Tracking/Read 746 stories
  • Tracking/Read 746 stories - 6 unread chapters Stories I read and/or want to keep track of.
    Created by Marker
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 23,291,042
Estimated Reading: 9 weeks



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Applejack and Twilight Sparkle are on a mission in the deep sky, far from the comforting ground of Equestria, when disaster strikes. Together the two ponies fall into something from which there is no escape.

On an unrelated note, this story features a black hole.

Written for The Writeoff Association's "Great Expectations" contest. Preread by bookplayer.

This story has been featured on Seattle's Angels.

Now featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle has a new experimental treatment to try out on Screwy's psychosis. A successful result could lead to a cure for dozens of similarly-afflicted ponies.

Screwy, however, has other plans. Can Twilight's magic fix her against her will?

Written for The Writeoff Association's "Illusion of Choice" contest.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Knight and the Knave

With Princess Luna free of the Tantabus, Princess Celestia is ready to reveal an ancient secret to her sister and Twilight Sparkle: she is missing a large swath of her memories. Celestia has been unable to restore them by herself, so she will need the help of her friends to recover the missing details of her past.

Unfortunately, some buried things were not meant to be unearthed.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Smoothing the Knots

Princesses Celestia and Luna take tea under less than ideal circumstances: house arrest for psychiatric care following Luna's revelation about the her use of the Tantabus to torture herself.

Ever the thoughtful sister, Celestia tries to help Luna open up about her addiction to guilt and suffering in order to understand why Luna isn't happy now that the pain has finally left her. But Luna has a very different topic she wishes to discuss.

Chapters (1)

In a parallel universe, there exists an Equestria where the Princess of the Sun is not a pony, but one of the most advanced war machines ever created.

Featured on the front page! Thanks, everyone!

Check out an audio reading of this story by No One and Nobody here!

Chapters (1)

Charlie is dead. He is still dealing with this fact, but he's on the road to recovery. Of course, being in a land of talking ponies doesn't really help a man accept his own death, or in this case, undeath. Being a ghost is not easy, it's quite a bit of boring nothingness. At least, that was true, until one pony was suddenly able to see him.

Now he's got a new friend, but the whole ghost thing is still a pain.

Featured 5/6/17!
Featured 1/3/19!

Chapters (6)

Rarity is dying from a rare medical condition. Twilight's other friends are getting older. Princesses Celestia and Luna will no longer speak to her. Yet, the Princess of Friendship refuses to make new friends.

Twilight Sparkle has an unconventional solution for dealing with loss. Come take a walk backwards through time, and see the truth through Twilight's eyes.

This story was rated Most Controversial in the finalist round of The Writeoff Association's "Out of Time" contest.

Chapters (5)

During the first war with Tirek, Princess Celestia sends her sister Princess Luna a very short letter. Although the letter could easily fit onto a single page, Celestia uses two.

Sometimes the medium speaks louder than the message.

Written for The Writeoff Association's "Princess Not Included*" contest.

Chapters (1)

Baking cakes is part of being Ponyville's Premiere Party Planner. It's a particularly important job when the cake is for frowny ponies, or the sort of folks who don't normally eat cake.

But it's something that Twilight Sparkle doesn't seem to understand. At least, if she understood, she probably wouldn't barge into Sugarcube Corner early in the morning, screaming about Changelings invading Equestria and covert smuggling rings and blah blah blah.

It wouldn't kill Twilight to show some decorum. She clearly needs to get her priorities in order.

EDIT: This is now the most likely candidate for the image source. Thanks to m2pt5 for the tip!

Chapters (1)