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A brony is transported into Equestria, but he finds himself in the body of a huge wolf. Can a carnivorous predator really befriend ponies, herbivorous equines, or will his new predatory instincts and the ponies instinctive fear of him make it impossible? His strange situation does not dampen the joy of actually being in Equestria, but that changes as an alien hatred starts gnawing at his mind...

Chapters (17)

(Continuation of this story has been cancelled indefinitely.)

On April 18, 2543, during the battle of Psi Serpentis, Vice Admiral Preston Jeremiah Cole and the crew of the UNSC Everest gave their lives to defend humanity. Cole had been the most successful military commander in the history of the UNSC, winning twenty-five consecutive battles against the Covenant. His accomplishments were remembered, and he was honored as a fallen hero. But do heroes ever truly die?

This story takes place immediately after the "Death" of Preston J. Cole in the short story; The Impossible Life and the Possible Death of Preston J. Cole, written by bestselling author Eric Nylund. The story is from the novel, Halo Evolutions Volume 1.

I highly recommend that you read this short story, so that you may better understand Cole's back-story. Otherwise this crossover may be slightly confusing to the readers.

Rated Teen for Occasional Strong Language, Violence, and Suggestive Themes

Also, the drawing of Cole on the left depicts him from his younger days. In the story he is over seventy years old, so as you can tell the picture is not up to date, but it was the best I could find. If anyone knows of a better, high resolution image of him, or his ship I would appreciate knowing about it. Pretty much anything that you will find will be fan-made, so that doesn't matter.

Chances are, if you are a fan of Halo, then you are a fan of Bungie Studios. So go join the Bungie Studios, The Seventh Column group, here on FIMfiction.

Chapters (9)

Spartan 027 has dodged Death's grip multiple times, but after his narrow escape from Reach, he is sent on another mission. The Spartan leads a team of misfit solders that overloads a covenant Super Carrier's slip space drive to stop it from reaching Earth. While aboard he encounters a Heretic Sangheili and a minor elite, who agree to help the humans if they help the Heretic's group of rouge covenant. The Spartan and Elite overload the slip space drive, hurling them into the pony-fied universe known as Equstria, where their troubles have just begun.

Will continue to write.
Halo crossover.
Art work was made by me for me.
All rights reserved to me.
Aside from the pony franchise and halo. The rest is my own work of fiction.

This story is continued by Guy Balkur. original writer has been sentenced to life in the asyluim for the mentally hatty-capped due to too much Team Fortress two.

Chapters (19)

A Spartan of the UNSC falls into Equestria and has various shenanigans in the land. First chapters revolve around how he meets the royalty, the mane six, and the new world in general.

Chapters (18)

(This is a Crossover with Halo. If that genre offends you, you need not read any further.)

Cortana has several problems, and very little she can do to solve any of them. Being stranded on half of a ship in deep space, with the clock on her lifespan slowly running out, she gets desperate enough to try almost anything.

She goes so far as to land her half-ship on a strange astronomical anomaly, in the slim hope of finding a method of FTL travel on it. Now, her latest problem consists of understanding the mind-bending physics of this planetary crime against reason, without prematurely going insane.

Chief wakes up on a new planet, and is, as always, presented with aliens he needs to kill in order to accomplish his mission.

Equestria witnesses the arrival of a large object from space, and has to deal with the fallout of it's destructive crash landing. Though the real threat the object poses is not something anypony could have anticipated.

(Knowledge of the Halo games is advised, though not strictly required.)

Rated Teen for gore... rating may be subject to change, we'll see.
I am currently looking for an editor, pre-reader, and/or proofreader, preferably someone who can double check me on the lore when it comes up. Shoot me a PM if interested. I've got a few people who have generously offered their help. Thanks for offering to help make this as good as it can be!
Will update tags as story progresses.
Fair-warning, this story is secondary to my other one and will update less frequently.

Chapters (2)

((The idea from this story was taken from chapter 12 of Gravitys Rainboom fantastic story: MIA. I've talked with the author, and he allowed me to write this story, since I feel as though it will be somewhat similar.))

This story has been cancelled! You can discover the ending (last story on the page) HERE

They say that Spartans never die; that they're only missing in action. But can that really be true if you don't feel alive? If the very purpose of your existence is suddenly taken from you?

Noble Six detonated the rigged slip-space drive on the Covenant corvette as Jorge-052 simply floated back down to Reach, gripping her dogtags tightly.

To Reach, Jorge, and the UNSC, Spartan-B312 is gone; whether it be KIA or MIA.

But to Equestria, Noble Six is anything but dead...

Chapters (15)

After the destruction of the Ark and the collapse of the Portal, the wreck of the frigate Forward Unto Dawn is transported on an unknown planet, where a series of events initiated long ago will bring the inhabitants of two completely different worlds to fight side by side against an ancient enemy long forgotten.

Placed between the events of Halo 3 and Halo 4 and immediately after the end of Season 3.

This is my first fiction and English is not my first language. Editing by Requiem17.
Criticisms and suggestions are welcome.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle finds an ancient book in her library about teleportation magic. After an experiement gone wrong she and her friends find themselves in a strange land with new friends and make some new enemies.
She must now try to find a way back to Equestria or face the possibility of being eaten alive by a new threat that lurks in the skies above.

Copyrights go to their respective owners - Hasbro, Bethesda, etc.

Picture provided by DJMoonRay.

I am very biased in the real game so any changes such as sides of Stormcloaks or Imperials are already chosen and will not be changed.

Chapters (22)

This story is undergoing a massive rewrite. Expect everything to change soon.

A Russian MVD Spetsnaz team is sent smashing into the ground after the Mil Mi-24 they were in was knocked out of the air. A short time later, the crew and passengers wake up to find themselves in the wreck of the helicopter - but nowhere near Moscow.

As they desperately attempt to find out where they are, they will discover that they are not alone: Other humans have also found themselves in similar situations. However, these disorganized forces may soon be fighting for their survival, against an enemy that they could never have planned for...

The original version of the story, as published 2013-2015, can be found here for those that want to read it as it was. Editing on the original story was done by The Rainbow Brony, and I am thankful for the time that he put into the story to make it better than it would have been otherwise.

Chapters (0)

“Demonstrate to the world, there is ‘No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy’ than a U.S. Marine.”
~Gen. James Mattis

Excited for his first deployment, young marine LCpl. Kevin Brooke and his fellow squad mates of Bravo Company 2nd Battalion 1st Marines, begin their journey through the Pacific Ocean with the U.S. Navy carrier fleet. On their second day of voyage, they encounter a large floating crystal, ending in a swift and devastating battle.

After awakening in an unknown world, four ships (‘USS’ Anchorage, Princeton, Spruance & Michael Murphy) must adapt to a land filled with talking ponies while finding their way back home. However, during their stay, Queen Chrysalis rebuilds her army to take on her new enemies, and Brooke slowly unfolds the depths of a forgotten past.

*Edited/Proofread by Dumbgamer999, totallynotabrony, & Groggari
*Rated for graphic violence, language, and gore
*Additional Tags: Random (occurs a few times in the story), Comedy, Dark, Thriller
*All characters (humans) in this story are fictional and are not affiliated with the U.S. military and other international militaries
*This story takes place several months after S03E02
*My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro Studios & Lauren Faust

-November 24, 2014 -- Wow... I have no words what to say about this. Thanks so much for this achievement.

Chapters (22)