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Scootaloo's wings are in dire pain, and a trip to the doctor leaves her in more pain than before.

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo are facing certain death at the claws of a horrifying Abomination. There's no escape this time. They are just moments away from being torn limb from limb and then eaten for dinner (or breakfast, perhaps, depending on what time it is.)

Rainbow has no weapons and no defense. All she has is her wits, her awesomeness, and the corpse of a dead squirrel.

Fortunately, the dead squirrel is exactly what she needs.

Chapters (1)

After Diamond Tiara's redemption, everything was all sunshine and rainbows. Or so we thought. One Crusader just can't seem to let go of a scene that keeps replaying over and over in her mind.

Chapters (1)

Applejack decides to give Rainbow Dash a second chance after a disappointing first date.

Written for the AppleDash contest 'A Twist of Lemon', with the choices 'A Second Chance' and 'A Place Outside of Ponyville'.

Chapters (1)

In this action epic retelling of MLP:FiM, Twilight Sparkle learns the values and virtues of friendship in Ponyville while facing evildoers with her five newfound friends as the legendary human warriors known as the Sailor Soldiers thanks to the Elements of Harmony. Action, adventure, tears, laughter and friendship abound as the Mane Six strive to maintain peace in Equestria with the fantasy of Sailor Moon and the action of Tokusatsu.

Chapters (2)

In the middle of the night of 1986, a twelve-year-old girl wakes up to find an armored pegasus underneath her bed. The pegasus suddenly leaves, but not without the little girl following him back to Equestria. There she finds Princess Celestia when she asks the little girl what her name was, she nearly goes into shock.

"It's Lauren," she said. "My name is Lauren Faust."

Update: Proofread by Fort Impression and Airchi. And a huge thank you to SecrretBrony01 for finally getting this edited fully.

I also want to thank MrAquino, FanficFanPony and Starburst Gleam for helping me keep this story moving with their helpful suggestions. And a tremendous thank you to Lotus Moon for volunteering to read this on YouTube from beginning to end.

Chapters (16)

A pony’s cutie Mark. It is something the CMC want to desperately acquire. But what would happen if they not only got what they wanted, but were thrust upon a path that could potentially not only change their destiny, but also have effect on all of Equestria?

Chapters (3)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders have been the best of friends for the longest time now. They've done countless stunts and gone on many exciting adventures together, all in an attempt to find their special talents and earn their Cutie Marks. As a result, it'd only be natural for a certain unicorn to begin to develop feelings for a certain pegasus...right?

[img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ufCWyWjvUD0/U4fvslbPIkI/AAAAAAAByuE/nPdTQEetuXA/s1600/Headcanon.png [/img]

Chapters (33)

Luna awakens to find herself in a strange, frightening realm filled with churning darkness and eerie silence. With no idea how she'd gotten there, her only mission is to find her way back home. But this place is mysterious, terrifying and even dangerous. Along the way, she finds another pony who somehow found themselves in this strange place: Little Sweetie Belle. Can they survive?

--Cover art by ArtyLovr.
--Russian translation by NovemberDragon.

Chapters (13)