at - Go spend some money with her! :D
Oh, and go check out my new side story - Rise - It's going to become relevant here!
(character tags are not comprehensive! Some are being kept secret! ;3)

Chapters (34)

This story is a sequel to A Tale of the Sun, Moon, and Stars

Twilight Sparkle is embarking on a new path in her life, and Luna is there to guide her to the right one. At long last, it is time for the Stars to come home.

Twilight Sparkle's story, and sequel to A Tale of the Sun, Moon, and Stars.

Cover art by AeronJVL.

Chapters (2)

Three divine sisters, The Sun, Moon, and Stars, have reigned over the heavens and earth since time immemorial. This is a tale of their greatest hardships and triumphs as challenges unforeseen seek to ruin the world they have created for their beloved ponies.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Cover art provided by the talented NoOneBahtim.

Chapters (1)

When a freak and powerful storm rolls in from the Everfree, strange events are set in motion. Reports of bizarre creatures, odd ponies and wild magic abound.

The Bearers of the Elements of Harmony must face down their enemies, fight for their world and face their fears. Some of the bearers must face even more than that, and face them alone. Read now as ancient secrets are unveiled, powers thought lost are unearthed and powerful despots seek to rule with an iron hoof.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to A Tale of the Sun, Moon, and Stars

It has been almost a century since Twilight and her friends had discovered their destiny, and Celestia has been wracked with constant regret over the fate she has condemned her friends to. Now Luna looks to those very ponies to help Celestia smile again.

Celestia's story, and a sequel to A Tale of the Sun, Moon, and Stars.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Cover art by the amazing Aniritak

Chapters (1)

For a thousand years, the Code of Harmony has ruled Equestria, and the Code of Dissonance has sabotaged its works at every turn. Now the war for control over the land will come to a head, and one unicorn's decision may decide the fate of all.

For though she does not know it, Twilight Sparkle is the shining example of the Code of Harmony. Her teacher, Princess Celestia is Harmony's most powerful master and she knows her enemies are hatching a plan that threatens to cast down the Harmony of her throne and all she has sacrificed to create.

What she does not know is her foe seeks a new Apprentice to turn to his dark ways. A unicorn with seemingly limitless potential for magic, whose thirst for knowledge may yet lead her down a dark path, who is known to be such a faithful student of magic, eagerly seeking the truth no matter how forbidden it might be...

Sequel: Code of Harmony

Chapters (33)