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Applebloom sneaks off into the forest to find a friend, however, today would be the last day she would see this peculiar friend. May it last for as long as it could.

This story is made not just to be a tear-jerker, but also a reminder to never forget those special moments we had with our favourite companion. It is also a tribute to my own passing dog that was put down when I was only 8. Stay safe, darlings.

Chapters (1)

An old story of mine written, wow, May 2011. Not in anyway associated with My Little Assistant - which is kinda a bit better anyway, more developed - just inspired by the same picture.

Twilight has always had Spike to rely on, even to her own detriment sometimes. When Twilight's desires interfere with Spike's growing urges for independence and he storms out after some harsh words, can they ever be a family again?

Chapters (3)

Apple Bloom hated Diamond Tiara. Even more than Silver Spoon.
One day a tragic event in the life of the farm filly caused Silver Spoon to be harsher than ever, but Diamond Tiara did something that Apple Bloom would never quite forget.

Story 1 of 3.

Chapters (6)

While flying home from practicing, Rainbow Dash finds Scootaloo trudging through the snow. She then learns of Scootaloo's mother, and decides to take her in. However, she must enlist the help of Twilight to succeed.

Chapters (1)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders, three young fillies who joined together with one goal etched into their minds, to achieve their cutie marks together. Many trials have they undergone hoping to find their cutie marks each ending in the most hilarious and chaotic ways ponykind or even Discord could possibly imagine. The dream felt like it was far from their grasp yet that did not hinder them to continue on and try it another time.

It was until they finally helped the one pony that needed help the most did they finally achieve their lifelong dream of having their cutie marks together. After they received their cutie marks, their life changed forever as they continue to help others in need of a helping hoof. It seemed that life could not hinder these three fillies from living their lives to the fullest right? Not really...

With their newfound marks, this also was but one step into adulthood and suddenly their friendship takes a turn for the better or worse. What will they now that their friendship goes forward with ideas of adulthood ahead and of a love life? Will their strong friendship become more than just friends or will it break as time marches on? Only fate knows what will be in store for these three fillies...

EDIT: This is in the Popular Stories list on 1/21/16... won't last long but damn, my first story to be in that list...

DOUBLE EDIT: Link to a contest thread right here! Hearts and Hooves Contest! This isn't really important, but it's one of the rules for the contest at hand, so I had to obliged :twilightsmile:

Chapters (7)

Scootaloo has been friends with Rumble for a long time. He was always there for her, whenever she needed help with homework or needed help with life. And on this night, something special made both leave happily.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash's life on Earth did not begin in a cardboard box. And her human discoverer was far from the only person in her life.

Written for the More Most Dangerous Game contest, in which it placed as a finalist! Takes place before and alongside the original My Little Dashie.

Much love to the indomitable RainbowBob for his time in proof-reading.

Chapters (1)

A few days after Rainbow Dash had returned to Ponyville, she was reunited with her dad again, but this time, her father isn't her dad anymore.

I will be placing this on Hiatus as I am currently busy with my stuffs now and has returned back to school, hopefully I could get the 3rd chapter by July the earliest.

Chapters (2)

It's been a long time since Rainbow was brought back to Equestria, and some things have not gotten better over the course of a year...

A repost from fanfiction.net, with the authors permission.

I've more or less become the official reposter of DeadLight63's works.

Original Link http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8135475/1/My_Little_Dashie_Unbreakable_Bonds

Chapters (8)

Scootaloo had always been that loner type. The person that felt like she didn't have anyone that could care for her like the others or even a purpose in life...Just two of the best friends in the world was what kept her together.

But only if she knew.

What if she knew there was someone? What if she had actually seen him, instead of her herself pretending he didn't exist? At least...that's how Stratus felt.

He was nothing but the outcast, the one that was never there. His name didn't fit his outlook, but whatever the case, he knows he has to at least make one person happy. To make them feel like she belonged.

This is his story through his eyes.

Tragedy, love, feelings of nothing but hopelessness, and the occasional scare.

Chapters (5)