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Unable to tell reality apart from his imagination, John's world is falling through the cracks. He can't tell if this place is real or is just his mind's conjuration of a world where he can escape his own. Cortana told him he was home. Is this what she meant, or is he just unable to open his eyes and accept what happened?

Editors: The people who turn horribly written trash into gold.
-I really have to thank the following people for editing this story, and giving me suggestions to keep the story going...

The Alching Brony
Awkward Taco


Chapters (2)

The U.S Recon sniper, one of the most deadly and stealthy forces of nature on the planet. However, when one of these shadow warriors ends up in Equestria, how will he be able to adapt and survive in a new environment fulled with ponies, monsters, and even a splinter cell group of terrorist plotting an attack on Equestria. All while lurking in the shadows and becoming a lethal phantom. Only he is capable of stopping the extremists plan to cause utter chaos.

He controls the trigger of fate.

Chapters (5)

James went to a convention. James found fun toys. James gets sent to a strange land. James isn't a happy man.

Based off of Ryse: Son of Rome and LoHaV stories.
Sue me at your discretion. Popular as of 4/23/14.
If you want to make a similar story or have mine come through... do it. I only claim this guy and these set of events.

Chapters (9)

In the depths of Equestria's archives there is a song. A song of a legendary hero, who would keep evil at bay, and rout even the most fiercest foe. This hero was said to have the blood of dragons flowing in his veins and a heart filled with fire, who could command the world with his voice. Not much is known about this song or it's origin, but when a curious purple unicorn discovers it, she decides to put on a performance for her closest friends and her beloved mentor. Little does she know the power and significance of this song. For better or for worse, this is the Ballad of the Dovakhiin.

Note: Please read, rate and comment. Struggling writer trying to improve. I do not own Skyrim, MLP FIM, or this awesome story image.

Chapters (9)

The Earth is still reeling from the effects of the Collision Wars against Xenolestia and her hordes of Newfoals, humanity having emerged victorious but a few million citizens fewer. Then yet another Equestria appears, but this time the humans are quick to cut off the head of the snake, capturing the evil Princess Celestia and imprisoning her. But something seems different about this Celestia...something almost friendly.

Can the Harmony and Friendship that Celestia has treasured all her life heal some of the scars left by her wicked counterpart, or do some wounds just run too deep?

Cover modified with permission from: KP-Shadowsquirrel

Also, because people have been asking for it, the original WW2 poster can be found here

Pre reading done by DJK. So go give him some wuv.

Chapters (57)

Good intentions always seem to go awry. In the search for the more destructive of our race, the few of us who live peacefully in Equestria's borders must bear the heaviest burden. Cast from the town I once loved, and my family destroyed, I seek my revenge on those who took them from me. By the power of my blood, sweat and tears, and with plenty of luck, I plan on watching Canterlot burn.

I am Amethyst and I am a changeling.

Thanks to N00813 for his help as a pre-reader.
Thanks to Unknownlight for his help as a pre-reader and editor from Chapter XXIV and on.

Chapters (24)

Taking a vacation in a nice relaxing and peaceful country? That's good.
Taking a vacation and being blamed for the the theft of some very important jewelry? That's bad.
Taking a vacation and becoming public enemy number one? That's really bad.
Taking a vacation and being hunted by adorable pegasi, unicorns, and ponies? That's... different.

A mage decides to take a respite in what he assumes to be the peaceful and safe land of Equestria. Unfortunately he's accused of stealing the "Elements of Harmony", a powerful set of magical regalia, and goes on the run from the law. Now stuck in a land of magical ponies, cut off from his only way home, and now the most wanted creature in Equestria, does he have any hope of proving his innocence and going home?

Maybe, but let's laugh at him as he gets beat up by cute equines!

Chapters (3)

An undead Emperor in need of a new body. A Spartan lost in space. A ragtag team on a suicide mission. What do they all have in common? They all wind up on the magical world of Equestria, where war has been forgotten. That, however, is soon about to change.
When each of them is about to be retrieved, ancient evils arise to unleash hell upon the unsuspecting world. When the forces of three galaxies clash around them, can our favorite ponies hold out against the onslaught?
This is a crossover involving Warhammer 40k, Halo, Mass Effect and MLP, and is also my first fanfic. Comments and reviews are welcome.
Rated T for language, violence, and general adult situations.
Now on Tv Tropes!

Chapters (20)

Darth Vader is one of the most despicable forces in the galaxy. Once a powerful and respected Jedi Knight, he betrayed the Galactic Republic and Jedi Order for the dark side of the Force. The newly christened Sith Lord was apprenticed to Darth Sidious and quickly became a master of the dark side. Vader was soon the scourge of the Jedi, continuing the Great Jedi Purge by slaughtering all remaining Jedi.

An extension of Emperor Palpatine's will, the Dark Lord was constantly on the move, traveling throughout the galaxy to defeat rebel uprisings and kill any surviving Jedi. This mission brings him to the edge of the Outer Rim into the Unknown Region of the galaxy, in an unknown star system. High above an unnamed planet he duels with one of the last remaining Jedi in the galaxy in a starship battle. But during the battle his ship is damaged, and he crash-lands on the mysterious planet.

With his connections to the Galactic Empire severed, Vader must find a way out the land known as Equestria, inhabited by the strange creatures known as ponies. That, or he could take it over.

Chapters (12)

Mort, also known as the Pale Pony (of Death), has been tasked to take time off from his rigorous duties of reaping souls. Seeking guidance, he is directed towards the town of Ponyville, to learn about the magic of friendship from Twilight Sparkle and her friends. All he needs to do is keep his true nature a secret. That shouldn't be too difficult...right?

Special thanks to Specter-Von-Baren and Pyrite Foolsgold for their help in proofreading and editing this story, as I really needed it. Additional thanks to Pilate, Chuckle5, Unimpressive Vagaries and Admiral Biscuit as well! Couldn't have done it without all their help!

Credit for the title card goes to Siansaar, AKA Carnifex.

For another excellent take on Mort, check out Sip's version!

Chapters (14)