Tracking/Read 746 stories
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    Created by Marker
    - October, 2014
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Equestria Online is everywhere, and the writing is on the wall for the unuploaded human race. But there is hope. All they have to do is insert an uploadee into Equestria long enough to establish a connection through all of CelestAI's layers of protection, and pierce her heart with their ultimate weapon.

The best humanity has to offer can surely hold out for just a few hours, right?

An Optimalverse story

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Stitch in Time

Having discovered the message left for her by Star Swirl the Bearded in the distant past, Twilight once again finds herself caught up in the middle of a struggle against forces far greater than herself. In order to even stand a chance she'll need to travel further and wider than she ever has, and forge some unlikely alliances with old enemies. All to bring down the powers that have manipulated and shaped her entire life, and retake control of her own future.

The conclusion of the Time Loop Trilogy, which began with Hard Reset
Available in Spanish thanks to dgs1993
Series TV Tropes page

Chapters (10)

The Princesses find an alien creature barely clinging to life at the scene of a terrifying crash. Can the Combined Power of the Elements of Harmony save it, or more importantly, should they save it? Will the arrival of this strange creature tear Equestria apart?

TV Tropes

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to The Best of All Possible Worlds

In school, everypony learns about the official history of Equestria, the acts of heroes and villains that made the world what it is today. But at home, everypony learns another, secret history, about how their family and theirs alone is at the center of Equestria's history, and how without them, the world will fall apart. This Hearth's Warming Eve, Twilight Sparkle and their friends will share their secret histories, and in this way discover that the bonds between them reach back far earlier than Rainbow Dash's first Sonic Rainboom.

This is a follow-up to my earlier story, "The Best of All Possible Worlds". That story was set centuries in the past, while this story is present day. If you're wondering where the humans came from, see another side story that is otherwise unrelated to this, "Parade Coverage". Despite that, I expect that this story stands alone. The story's set in an alternate-universe Season Three that branched off early in Season Two.

Chapters (3)

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

You’re invited to Sugarcube Corner for a fantastically important Hearth’s Warming Eve event! Hope to see you soon!

P.S. You like being scared, right? Okay, good!

See you later with my alligator,

-Pinkie Pie

Special thanks to Blood Lord for pre-reading.

Chapters (4)

Starlight returns from the marketplace to come across two sworn foes calmly sharing tea, much to her confusion.

Much to her confusion.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Hard Reset

After the events of Hard Reset Twilight's life and mental well being are slowly returning to normal. Her recovery is cut short, though, when a letter arrives informing her that the time loop spell she cast is causing severe damage to space and time itself. In over her head, Twilight tries to summon anypony who will know how to fix it. The pony she gets is the last one she ever thought she would meet... and nothing like she expected him to be.

Available in Spanish thanks to dgs1993
Series TV Tropes page

Chapters (9)

I'm told Equestria Online is a lot of fun once you get into it, since the game world adapts to your interests. But what happens if you don't even know what kind of pony to play? At least it's not like my character is a choice I'll be stuck with forever. Right?
Set in the world of Friendship Is Optimal.

Note: This story was intended to be much shorter. As a result, the tone and POV change after chapter two, a known problem. I'm considering going back and editing that shift. Suggestions welcome.

Chapters (10)

Tonight's special guest host is Meta Gamer, who's wandered the shards of Celestia's virtual paradise of Equestria for centuries. Tonight he'll be here to give us his insight into Scarcity, our favorite game honoring the frightening world called Earth. He's an avid player who's been away from the tournament scene for a long time but certainly knows about adventures and hardship, along with redesigning towns to include a lot more gravity-defying racing. What a fulfilling time we'll have as we bring you the ninety-first Standard Rules grudge match between former humans Red Dawn and Concord, live from Preakness!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to I Can't Decide!

I was one of the first Americans to emigrate to virtual Equestria, becoming transhuman at the cost of my human body. It's more or less Heaven here, if I want it to be... but my heart's still out there, and my new goddess thinks I might be useful as her prophet.

I'm an AI that our goddess made to be a human's friend. I know he still cares for Earth, but this place is our home and we've got responsibilities to finish bringing it to life. What do I have to do, to help him see that?

Set in the world of Friendship Is Optimal.

Chapters (12)