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Princess Twilight Sparkle holds a wake in the memory of Derpy Hooves after a terrible accident tears the mailmare to pieces. This tragedy affects everypony in Ponyville, and close friends preparing for the funeral find themselves coming together in ways they never have before, sharing their deepest feelings, their tender memories, and their most delicate secrets. They even agree to take care of Dinky, fostering Derpy's orphaned daughter into a bright and promising future.

It would all be very noble if Derpy were actually dead.

Cover art by Darkflame
Special Thanks to Props and Warden

Chapters (8)

Living in Equestria under a false name and racial identity is one thing. Finding out you're not the only one of your kind stranded here is another... especially when that someone and the element bearers are looking for you.

Being my first attempt at a first-person romantic comedy, this takes a slightly different approach to the concept of being a human stranded in Equestria.


Big thanks to DVAN56 for editing. Go check out his work!

Chapters (18)

It was a completely normal day in Ponyville for Twilight Sparkle, or at least, that's what she thought it would be. That should have been her first clue that something was up. She expected it to be a quiet day where she could hang out with her friends, and maybe she'd get a friendship letter in if she was lucky.

She did not, however, expect everypony in town to turn into a flaming racist overnight.

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Chapters (6)

We all know that every thirty moons the magic mirror in Princess Celestia's castle takes you to an alternate reality. But where else can it take our protagonists? When the world's shyest pony takes a trip to Canterlot to visit Princess Twilight Sparkle, she finds out.

Chapters (10)

When the online famous youtuber, CaptainSparklez, receives a message about an Easter egg within the Divine RPG mod, he decides to make a stream video to show it. But as soon as he completes the crafting recipe and uses it, everything goes black. After waking up, he discovers that he has somehow been transported to the land of Equestria, and that the only way to get out is to find some Elements of Harmony amaduhicky, to create a portal back home.

Oh, did I forget to mention, that he looks like his own Minecraft Avatar? All I can say is. "Well shenanigans will happen."

Chapters (18)

This takes place after the non-canon Evil Karma ending of inFamous 2

Conduits. People with superhuman abilities, ranging from manipulation of a certain form of energy or matter, to flight, enhanced senses, and strength or other physical enhancements. Once a simple bike courier, Cole MacGrath, was one of them. He possessed immense control over electricity, boasting the ability to summon a gigantic bolt of pure lightning from the sky.

After defeating Kessler, who later revealed he was Cole from an alternate future and told him about the Beast, a powerful Conduit who threatened all of mankind. One month later after, Cole met up with NSA agent, Lucy Kuo. Kuo knew of "the Beast" and in fact, found Cole to help him prepare to fight it. She knew only one person who could help Cole combat the Beast. Dr Wolfe. He was one of the many scientists who helped make the Ray Sphere and had made an anti-Ray Sphere titled the Ray Field Inhibitor. The device, however required the power of seven Blast Cores. Cole, with this knowledge, headed out to go find them.

It was then later revealed that the Beast was a old friend of Cole named John White. He was unable to kill John because he simply did not want to and sided with him when he told him he could activate Conduits. In the end, he was forced to kill one of his friends, Nix and Zeke - his closest friend who stuck with him even in the darkest times. A month later after his death, regret fills his broken heart and gives way to depression.

However, due to an odd colored Blast Core that he and Kuo found in the wall, he ends up in another world with Zeke. This world is cheery, colorful and filled with technicolor ponies. Shit.

Chapters (20)

While a blizzard rages outside his home. Eighteen year old Zachary Yorkson, sitting in his home, suffers from an act of vandalism, as something breaks through his bedroom window. When he looks for what broke it, he finds a eye carved out of solid ice on the floor. Then everything hits the fan what with Wendigoes, Frozen wastelands, and Ice powers.

You can probably guess what happens from there.

Chapters (9)

My name is James. I'm your typical student: I sleep. I do my homework, all that jazz.

But, I mostly love to game. Gaming is my passion.
I have played a wide variety of video games throughout my lifetime. Some, I hate. Some I love. Some I haven't even played yet.

So, when I'm offered to have a chance to become a person in some foreign world, wielding the power of every video game I've ever played, I jumped at the chance.

...What the hell did I get myself into?

(My first, true HiE fic! All criticism welcome!)

Chapters (2)

When a demonic pony comes to Ponyville, questions arise as to who the stallion is... and furthermore 'what' he is. As events unfold it is discovered that the legend of the Shadowmare race from ancient pony folklore is far from the truth. It is up to one of the two remaining Shadowmares to rise to the challenge and save the dying race from extermination. However, the only way to recover his full potential, Daemon, the last male Shadowmare in existence, must complete a daunting task... make friends with as many as he can. While making friends he also discovers something new to his battle hardened species... love.

Chapters (18)

Hello there. My name's James, and I'm a Metagross.

Yes. A Metagross. As in, the Pokemon.

Myself and five other acquaintances with varying degrees of friendship appeared here in Equestria quite some time ago, having all been transformed into Pokemon for some hereto unknown reason. The process of our reuniting was difficult, and we didn't get a happy ending, but we went our separate ways as friends brought together through extenuating circumstances.

Now, after being woken up from my oh-so comfortable hibernation by one of Princess Celestia's messengers, I find out that there's new, terrifying creatures terrorizing Equestria and even some of the lands beyond. By some of their descriptions, I have an inkling of what they might be.

Guess who's put in charge of cleaning up the mess.


Time to get the gang back together again.

This is a direct sequel to the story A Pokemon Problem. It is highly recommended, albeit not necessary to read that in order to understand this story.

Will write for a better cover image!

Chapters (6)