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Snakes are beings of cunning and wit. Seviper, or Commander Sev of the PLA, is no exception. His cunning mind has been at work, plotting and scheming to strike back at the human oppressors.

And he would have too, if he didn't find himself and his army scattered about in a foreign world. And what's worse. There are no more humans to fight....

Guess he'll have to help the ponies, or something to keep his mind off of things.

Side story of 'A New World, a New Way'. Go check that out now.
(Please feel free to contribute to this fic's part.)

Chapters (37)

Seth Crescent, an infamous Pokemon Trainer is suddenly whisked away from his home in Unova to a strange world filled with pastel-coloured ponies. Confused, lost and wondering where the rest of his precious partners have gone, the human-turned-Pokemon is rescued by Apple Fritter, a kind Earth Pony living in Canterlot.

She takes him in and offers Seth a place to stay while he finds the rest of his friends. Action, adventure and romance await as Equestria and the world of Pokemon are intertwined.

This is a side story to Zeusdemigod131's A New World, a New Way.

I'd like to thank him for giving me permission to write this, I'm having a lot of fun doing so.

I want to also thank Tdnpony and ZeusDemi for editing as well as the multitude of authors I kidnap ask to help Pre-read.

And thanks to Bubba for my new coverart. It's awesome!!

Also, the main series has a TV Tropes page. Go check it out and add to it!

Edit - I added the sex tag due to jokes and references made.

Chapters (56)

"What happened?"
"What is going on?"
"Why are we Pokémon?"
"Why are we in Equestria?"

So long story short, a brony and pegasister are sent to Equestria as Pokémon and they don't know how it happened or why. Now they must travel through Equestria to either find their way home, or live out the rest of their lives in a new world in new bodies. And only one of these questions will be answered.

"Where is Fluttershy with the cuddles?"
"Don't look at me like that, I know you want one too."
Probably going to be that one.
Edited by: BronieMan305
Pre-read by: psychicscubadiver
Tank you Koru Konsui for helping me think of a name for this freakin' story.

Chapters (5)

Abby Trombly is a Pokemon Ranger, well, to be more specific, she’s one of the best Pokemon Rangers in the Corps. Black Market Rarecandy operations, Slowpoke Tail selling, underground fighting rings, she’s seen it all and dealt with it using both the skills of herself, and her Pokemon. However, Abby has a secret. For years now she and her partner Arcanine Kasai have been much closer then regulations would ever allow.

Now upon being thrust into a new world, with a new, much fluffier body, Abby and Kasai are going to have to find a way to continue their old work while coming to grips with a new type of challenge entirely.

A side-story of A New World a New Way

Chapters (57)

A Sidestory for Zuesdemigod131's A New World A New way.

Construction worker Jacob Arrow, whom prefers to be called "X" was just a small time construction worker in Kalos which his pokemon team as both employee and family. The team does the job, gets paid, and chill out at home.

Meanwhile, young changeling Nell is struggling to find her own way, hopefully one that distances her from her brood sisters, and is about to depart on a short journey as a merchant.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. When Arceus' master plan is kicked off, Nell and the strange family known as ShadowFox construction must survive the chaos the Alpha Pokemon unwittingly caused.

Editing by the amazing TDNpony.

Cover art by me. Currently a Work in Progress.

(9/8) Featured! Many thanks everyone!
(10/26) +1 feature!

Chapters (22)

Arceus has been imprisoned for many millennia, and in that time he has watched his world fall apart. But once he is finally freed from his prison he decides that to protect his Pokémon, and his family, that he will move the Pokémon, and a few select 'humans' to a world where they might live in peace, Equestria. However, not everyone on this new world shares his view of peace and the very presence of the Pokémon upsests some of the citizens of the world, even some of the ones he brought with aren't too happy with the situation. But a god's will is a strong thing and without his willingness the Pokémon and the citizens of Equestria are going to have to learn to get along, or at least tolerate each other. And there's a slight problem with some of the humans too, well, former humans that is.

Big thanks to tdnpony for proof reading, editing, helping me with ideas, and so much more.

Just a few of the side stories from my growing collection.
Pokemon, A Whole 'New' Frontier
A New World, A New Way-Swarm.
The City is Always Bustling On the Other Side
A Brave New World
A new World, Burning an Old Way

The rest can be found here, in my Fan Group. Group Linky.

Big thanks toxBUBBA1995x for the amazing new cover art!

I also have a Tvtrope page that is kept somewhat up to date by Kingofsouls if you know how to Trope, and want to help set it up, go here Tvtrope Link.

Since a lot of people keep aking this I'm gonna put an explanation here. I'm not following any one canon-verse here, I'm making a hodge podge universe with bits from the Manga, Anime, Games, and Movies, as well as some etcetera concerning issues addressed in none of them to great lengths. (Arceus' power is far beyond what he has in the games or movie and this does contain some Pokephilia, which comes from pretty much no canon material ever.)

Chapters (72)

Alice Maximilion and Jonathan Trace are two childhood friends from two very different backgrounds. Jonathan, born into a long line of police officers is striving to be the best he can be at his job. While Alice, born into a long line of Phantom Thieves, continues her family legacy as the mysterious Phantom Thief Fox.

How will the two friends, one unaware of the other's secret, fare when a forgotten God appears and takes them and a majority of their world to a new world?

Rated Teen just to be safe

Title picture is by xBUBBA1995x

Featured 17/05/2016

Chapters (28)

Editors: Fire Starter, Alcatraz, and Neko Majin C (Recently: Seven Fates)
Additional Story tags: Clarke's 3 Laws (More specifically 1 & 3)
Cover Artist: PosionSt

In the year 2036 an asteroid dubbed "Apophis" struck the Earth and contaminated fifty percent of its water and atmosphere with an extraterrestrial pathogen dubbed "The SOL Strain." After two years, sixty percent of all human life was gone! With the world's governments struggling to keep their countries together; all seemed lost.

That is where my story begins.

My name is Chloe Cooper and I'm the only known human to be genetically immune to the SOL Virus. During the pandemic, I volunteered myself for experimentation. In order to keep me safe, I and three other humans were locked away in a vault deep within the Appalachian mountains. There these people, who I soon considered my friends, ran many tests on me and the virus, however after months without contact from above it was time to put the project to rest.

Cryostasis pods dubbed: "Cocoons" had been built in case we failed. 16,000 years later I awoke to sirens, signaling a whole host of problems.

And now? I'm the last of my kind.

Character tags will be updated depending on where the story goes

Chapters (25)

Equestria was a world of relative peace and plenty, where the various monsters were, if not subdued, then at least manageable. The ponies and their princesses had things more or less under control. Limitless Saga was an MMORPG, a game that was insanely popular worldwide. The Riders Of Rohan, the most respected and popular guild in the game, was doing well, even if their founder and guildmaster, Shadowfax, was preparing to log off for the final time. It was Trickster's Day, and April Fool's Day, days on both worlds for pranks and merriment. No one suspected that a well-intentioned mistake would throw everything into chaos, and change the lives of everyone involved forever...

This is the first Chronicle of Rohan, the story of the events leading up to, and following, The Brand New Day. The day when everything ended, and when everything began anew...
A story in an episodic format, if this turns out to be popular, then there will be a second and third book after this one is completed, if not more.

Chapters (7)

What would happen if James get's sent to a world filled with technicolor-ed ponies by Discord & is transformed into one of his favorite Pokemon, a zoroark? Some good comedy & a little mischievous tricks. Will James be able to get back home or will he be stuck as a zoroark in Equestria for good.

Chapters (5)