Favourites 1018 stories
  • Favourites 1018 stories - 484 unread chapters
    Created by pirita
    - October, 2014
Found 887 stories in 79ms

Total Words: 21,178,348
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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Unfortunately I do not have any prereaders or editors for this one, so I am sorry for any mistakes you may find. I'm trying hard to detect them all by myself.

Do not draw conclusions just yet. I dont want people to think this will just end in another "cupcakes" because it will not.

Pinkie starts having nightmares and she cant get rid of them. She is dreaming about herself, or better put some kind of herself, torturing her friends. Not being able to stop these nightmares she slowly descends into madness.

Luckily, she has her friends who are always there for her. But are her friends save from her?

Inspiration to write this fic came from the song "Something Broke" by "Tarby Rocks"

Thanks to VegaKS03 for helping me out with prereading and stuff <3

Oh and Im sorry for the formating on chapter 3,4. I tried to fix it but fimfiction refuses to cooperate.

Chapters (6)

Fluttershy learns of her ability to wield the Thu'um because of a 'little secret', unbeknownst to even her. And subsequently, she goes on an epic quest in order to learn more, including facing a dragon.

Chapters (8)

It's sunset, and Applejack is enjoying the evening air at Sweet Apple Acres. Then, she spots a bay colt sneaking suspiciously around her trees, and investigates - and is plunged head first into the dangerous world of the Doctor.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo has dreaded this day -- the day she would have to give her Family Appreciation Day presentation.

Partially inspired by AmberWings's Final Dreams of a Filly/I couldn't wake you, because you can never wake up again... Though I don't think this is on par in terms of sadness. I don't know. You tell me.

Chapters (1)

Twilight becomes deathly ill and spike will do whatever it takes to cure her. My second ever fanfic and just a little something i threw together, enjoy.

Chapters (2)

Tired of being alone, Twilight Sparkle makes a risky deal with Discord to get the stallion of her dreams. He turns out to be everything she ever wanted, but soon she begins to see that every deal has its catch...

Chapters (15)

(-Very light dark-)Sweetie belle and the other Cutie mark crusaders are attempting to get their cutie marks again - what will happen?

Chapters (1)

A lost and lonely soul struggles through the fears of the past without much hope for a bright future, until a kind heart shows her what a life full of love is like once again.

Thanks to my good friend http://fairiegirl101.deviantart.com/ for the amazing cover art!

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie invites herself to spend time with Twilight, who seems lost in contemplation. At Pinkie's insistence, she confesses her thoughts on the meaninglessness of life. After some consideration, Pinkie presents her own perspective on the matter.

Chapters (1)

During Hearth's Warming Eve, Twilight is shocked to discover that all of her friends believe in Santa Hooves, and sets out to prove that he doesn't exist. (Contains two versions. The poetic version and the reworked original story I wrote first.)

Chapters (2)