Favourites 1018 stories
  • Favourites 1018 stories - 484 unread chapters
    Created by pirita
    - October, 2014
Found 887 stories in 86ms

Total Words: 21,178,348
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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The six elements of Harmony took Twilight's birthday party to the Canterlot garden party in Sweet and Elite. But what happens after that? The party relocates again at the request of Princess Celestia, and Luna comes as well!

Chapters (6)

Twilight has issues with the new mare in town. Pinnacle is smarter, prettier, more connected and more talented than everyone combined. Why can't Twi love the gaudy newcomer with the contrived and complicated past? As the lone voice of dissent she finds the only possible solution; a sledgehammer.

Chapters (2)

Mr. and Mrs. Cake are holding a Hearth's Warming party at Sugercube Corner, and this party has been advertised for quie some time. Pinkie has been looking forward to this party since Apple Jack's Sisterhooves Social, and she has been inviting every pony she's met when she heard the news. Now every pony she knows has been invited except Twilight. Will Twilight make it?

Chapters (1)

At this year’s Grand Galloping Gala, Twilight Sparkle finds out just what a terrible dancer she truly is. Fortunately, there to comfort her is the one pony who is possibly an even worse dancer than Twilight.

The story has comedic elements but probably isn't a romantic comedy proper, by the way. Just want to avoid false advertising.

Cover image created using Hasbro's Valentine's Day card maker.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash finally builds up enough courage to talk to Twilight Sparkle about her true feelings for the purple Unicorn, and inadvertently uses the most romantic song of our (or possibly last) generation.

(And yes, I crossed it over with a song, just in case you were wondering.)

Chapters (1)

(Rainbow Vs. Wild ---> Octavia Vs. Rave ---> Shyness Vs. Kindness ---> Twilight Vs. The Great and Powerful.)

Twilight couldn't be happier for her friends. Rainbow Dash and Applejack have gotten together after their mishap in the Everfree Forest. Big Macintosh and Fluttershy have finally hit it off. And even her new friend Octavia has even found love with Vinyl Scratch! The only exclusions are Pinkie and Rarity, who are too preoccupied with parties or dresses to even care!

But...what about her? What about Twilight...who feels as if she's missing out?

There's little she can do about it for right now though, as Princess Luna herself has requested she help deal with a problem in Manehatten. Somepony has been causing serious trouble in the city that never sleeps, and Twilight isn't going to believe who's behind it all!

Can she let go of the past, look past the facade, and see a pony who's hurt, broken, and afraid?

Can she save a mare who everypony has deemed a 'Phony', a 'Failure', and a 'Dead End of Life'?

Will she hear the cries of help from a mare she thought she knew...and take a Leap of Faith?

Chapters (17)

No one expects to go to sleep and never wake up. There's always tomorrow, or the next day. There was always time. So, when a young life is extinguished before its time, it becomes especially difficult to handle. When the spirit of that life is forced to face and accept her death, what will become of her afterlife? Scootaloo will soon be faced with this tragedy, and this is her story.

Chapters (4)

It is the thousandth year since Nightmare Moon's banishment and she has returned. When the battle with Nightmare Moon goes awry, Twilight's friends and family must cope with the destruction left in Nightmare's wake.

Note: This story is based off of the picture giuliabeck's You Are Mine and Sparkle No More.

Chapters (9)

The new Ponyville Park opens, yet Scootaloo finds her friends are busy with their sisters. Scootaloo goes home depressed, not knowing where she fits in. But one morning, Scootaloo discovers happyness from something she did not expect...

This is my first Fan Fiction, so I would love *Constructive* Critisism, suggestions, pointed out grammar errors and such, and I'll update it.

Chapters (1)

Humans in Equestria? Naa, that's been done to death. What about Ponies in Equestria?

When a clever pony from the human world finds herself in the land of intelligent Equestrian ponies, how will she react?

Chapters (1)