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“When the prophecy is fulfilled and the Nine Dark Stars align, Tartarus will weaken, allowing the ancient evils that dwell within its walls the chance to seek their freedom. One such evil, vanquished long before the creation of the Elements of Harmony, that vowed to destroy the world in hellfire will lead the demonic hordes across the world once more.

Only the hero of stone, summoned from beyond the void, can truly destroy this dark evil…”

The Gargoyle, a legend that only a few know about, a warrior of stone summoned from beyond the void before the founding of Equestria.

Scott, an average guy who lives in England and has a good job, close friends and couldn’t be happier. Everything changes for him though, when he walks home one night from work and is killed in a road accident.

He awakens from a strange dream to find he is no longer on Earth… and that he is not as human as he remembers…

This… is the tale of the Gargoyle, the Stone warrior.

Cover done by me
Big thanks to, DVAN56, RainbowBob and Berry Punch for all their help!

Chapters (15)

I have traveled this world for decades. Yet I have seen no sign of life but the predators that hunt their prey.

I have made a home among the jagged peaks of a near dead wasteland. One day a creature fell from the sky, badly wounded.

She calls herself Chrysalis. She tells me that she is the last of her kind.

Or so she thought.


Chapters (13)

A Sweetie Bot Story

Stephanie enjoys a lot of things: reading, engineering, programming, advanced physics, and, of course, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The result of these hobbies and habits is a little robotic filly, named Sweetie Belle. It was a pet project, something she started for herself on a whim one night, and worked on since before she started college. She has a job now, and is a young adult with everything in order the way it should be.

That is, until something unexpected happens.

Author's Warning
I have been informed this story contains deadly levels of cute. Continue at your own risk. Those with weak hearts may wish to avoid.

Fan-art contributed to the story.
Sweetie Bot does not like cats! by Cannibalus

Author's Note

Greetings one, greetings all, greetings none, and some; greetings, everyone.

So, new story, folks. It's not a Madverse fic, just another little story I cooked up. It's sort of like an old movie called 'Short Circuit', but isn't a crossover or a remake. The only real similarities are of course there's a robot and a girl named Stephanie. Of course it is centered around Sweetie Bot. Please do enjoy!


Art is by the illustrious Cannibalus. Thank you for allowing me to base this story off your wonderful art, sire! By all means, I owe you.

Chapters (13)

Jason has been in Equestria for quite some time and has lived countless lives. Some have been short, others have been rather long. No matter the length, they all share one thing in common. They all end in fire and flames.

He has spent centuries wandering the countryside, gravitating towards events. When whispered words of Nightmare Moon's return reach his ears, his feet take him to Canterlot, where what he encounters leaves himself and many others more than intrigued.

An idea that sparked a story. Immortality is an often used plot device with a Human In Equestria story, and I wanted something different, something new, something... fresh. Thus, the concept of mimicking the phoenix came to life, and from it, this story.

Chapters (14)

If you were a god, what would you represent? In Connors case, he would like nothing more than to be the god of insanity. A "mad god" if you will.

But after discovering an ancient, sealed passageway to Equestria in a nearby park, Connor get's his wish to become Equestrias god of insanity, Mad Mind.

But after days of living in Equestria, he soon learns that being a god-prince is not exactly all fun and games.

Even if you are a mad god-prince.

(This is my first fic: any and all criticism welcome)

Chapters (15)

Subject Delta, an Alpha Series Big Daddy, has been through a lot in his life. But this is his last stand, he and his Daughter Eleanor are going to escape from Rapture. The Pairbonding destroyed, his body tired from all the fighting ... Subject Delta won't live to see the world beyond Rapture. The ending coming near, he finds himself escaping Rapture ... to only awake in a stranger place. Will Equestria be able to handle Subject Delta?

--Crossover with BioShock 2--

Author's Note: First, criticism is highly appreciated. Second, this isn't my first fanfic rodeo, but it's the first time in English. Errors will ensue, so feel free to correct me! Third, I hope you enjoy the story!

Copyright: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Hasbro), BioShock 2 (2K Games), Cover Image (The BioShock Wiki).

Tags: Crossover, Alternate Universe, Human, Dark. --Will be updated--

Characters: Subject Delta, Eleanor Lamb, Sofia Lamb, The Family, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Augustus Sinclair, Yi Suchong, Andrew Ryan, Shadow Stalker. --Will be updated--

Chapters (10)

'My Daddy told me to write this story you know?...My Daddy's great.'

Many years after Discord was defeated we look back into what his life was like growing up through his own eyes, how he came to be such a monster, and how he saw the world right from the begining.

Other stories in the history archives:
The Legend of Alicorn
A Slice of ol' Waddle's Life
The Journals of Silas Sombra

A big thanks to Enderstorm for doing the new amazing artwork for Diddy. Cute isn't he?

Just to say that Diddy means small. It seemed to be a word some people didn't understand but that's what it means.
A big Thankyou to Tricondon who thus far has pre-read every one of the diary entries

Chapters (41)

[General Description At the Bottom]

Omnipotence was truly… Beautiful. But the 'holier-than-thou,' attitude sorta ruined it for him.

“Tell me,” She asked, her tone nothing but condescending, as she leaned toward the face of the entrapped pony in front of her, “You think yourself important?”

“Important?” Alex asked, scratching his chin as best he could inside the levitation spell that held him in place, “Maybe?”

“Truly an impressive answer,” She scoffed, an ugly scowl plastered across her face, “You assume, that slightly altering the chain of events in a universe, could ever make you worth something? Pathetic.”

“That hurts!” Alex half-grinned, feigning shock to her, “Between the time travel, the split personality, and the big wedding, I think I’ve made some sort of impact.”

“You couldn’t be more wrong,” She laughed, squinting lightly at him for just a moment, “Dust in the wind, was it?”

“Great song, but inappropriate use, if you ask me,” Alex smiled, unsure if her prodding through the events in his head was something he should praise her for, “But, if you’re so sure that I lack importance, you need to start from the beginning. Not when you showed up last week. Not when Scootaloo and her friends saved Equestria. Not when King Sombra was turned to dust in front of his old subjects... Not even when Discord was freed from his stone imprisonment, and tried to take over Equestria again. The very beginning. Nightmare Moon, and the return of Princess Luna.”

She gave him a sick smile, entertaining the idea. Perhaps it would be interesting to see things from such a... puny perspective. To see the series of events unfold. Of course, it could also be a waste of her time…

“Fine.” She said, slowly placing him on the ground, and resting her horn against his, “Let’s start from the beginning.”

“Get ready sweet heart,” Alex said, licking his lips and winking at her, as she closed her eyes and focused deeply, “It’s one heck of a trip.”


Basically, a guy goes to Equestria to episode 1 of the series, and he changes the whole playout of the series, adding a bunch of side stories and different paths for some characters to take.

And, he's an alicorn OC.

Yeah yeah, I get it.

Off you run and cry about it. I've heard about it twelve million times. Literally. Not Hyperbolically.

If you insist on calling him a Gary Stu, and a self-insert, I'll assume you're flirting with me, and calling me perfect, since a Gary Stu tends to have no flaws .

So unless you plan on taking me out, and maybe getting some wine in me, don't go calling me perfect.



Cover art was done by Famosity! Here is a link:


Chapters (194)

Due to conflicting categories, I've taken the liberty to put up the other categories of this story.
[Sad] | [Dark] | [Comedy] | [Tragedy] | [Slice of Life] | [Adventure]

This is the story of an aspiring cartoonist named Harold DeMatt.

He’s 15 years old, and he’s running away from his troubles in New York. He's dealt with bullying problems, the abuse and negligence of his corrupt parents and struggling with school. But after his beloved older sister, Lana died in his arms, Harold decided to set off to escape his demeaning life and fulfill his last promise to her.

On the fourth night of his journey, a near-death experience involving a tornado sends Harold to the unlikeliest of all places: Equestria, a land of peace and harmony. For the first time since Lana's death, Harold felt happy and decides to restart his life with a fresh new start before the princesses can send him back.

It would seem easy for Harold if not for two major problems: The bad memories of New York coming back to haunt him; and being treated as an outcast by the ponies of Ponyville (except for the Mane Six, Spike and other certain ponies).

With these two problems getting in the way for Harold's plans for a clean slate, it may seem impossible! Can Harold earn everypony's trust? Can he fend off his insecurities during his stay? Can he muster up the courage to stop an ancient evil from threatening his newfound friends? More importantly, can he fulfill his promise to Lana so he could move on?

My Little Pony: FIM belongs to Hasbro, Inc./ Lauren Faust.
Cover art by me.

EDIT: Alternate Universe attached, since Tirek is the main antagonist in the Season 4 finale.

Chapters (23)

Meet Lavender, a rare offspring brought into the world by a loving dragon and a beautiful pony. She is told constantly by her parents that she is a beautiful gift of nature, but she is reminded everyday about just how different she is from the rest of the world. She is going to learn very rapidly how cruel and unforgiving the world can be for anything different from them.

Follow the journey of Spike, Rarity, and their offspring Lavender from birth to adulthood as they try to survive prejudice, natural impulses, and even their relationship between each other.

The character of Lavender and the artwork included all belong to Carnifex
Someone actually thought this fic was worthy to be in the Twilight Library. Well... if you say so.

Chapters (14)