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Twilight has wanted to ask Rainbow Dash out for months, but has yet to muster up the courage to do so. Will Pinkie's New Year's party be the perfect chance to confess her feelings?

Chapters (1)

Spike loves Rarity.

He just has a hard time saying it.

Written for The Writeoff Association's "Things Left Unsaid" contest.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Masquerade

After a long day, Twilight is ready for a quiet night keeping watch over the Princess. Or, it would have been a quiet night had the Princess not decided her bodyguard's sleeping arrangements were 'simply unacceptable'.

Part of the Bodyguard!AU Series, based on Earthsong9405's AU where Twilight is the bodyguard to a "Princess/Queen Rarity". Prior knowledge of the AU is not necessary to read the story.

Chapters (1)

While helping Twilight rearrange her lab, Spike comes across a magical powder that changes him into a pony! While Twilight tries to find an antidote, pony Spike has some adventures of his own.

(Originally posted (part 1, at least) to EqD in May 2011. I'd run across a ponified Spike picture and suddenly got an urge to write it. Another story that I tried to make seem like a viable episode)

NOTE: This story takes place in the same continuity as Appleshy, Sparkle Kitten, Trixie's Great and Powerful Revenge, and Tragic Magic. It takes place chronologically after all of those except Tragic Magic. The other stories are not required reading to fully enjoy this story (though feel free to read them anyway!), but there are one or two elements that call back to Sparkle Kitten in particular.

Chapters (6)

Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns is the center of magical research in Equestria. Since Apple Bloom developed a love of potion making and an interest in the theory behind magic, she recognizes what an honor it would be to study there. But that would also mean being the only non-unicorn student to ever attend, leaving her friends and family, and moving to a strange city... and that's if she can pass an entrance exam designed to select the most magically gifted unicorns.

Spike has never wanted more than to be Twilight's number one assistant. But when Twilight points out that there's a pony right in front of him who needs an experienced assistant even more than she does, it means considering a life where he's making the most of his talents... but one without Twilight by his side.

For both of them, facing hard decisions are just part of growing up.

Second place winner for the April Writeoff Association prompt "Great Expectations."

Chapters (3)

What can go wrong when you are friends with a Princess? Nothing can go wrong, when Luna's the princess! Using magic to get something you love never worked out better.

Apple Bloom learns that lesson the best way posible

Chapters (1)

I was reluctant to upload this for a long time since it is a very rushed story and in my opinion not very good. It is, however, the only piece I've written that inspired fanart (multiples, in fact), and so I figured, why not?

Enjoy if you can. I won't blame you if you hate it though.

Original Here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qpJFUx-_SzDKEy7Ds7RHC-U92M-dWtkT_HgpMLRz-D0/edit#

Chapters (1)

You've had your eyes on her ever since you met her, you get nervous around her, you pay full attention to her when she speaks, your heart melts when she giggles, and you wish to stare into her beautiful eyes forever.

When are you going to confess your love to her. Is it so hard to tell her.

Anon X Twilight Sparkle

2nd person story

Update: As of January 26th this story has reached 500 views.

Another Update: As of January 28th this story has 25 likes.

On February 16th this story has reached 666 views.

As of February 29th this story has 750 views and it's on a leap year.

As of April 10th this story has reached 1000 views.

As of April 27th. 35 likes! I didn't believe this story would be so awesome.

As of June 20th, this story has reached 1500 views.

As of August 18th this story has reached 50 likes. Whooo!

There's a sequel coming in May and it's out now.

Reading Of The Story By Lotus Moon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnTALvu9OwQ&t=8s

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Covers

Twilight is going to have another slumber party and each of the Mane 6 is invited. Rainbow Dash however, can't stand the usual events expected at such a party, so she invites Spike to help even things out. Will they both survive the night?
Cover pic, without title.

Chapters (6)

When Apple Bloom discovers a strange phenomenon among the bushes outside of Canterlot High, she meets Apple Bloom, a talking pony no less, and together with their respective friends they venture out into the other world, exchanging places in an attempt to learn as much as they can about the strange new worlds without being found out as impostors.

But one such human has already begun to suspect, one who is a part of both worlds.

Coverart by GreenFlyThePegasus see his other work at Greenfly's Tumblr page

Chapters (13)