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David Carrian can't help but be attached to his amazing, very expensive computer. As such, when a virus sneaks onto his system without his knowing, he puts all of his focus and knowledge into removing the threat that is screwing with his memory and CPU.

But he hears something coming from his headphones. A quiet, almost unnoticeable voice cries out from behind the computer screen. On one hand, knowing that the virus is playing such sickening sound effects drives him harder to fix the problem. On the other however, he stops to think after he finally makes out the words said to him...

"...Help me..."

This tale follows heavily on the Slice-of-Life and drama side of things, but sways towards adventure halfway through the story. As of Chapter 13 (treehouse.exe V1.31), we have not reached that point yet.

Episodes beyond season three episode two are ignored.

Click here to listen to a reading of the first chapter by Griffin Productions!

Chapters (14)

During the Canterlot Changeling Invasion, Drone 1074 was on the front lines against the Canterlot Royal Guard when the love spell flung the Changeling forces from the pony capital. However, due to a series of odd and unexpected events, the lone drone finds himself in an unexplored and unknown land. Join him as he explores, trying to find love, shelter, and his hive. These are the journals entries and logs of Drone 1074, Also known as Iota, as he struggles to survive in this land seemingly without love.

This is a Minecraft crossover. I had this Idea when I was playing hardcore mode with several mods installed. Among them were the Mine little Pony mod. For whatever reason, I had a Book & Quill, and decided to role play as this changeling. This is what came to my mind when I started doing it, and I thought it would be a good story to write.

Special thanks to KyroKing for the art.



Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Project Sunflower: Harmony

In every tale, there are unseen details. Small stories, often going unnoticed. This is a collection of those stories that relate to Project Sunflower: Harmony.

It isn't recommended to read these stories without reading the main story. Without the context provided in Project Sunflower: Harmony, it isn't likely that these chapters will make much sense.

Every chapter will have an author's note detailing where it fits in the main storyline. These chapters are intended to be optional to read, and are intended to add some depth and color to the main story.

Cover art by Genbulein

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to See the Zone and Survive

Fourteen Months Celestia has been in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s say that the Zone changes who you are... that's partially true. The truth is as horrific as it is simple: the weak die, the strong grow stronger.

Celestia wasn't weak to begin with. She became stronger, and she has changed. Can she still fit in her homeworld?

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to For Queen and Country

Twilight Sparkle always had a feeling that ponies were not alone in the universe. When he arrived in Equestria, she was proven right.

After he uncovered and subsequently overthrew a plot to kill the two princesses, they sent him back to his world. However, the curiosity of Princess Celestia was still unsatisfied. She had a glimpse of this other world through the mind of this one man, this agent of a service known as 'MI6', but wanted to know more. To this end, she resolved to send her former student there, in an effort to understand more of the human race and, perhaps, meet their mutual friend once again.

Who was this friend, you ask?

Bond. James Bond.

Chapters (6)

Necromancy gets a bad rep.

Oh, sure, some ponies like the whole cliche of the evil zombie master, pulling his puppet strings to make corpses dance and kill for their amusement. And yeah, you kinda do have to work with dead bodies a lot, and most ponies find that a bit creepy. Oh, and you learn a lot of spells to kill things and gain power from it.

But, come on, that doesn't mean all necromancers are bad... right?

Feature on Equestria Daily

Chapters (10)

During the battle with the changelings, a trapped Discord manages an undirected spell that reaches across universes to bring an agent of chaos to Equestria. What's brought back more than qualifies.

Steam! Gears! SCIENCE! A very confused Spark! And, eventually, really good coffee.

Here comes Agatha Heterodyne--MARE GENIUS!

Chapters (6)

Broken and beaten after the failed Canterlot invasion, Chrysalis desperately searches for a way to save her hive. The answer comes to her in the form of an ancient spell that allows travel to other worlds. Starving, feeling left with little choice in a world that despises and fears them, Queen Chrysalis and her Changelings pack their metaphorical saddlebags and ship off into the unknown.

The world they discover is unlike any other. Strange and powerful creatures inhabit the land; not only that, but they also find themselves imbued with new powers. Even better—love is abundant and easy to obtain: all they have to do is fight for their lives in arena-style tournaments, enter beauty pageants, musicals, and other demeaning activities.

As Chrysalis and her ’lings adapt to this new world, they must also be careful. This new paradise comes with its fair share of dangers: other monsters competing for affection, unkind masters, and even an organisation that would seek to enslave and experiment on them.

Finally, why does someone named ‘Arceus’ keep sending Chrysalis Legendary Pokémon Application forms?

Edited and proof-read by the amazingly talented Cerulean Voice Blame him for this awesomeness~

Edit: Featured on the 25/03/2015. Thanks so much everyone.
Featured on EQD on 17/04/2015.

I'd like to thank Pascoite for being my Pre-reader. You are a legend and a master of your craft. Thanks again bro.

Chapters (7)

Ratchet and Clank have tracked a distress signal to an unknown planet. Ratchet, who can't wait to discover what lies on the planet's surface, finds that things are not what he expected. Now he along with his best friend Clank must do their best to make a good impressions on these 'candy colored horses' while preventing their world from becoming consumed. Just a normal day in the life of a hero.

Rated T for fantasy violence and basically what you expect from a Ratchet and Clank game. Oh and Ratchet and Clank will not be turning into ponies. Characters will be added as needed.

Chapters (7)

Equestria has fallen and the resistance is failing in every way possible, so how will they deal with a pair of devices that could change the very face of the war?

Living in the Midwest has it's advantages like never being near conflict, but what happens when the 2 million+ residents are thrown into a virtual hell?

Chapters (10)