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It is the thousandth year since Nightmare Moon's banishment and she has returned. When the battle with Nightmare Moon goes awry, Twilight's friends and family must cope with the destruction left in Nightmare's wake.

Note: This story is based off of the picture giuliabeck's You Are Mine and Sparkle No More.

Chapters (9)

The arrow of time moves from past to future. Try to change what’s set in stone, and causality loops as a circle. But with the twist of a paradox reality twins. The journey of life doubles, and what might have become, is...

Much further downstream the river of time, a desperate experiment has unexpected consequences. An unwilling traveler of time and space, Twilight Sparkle becomes face-to-face with herself in an Equestria utterly unfamiliar to her. Gargantuan machines scar the land roaring into the chaos of war, great engines drive the sun and moon across an unfamiliar sky, and the spectre of Discord’s thousand-year reign haunts the landscape, threatening to drown all that stands. The legacy of the mysterious disappearance of Princesses Celestia and Luna over a thousand years ago.

For one Twilight Sparkle, it is all she knows. But the other can see all that is wrong with the world. Equestria shattered, the Elements of Harmony broken, a world torn by unrelenting storms of chaos magic. As the earth-shaking tremors of a Rune War rage, Twilight Sparkle must teach her other self the power of friendship, and bring dawn to a dying world...

Many thanks to Daemon of Decay, NejinOniwa, and amacita for pre-reading!

Equestria Daily

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to A Pony's Sympathy

Following Discord's last escape from stone [as seen in A Pony's Sympathy], Twilight Sparkle sought to understand his role in the keeping of Balance in Equestria

Her want to understand sparked an alliance of sorts, a kind of understanding between them. Although having one pony in his corner has done little to convince the rest.

His lack of empathy and understanding of a pony's sensibility has been tolerated by Celestia.

But while both the princesses and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony struggle with even more dire problems, Discord is forced into a lesson of his own, and it could not have come at a more inopportune time.

Continuing the story of A Pony's Sympathy, the fledgling friendship between the Spirit of Chaos and the Element of Magic may determine the fate of the ponies, and the way both sides of harmony regard one another.

[Written/published between Nov. 2012 and Nov. 2013, based loosely on Star Trek: The Next Generation episode 3x13 'Deja Q']

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to What if: Rarity from The Three Sisters met with Chrysalis

Choosing whether or not to visit Chrysalis has been bugging Rarity for a week since receiving an invitation to do so. But there seems to be trouble brewing in the Hive and Rarity now has little time to act. Either way, her family's future rests in her hooves.

Now with a TV Tropes page! Warning: Will Contain spoilers.

Chapters (13)

Magic is a common sight in Equestria and for some it's a way of life. At the darkest depths, an ancient secret of this arcane art lies hidden away from the world. Few possess the rare ability to summon this mysterious power and even fewer are able to control it. A lone mare will discover her great and powerful ability to break the boundaries of her magic and learn the secrets of true magic under the guidance of a strange unicorn who is keeping more than a few secrets. What wonders and dangers lie beyond the veil of the ageless magic steeped in mystique and darkness?
Constructive criticism, thoughts, or any help would be greatly appreciated!
Edited by my good friend, Shumiry

Chapters (29)

This story is a sequel to Dusk's Dangerous Game

Twilight Sparkle, known to all but the three Goddesses as Lady Everstar, the Evening Sage, has ruled over her kingdom for nearly five centuries with all the wisdom and grace of which she is capable. Her lands are wild and exciting, the prospects good for those with brilliant minds and daring hearts. But now something has changed in the Evening Kingdom, something has changed the balance of power so profoundly that even Twilight herself cannot tell how events may unfold.

Across the ocean, an ancient evil is stirring, its dark hunger can finally be realized. Its servants are many, brutal, and cunning. They are found among the lowest of lows, and the highest of highs. With the balance of power so disrupted, it is at last time for their shadowy plans to come to fruition, to cast off the darkness and strike against the night.

It will take the power of goddesses, magic both familiar and ancient, and the most unlikely of heroes to save not only the Evening Kingdom, not only Equestria, but the entirety of Creation as we know it.

Sequel to Lines and Webs and Dusk's Dangerous Game. Knowledge of the previous stories is not needed, but reading them is, of course, encouraged.

Followed by Courts of The Magi.

Chapters (36)

Twilight isn't having a very good day. An experimental spell blew up in her face, an army of changelings is attacking Canterlot, and she just died. Yet somehow, it looks like it's going to keep going downhill from here.

Given the chance to correct what's gone wrong, Twilight swears she's going to fix all this even if it kills her. Which it will. Frequently.

Cover art by Pixel Prism
Spanish Translation
Series TV Tropes page

Chapters (6)

In an Equestria where Discord never was, and the Pony Princesses never came to power, a young Twilight Sparkle loses her family in a crowd during the Summer Sun Celebration. Little does she know that her very existence is about to set a series of events into motion that will take her far beyond the borders of Equestria itself—and change the fates of both her nation and her life, forever.

Chapters (5)

A refined mare fresh out of high school and a dropout following her dreams find themselves forced to spend a lot of time together.

With the help of a meddling psychology tutor and their new classmates, can they find what they've been looking for?

French Translation!

Fan Stuff!

Chapters (22)

When Rainbow Dash agrees to temporarily care for an abandoned foal, she ends up getting more than she bargained for. Under the scrutiny of the public eye, Rainbow Dash has to try and bring up little Taboo right.

Chapters (16)