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SF (canon species only; no humans) Ponies were magically and genetically engineered to be the perfect servitor race. They are powerful, adaptable, intelligent and completely under the control of their creators. A laboratory accident frees one such pony from her mental chains, but how can one mare save herself and the rest of her kind if she doesn't even know she's a slave?
This is not the Equestria you know and these are not your little ponies... not yet, anyway.

Tags: Adventure, Diamond Dogs, Gryphons, NO HUMANS (did I mention that already?)
Other tags: historical, mind control, Clarke's 3rd Law, excessive use of high energy physics, before they were famous.
Detailed review by PaulAsaran.
Cover art by endrome , used with permission.
Russian translation (partial -- 'unofficially' completed in the comments)
A Soot-Covered World, book 1.

Chapters (33)

Waking up after a particularly wild party, Pinkie Pie soon finds her whole world has gone a little bit weird, and it's all thanks to three little words.

Chapters (1)

In which I, Twilight Sparkle, (the biggest idiot in Equestria), fail miserably, utterly, and conclusively in my valiant endeavor to keep my decidedly-more-than-Friendship feelings hidden from one Rainbow Dash (the sexiest fastest mare in Equestria).

Chapters (1)

Luna decides it is time to cash in the favor Celestia owes her for almost ruining her last sleep-over. She decides that this time, she will have a new sleep-over, this time inviting Pinkie Pie. However, the untrusting Celestia decides to put a magical relic that allows her to spy on the antics of her sister and Pinkie and what she witnesses is something that even Celestia didn't expect...

Chapters (1)

It's Derpy's birthday, but she is sad. She is lonely. Derpy is longing for a "very special somepony" in her life. When she hits it off with Fluttershy at the party Pinkie Pie throws, the two decide to give this relationship a shot.

Note: Though this series can be seen to have continuity, each chapter is meant to be its own, separate story.

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle may believe in Pinkie Pie's myriad abilities, but when an opportunity to study them from a perspective she never thought possible arises, how can she resist the chance at the understanding she's always truly wanted? More importantly, can Ponyville survive the trade-off necessary for this opportunity?

Chapters (5)

While being bullied, Pipsqueak is pushed into a corner, unable to escape. In a desperate attempt to retaliate, he discovers his one true talent. What do you do when your greatest ability is to make others ponies cry?

Chapters (1)

In the aftermath of one of Pinkie's parties, an innocent query leads Dash to question why she's still living with Pinkie Pie. Why does she feel trapped when there's nothing holding her back?

And how many buildings can Pinkie Pie destroy before insurance companies stop covering 'acts of Pinkie Collateral Damage Pie'?

This story is an indirect sequel related to Where Earth Meets Sky, but can be read just fine on its own. It simply assumes a previously established relationship.

Chapters (6)

Something is definitively up around here. Applejack and Fluttershy have been spending a lot of time together without the rest of the gang. Well, Rainbow Dash is on to them! In fact, she is sure this is the no-good friend-stealing Applejack's doing, and she will not stand for this - whatever this is.

Also, Rainbow Dash wears a corn hat.

Chapters (4)

Twilight Sparkle prides herself on following and sticking to her plans, but she isn't as organized as everypony thinks. Her master list, the plan for her life, has an item that she has never been able to check off; and the time has come to fix that. How hard can it be? All she needs to do is go on a date and get a kiss.

Now available in hard or soft cover!

Chapters (13)