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Spike has just started his first year at Canterlot High where his older sister Twilight and her friends attend. With a new school and new friends to make, will this outcast survive his first year or be overwhelmed by the high school world. Humanized.

Chapters (22)

Celestia knew this day would come. He would return and have revenge. And all she could do was think back to the old times. She loved him, but when she broke his heart, she never knew he would become a monster. This is the story of a love that could never be, a hateful villain tucked in the shadows, setting her plans in motion, and a kingdom that watched in horror as everything plunged into chaos. [New Alt. U Tag] [COMPLETE!!!]

Chapters (28)

Another story for Rust and Blackwing's ever-popular universe, Chess Game of the Gods.
Our hero this time is a gamer, who has awoken on our favorite planet full of ponies, gryphons, and other lovely creatures.
But it's not the area he wished to start.
Not in the body he believed he would obtain.
And quite certainly, not in the current situation.

Taking on the name of a famous hero, he's hoping to rally the forces against those who would eradicate the dead. Adventure awaits in the four corners of the world, and he's gonna explore...a good portion of it. And throughout it all, he hopes to prove two things:

Light does not mean good, and Dark does not mean evil.

All respective game references are copyrighted to their respective owners. No, it's not a crossover with any of them, even though the hero is one of the monsters.

New coverart by Deviant Xxcron! Check out more of her work! http://xxcron.deviantart.com/

Chapters (51)

I have no idea how long I've been here, this gap between the seconds. It could be minutes, days, ages, I can't tell. I can never tell.

Maybe that's for the best.

The sun never rises, but it never sets. The clock never ticks, and I never rest. I never hunger, nor thirst. I certainly never tire.

It makes it much harder to tell the time I spend here...

Yet it never feels like none at all...

Chapters (18)

Due to a mishap while researching an ancient spell book Twilight unintentionally awakens a timeless horror. At the same time a strange bipedal creature wanders into Ponyville, a creature Twilight begins to question is even totally sane.

With the help of Discord, can Twilight and this strange crazed alien defend Equestria from the danger it now faces?

Chapters (2)

With no warning, the might of the Griffon kingdom descends upon Equestria. Twilight, in her desperation, teleports Spike as far away from the conflict as she can in the hope of saving his life. Completely lost for the first time in his life, Spike must learn how to survive in the world alone.

But, when he finds out about the fate of Equestria and what could possibly be happening to his friends, can Spike realize the true might that comes with being a dragon? And will it be enough to help him reclaim the only treasures he ever allowed himself to hoard: his friends?

****Alt Uni tag for heavy use of Draconic abilities and lore outside of the MLP universe because, well, the MLP universe doesn't really have any of it's own.****

**Giant super awesome mega thanks to my amazing editor Idylia

Chapters (16)

Twilight has discovered a new spell to use in tandem with the Elements of Harmony. Its intent is to reveal more of the mysteries behind the artifacts. Yet once the spell is cast will the mane six be able to deal with the consequences? What will they learn when they come face to face with the very virtues they claim to embody? The Mane six will have to face their greatest challenge yet. The Elements of Harmony themselves.

(Cover art done by CSIMadmax)

(Featured on 1/6/2014)

(Also big thanks to Coppercore for help editing my ramblings!)

Chapters (6)

Arceus has been imprisoned for many millennia, and in that time he has watched his world fall apart. But once he is finally freed from his prison he decides that to protect his Pokémon, and his family, that he will move the Pokémon, and a few select 'humans' to a world where they might live in peace, Equestria. However, not everyone on this new world shares his view of peace and the very presence of the Pokémon upsests some of the citizens of the world, even some of the ones he brought with aren't too happy with the situation. But a god's will is a strong thing and without his willingness the Pokémon and the citizens of Equestria are going to have to learn to get along, or at least tolerate each other. And there's a slight problem with some of the humans too, well, former humans that is.

Big thanks to tdnpony for proof reading, editing, helping me with ideas, and so much more.

Just a few of the side stories from my growing collection.
Pokemon, A Whole 'New' Frontier
A New World, A New Way-Swarm.
The City is Always Bustling On the Other Side
A Brave New World
A new World, Burning an Old Way

The rest can be found here, in my Fan Group. Group Linky.

Big thanks toxBUBBA1995x for the amazing new cover art!

I also have a Tvtrope page that is kept somewhat up to date by Kingofsouls if you know how to Trope, and want to help set it up, go here Tvtrope Link.

Since a lot of people keep aking this I'm gonna put an explanation here. I'm not following any one canon-verse here, I'm making a hodge podge universe with bits from the Manga, Anime, Games, and Movies, as well as some etcetera concerning issues addressed in none of them to great lengths. (Arceus' power is far beyond what he has in the games or movie and this does contain some Pokephilia, which comes from pretty much no canon material ever.)

Chapters (72)

Rarity never thought she'd fall for a dragon, much less be blissfully happy dating one, but ever since Spike grew into a sweet and handsome young drake, she's been completely and helplessly besotted. Recently, though, he's seemed distant, uncomfortable around her--or worse, unhappy with her. With the prospect of losing the love of her life hanging over Rarity's head, will she resort to drastic measures to become what he desires? And how will her darling dragon react if she does?

Written for the Sparity one-shot contest.

Fan Works
Story Reading by Goombasa

Chapters (1)

I want to visit Equestria the same way a historian wants to visit the past. It would be cool just to look around, but I don't wanna run around touching everything or stay forever. Life is pretty good for me, so ditching it all for something else wasn't very high on my list of priorities. One bonk on the head later though, I've got a bunch of parasites calling me their king. I don't want to be king, though! All I really want is to go home.

Chapters (26)