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This story is a sequel to A Colt Once Forgotten

Their mission was to drop into Pakistan and retrieve a CIA asset, a quick in-and-out rescue op. But the op was more than a little odd; communication with command was immediately lost, a cloud bank appeared seemingly from nowhere, and the CIA lost its people in even an shadier way than usual. Pararescuemen Jack "Frost" McDaniel and Harris "Duke" Sky will soon learn that there is a lot more happening in this not-so-simple rescue operation than anyone could ever have known.

Preread by the incredibly talented totallynotabrony

Chapters (73)

When what was supposed to be a simple assignment goes wrong Rainbow Dash finds herself trapped in an unfamiliar intimidating world that’s being ripped apart by a civil war and savaged by dragons. Now with the help of Arria, the imperial apprentice mage turned Dragonborn, and her trusty housecarl Lydia can Rainbow Dash help save the people of Skyrim from being consumed by civil war and the even greater threat of Alduin himself?

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle is investigating some old catacombs when a letter arrives from Princess Luna. It depicts a memory she had forgotten and research into it revealed that 'The Ancients' had made it to the moon without the use of magic. Luna was putting a team together to go and excavate the ruins she'd seen during her thousand year exile. What they find there may be more than they hoped for.

Rated Teen for gore and language.

Chapters (4)

Humanity has grown to control most of the Sol system, and looks to distant stars for further expansion options. When probes discover an uncannily-earthlike planet at a vast distance, the Solar Government takes on a project larger than any before it.

A colony ship, carrying over seven thousand people, the Eclipse is constructed. Thanks to its translight engine, it is capable of making the journey within two decades. The expedition is launched with high hopes, its crew made up of the best and brightest, setting out to prove that the vastness of space was no longer an insurmountable obstacle, that landing on distant worlds full of life was no longer just a pipe dream.

What happens when this colony ship's crew arrives at their destination would forever change humanity's outlook on the rest of the universe, as well as what could be deemed possible. Supernatural beings, energies unexplainable, and most importantly, sapient organisms all populate this mysterious, fertile world. In all of its extensive preparations, is the Eclipse versatile enough to tackle the task assigned to it? Or, more importantly, is its crew?

Featured on Equestria Daily 1/1/2013.

Pre-read by Stringtheory and Milo. Proofread by Erumpet and Demetrius. Thanks! Contains some hard and some soft sci-fi elements.

Chapters (6)

Years drifting in space aboard a frigates wreck with nothing to do but wait and think can really wear an AI thin, and when that AI is already past its expected rampancy date, all that thinking time is dangerous. Very dangerous. Fortunately for Cortana, the frigate is pulled into an unknown planets atmosphere, allowing her to take her mind off of rampancy for a while. After being rudely awoken from cryo sleep, the Master Chief, along with Cortana, manages to escape the burning vessel. They have very serious problems though...

They have no idea where they are, or how they'll get back to Earth.

They can only hope someone finds their distress beacon, and fast. The Chief doesn't have many supplies, and with a rapidly decaying AI in his head, he has a lot on his hands. Luckily for them, the planet is life supporting. Unfortunately though, the inhabitants of the strange planet aren't the most welcoming of a seven foot tall alien, especially when that alien is as aggressive and lethal as Spartan-117. The Chief has only one objective, find a way off of the planet. The inhabitants will soon learn, however, that the Spartan is extremely aggressive, and will stray slightly from his objective to harm them if he must. Chief also learns that these beings are no pushovers, and will defend their home and kingdom with their lives.

The first few chapters are mostly to establish a plot, there will be much more action after them. This is also my first fic, so constructive criticism is appreciated. I will be reading the comments quite thoroughly for the first while, so you may see some of your ideas in future chapters. I am only 15 years old, so basically, I have school, homework, and sports that will quite often get in the way of this story, but I will work on it as much as I can when I can. I won't give up or quit in the middle of the story despite what the ratings may be, and last but not least, I won't be turning this into some huge cliche war where Equestria ends up fighting the UNSC and whatnot. Because Equestria would get screwed. Badly. Then the story would be ruined, so, I hope anyone who reads this enjoys!

I do not own the Halo franchise, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, or Forward Unto Dawn.

Story added on October 25th. Edited by myself, and inspired by Halo: Ponies and Clouded Pasts by Blazer and The Mercy, Regret, and Truth by Master 4871.

PS: This made it into the featured box the second day it was uploaded, and remained there for a couple weeks. I'm pretty damn proud of that since this was my first fanfic ever, and the first thing I ever posted anywhere. The only other people to read my creative writing creations were my English teachers and occasionally my grandparents and father. So seeing the first thing I submit get such great feedback and a huge amount of views (huge to me), is just amazing to me.

Thanks, bros.

Chapters (10)

They came to Earth in peace, all but looking for salvation. The world greeted them with open arms. The... Ponies... Were all nice and cheerful. Until... They wanted to take over the world, saying it is unfit for humanity. They attacked. They killed. They... Made humans into ponies. Humans fought back, but crumbled soon after. Except one. He fought with Queen Solar and Heaven King; Celestia and Luna's Mother and Father. He lost and was sealed in ice for two thousand years. Now he's back, and his trigger-finger is itchy for war.

BETA: Chaotic Pony

Cover Image: HeimoBauss

Chapters (6)

I'm not proud of this fic by any means, it was my first, and by far my least favorite. Go ahead and hate it, I have to partially agree with you.

A chronicle of the precursing events and the ultimate conflict which left the world in the hooves of ponies. The first story of many which will revolve around this conflict, The War of the Fallen Race details one man's struggle to survive in a world fighting against him and his race.

Chapters (37)

When a A-10 Pilot is transported to Equestria he must fight for his new home, but to do so will destroy it.

Alternate Universe to "A Rainbow in the Dark"
[Edited by Alaborn!]

Chapters (2)

Spartans never die, they're just missing in action. This has never been more true for Jorge-052 as, after activating the slipspace drive that was supposed to kill him, he is instead flung into a strange world where war is but a distant memory. Will the aging soldier be able to adapt to this new peaceful planet? Or will his only salvation be found in finding a way back to his own chaotic universe?

(It's my first time, so be gentle)
Now featuring a TVTropes page by Sabo88

Chapters (18)

It is the year 2038, and the Earth is slowly being consumed by a space-borne monstrosity dubbed the Black Tide, which is using nanotechnology to remake the planet into something hideously alien.

Erin Olsen works for Project Harmonics, humanity's last-ditch effort to find a new world before the Tide can wipe them out. But when that world is found, and it turns out to be occupied, Erin will need to find the courage to face the unknown in order to save the inhabitants of both worlds.

(Many thanks to Easteu for the fantastic cover image for this story!)

Now with its own TV Tropes page

There is now a follow-up to this story: Sunflower - Side Projects
Sequel: Project Sunflower: Harmony

Chapters (35)