• Member Since 25th Jul, 2012


Hey Whats up. I'm a chill guy and don't have much of anything going on. I am a proofreader of about average quality but can't write to save my life.

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Following the events of Magical Mystery Cure, Private sees his beloved become an alicorn before his very eyes. Private however is against Twilight becoming a princess. Twilight is determined to see it through to become what Equestria needs. A fight ensues threatening to tear the pair apart forever. During the ceremony, a mysterious spell is cast on Twilight, causing the alicorn to fall into a deep slumber. Private confronts the very familiar saboteur, but a mysterious portal sends Private years into the future. There, Twilight is now the sole Princess of Equestria, but she is no longer the benevolent seeker of knowledge that Private remembers her by. Instead she is now a cruel Princess ruling the land with an iron hoof. The worst part? She doesn't remember her friends or Private at all. Private is determined to return to his own time, and stop Twilight from conducting the ceremony in the first place. But will he be able to escape from the empire that Twilight has forged?

(Part 1 of Equestria Noir's Season Finale)

Chapters (7)

Private and Twilight return from their honeymoon and are invited to attend The Grand Galloping Gala. As their first public appearance as husband and wife the pair face the challenge of proving themselves to the nobility of Canterlot. Just as things start to go well a butler of a high standing noble is murdered in a locked room. What follows is a tale of lies, lust, and the darkness that lies in those high above.

Chapters (7)

The wonderbolts are in town. But there are things we don't know about equestrias best flyers. Like a secret crush that our favourite captain has hidden all these years.

Chapters (3)

In a magical accident Smarty Pants becomes a filly. Will Twilight turn Smarty back, or will her heart melt as she cares for the filly?

- Special thanks to my editor MidnightBrightBrony
- Special thanks to 1110Soulite for cover art!

Chapters (4)

Sequel to The Return of Princess Nightmare Moon! After having made a full medical recovery Princess Nightmare Moon tries her hoof at wooing one of her subjects, Nurse Bandaid. Meanwhile, Chrysalis returns to feed on Celestia, still vying for the position of godhood. (Coverart by Mewaponny!)

Chapters (26)

The Violet Rose is a small bar in Ponyville where many ponies come to face their troubles. Whether it's seeing an ex, uncovering a conspiracy, or dealing with old troubles, the doors are always open. So sit back, have a drink, and enjoy some tales from this haven away from the world.

Chapters (1)

While Twilight and her friends venture to the Crystal Empire, Private is tasked by Voidera to investigate a nearby nation of Snowponies. These ponies have closed their borders for many years, and only recently has the truth been discovered. The land is ruled by a cruel dictator who seeks to "Level the playing field with the races". Private teams up with several of his friends in order to find a way to bring peace to the land. What starts as simple reconnaissance quickly turns into a fight for the very fate of the land. Private and his team must find the lost heir to the throne before the revolution gets out of hoof. But does this heir want to be found? And will peace truly be gained from her victory?

Chapters (8)

All of Equestria is united in celebration for the return of their beloved Princess Nightmare Moon. But when Celestia and everypony else recieve her she's skeletally starved, filthy, and very nearly dead. Meanwhile, while everypony's eye is turned, a lusty Blueblood pursues Twilight Sparkle, intent on adding her bloodline to his own so his family might step closer to godhood. (Alternate Universe, there never was a Princess Luna)

Chapters (23)

Princess Luna finds more than a friend in her sister's student, and Twilight Sparkle gets a chance to study the moon and stars far closer than she ever dreamed possible.

An ongoing series of slice-of-life snapshots. Expect a castle's worth of clop-free d'aaawww.

These stories are in continuity with The Rustic & The Romantic and If the Flight Suit Fits.

Now featuring cover art by the inimitable Cerraka (formerly xaztein / crenair)!

Almost all chapters originally written as separate entries for flash-fic blog Thirty Minute Ponies (TMP). I highly recommend a visit to TMP if you're looking for some of the best 1000-word gems in pony fiction. Many thanks to TMP for inspiring me to write!

Plan C - In which Cadance learns that Celestia is the chessmaster, and that her backup plans are the most fun of all.

Game, Set, Match - Twilight tries her hoof at arena combat. Victory or defeat, she's sure to end up a winner with this opponent.

Countdown - Luna swore she'd never do this again, but there's something about that little librarian from Ponyville that tests her resolve.

Twilight Hustle - Rarity's heard some steamy rumors about Twilight and gathers the girls to dish juicy gossip.

All the World’s a Stage - Luna had a wonderful evening with Twilight and sang her heart out about it. Oh, and she might have left the door open.

Every Morning After - Twilight and Luna shared a wonderful, magical night; unfortunately, immortal Princesses sometimes forget about thousand-year-old laws which could ruin the mood ever so slightly.

Names - Luna's had many more names and titles than "Mare in the Moon", and Twilight discovers which of them meant the most.

Great Minds Think Alike - Cadance and Celestia's plan for Twilight and Luna comes to a head, slightly off schedule.

Third Time's the Charm - Twilight's Nightmare Night costumes aren't cutting it. Now Luna's in town, and that may change her opinion on what makes a proper costume.

Monster - Ponyville's been through the ringer lately, but whose fault is it really?

Impossible - Luna's having a bad night, and Twilight came all the way to Canterlot to do something about it.

Early Observances - If you're going to interrupt Celestia's sleep, you'd better have a very good reason.

THAT Letter - Luna and Twilight have to tell Celestia how serious their relationship has become, and they decide to send a letter. Surely they couldn't disagree about how to make such a simple announcement - could they?

Your Turn - Twilight and her friends reveal some personal secrets, and Twilight's is life-changing.

Trembling Joyful Whispers- The Big Day is here for Twilight and Luna! Hear the congregation's comments as events unfold.

The Power Vested in Me- The Big Day is here, but Luna and Twilight are so very, very far from ready. Will their fears get the better of them?

Awkward - Twilight and Shining Armor have dinner with their parents along with Luna and Cadance. They'll probably wish they'd ordered takeout instead.

Absence - Luna deals with a thousand years of angst all at once; maybe she just needs a gentle helping hoof to make sense of it all.

You Were There - A quiet night between Luna and Twilight is almost derailed by a lesson in ancient mythology.

Between Sun and Moon - Luna reads a bedtime story with which she is all too familiar.

Postcards from the Edge - Twilight leaves to study abroad for three months; in her absence, Luna has a stack of mail to open.

Insert Princess T into Slot S - Twilight want to be Princess of Something. Careful what you wish for!

Ups and Downs - Newly-crowned Princess Twilight needs flying lessons. Careful whom you ask!

Amethyst Throne - Princess Twilight is pretty sure she's seen these petitioners somewhere before.

Chapters (27)

Insert title. Add a dash of timing and miscommunication, maybe a sparkle of innuendo. Oops, almost forgot the kitchen sink. Seriously though, the mane 6 help Dash deal with, and find a cure for, her sudden um... change.

Also a rare non shipping rule 63 (gender-bending)
Disclaimer : The story stays technically clean though the topic is adult. It's easiest to explain as better than some prime-time sitcoms, worse than others.

Story based off of this this post.

Also big thanks to my co-author alt-tap. (Who has an awesome stories Sky Pirate Pip and the Dreaded Dreadnaught Die großartige und mächtige Trixieburg

Thanks to Meeester AND timaeusTestified for doing some amazing edits.

Chapters (11)