Favourites 1018 stories
  • Favourites 1018 stories - 484 unread chapters
    Created by pirita
    - October, 2014
Found 887 stories in 236ms

Total Words: 21,178,348
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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When Applejack unwittingly gets caught up in Twilight's perfectionism, she quickly learns far more about the unicorn than she ever expected...

Chapters (1)

After Hearts and Hooves Day, Twilight goes to Canterlot to make a confession to her one special pony. However, when she does, Twilight discovers that Princess Celestia has long been under the effects of a love curse.

Can Twilight Sparkle break the curse and save Princess Celestia's heart, or will she accidentally burn down Canterlot in the process?

A Twilestia story.

On hold until further notice.

Chapters (2)

On the eve of Nightmare Night, Rainbow Dash is finally poised to enact her dastardly, clever and awesome plan. The goal? To scare Pinkie Pie right into her embrace so she can admit that she fancies her.

Saying things do not go according to plan is probably redundant.

Chapters (1)

From the authors of "Her Smile" and "A Happy Accident"

When you've given everything for the one you love only to have it thrown back in your face, what is there left to do? After a bad break up between Spitfire and Rainbow Dash the two mares go their separate ways, only to find their true love has been in front of them the entire time.

Spitfire x Fluttershy with a side of Rainbow Dash x Twilight shipping

Chapters (2)

When a letter from Celestia urges Twilight to be her own pony and find love, she begins to see and experience things that she never knew were there.

Chapters (4)

In the midst of a blackout, Discord decides to have some fun with his favorite six ponies. Little does he know their idea of a revenge may turn out to be a very ticklish situation indeed, revenge paid by scribbling hooves and fluffy feathers.

Disgruntled and humiliated, the Spirit Of Chaos is firmly set on taking a nice revenge on his favorite pony, and the mastermind behind the almighty torture:


(I do not own the preview image. It belongs to Mickeymonster on deviantart.com.)

COLLABORATED STORY WITH MY FRIEND MICCHA. She is Discord and at some points Rarity, Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow. I'm everyone else.

Chapters (3)

After the mishap of the Grand Galloping Gala, Octavia Pie's Prestigious Classical Career came to a screeching halt as the disgruntled party planner fired her for her mistaken playful participation in the Pony Pokey. Feeling down and angry, Octavia can only look to the future and hope to salvage what's left of her reputation, and with a surprise opportunity, she plans on presenting Equestria with a masterpiece. The road to find inspiration is a long an arduous one, but one can only dream of the gifts and realizations that lie at the end.

**Sequel can be found here:

Chapters (16)

Everything looks like it's going to be another normal day, until Applejack finds a lonely, little filly. Who is she, and what is she doing here? Applejack has to find a solution...

Chapters (4)

Every Valentines day, Princess Celestia takes Twilight and Spike to a secret dining room where they can have one night a year as an actual family, and illuminate the many forms love can take between individuals.

note: this was written back in February of 2011, and large sections of canon has outdated most of this fic. also, this was my first piece of writing in a long while at the time so I realize I made several stylistic and grammatical mistakes throughout. As such I really don't want any in depth criticism about my composition on this fic. I might come back and clean it up, I might not.

Chapters (2)

***Newly edited and with a new ending***

In the northern city of Snowhoof, Ice Crystal was born blind. After living the first years of her life without one of the senses most take for granted, she was blessed with that sense at age 5.
But while it seemed a pure blessing, the curse of loss and misery soon came to consume her life, and now threatens to pull her into a plot that would bring her very unique talent down onto all of Equestria.

***Thank you to Ormag_Necros for the cover art!***

Chapters (16)