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This story is a sequel to At Night, All You Have Is...

Applejack asks Sunset how she was able to afford anything after she first showed up in this world.

Pairing: SunLight, SciTwi

Continuity: Homecoming

With an audio reading by Allykitty

Revised 9-23-17

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to There's More That's Out There

Sunset's gone to fill her sisters in on the facts, and Princess Twilight decides to do some stellar research with the help of her counterpart. They also wind up bonding with Cadence and having lunch out on the town.

Continuity: Homecoming, concurrent with There's More That's Out There

Story inspired by this art by and cover art by Uotapo

Popular Story Sidebar 2-28-17

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Homecoming

In the depth of night, when all that is left is the darkness and silence, and that little inner voice that loves to tear you down or remind you of past mistakes. At night, all you have is what you take with you. A little SunLight fluff one-shot.

Pairing: Sunset, SciTwi

Continuity: Homecoming

With an Audio Reading by AllyKitty

Revised 9-23-17

Cover art from SciSet Diary.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer recieves devastating news from her previous world of Equestria. Twilight Sparkle of the human world accompanies her on her journey back home to help support her in her time of need. Neither returns to the human world the same way they left.

Continuity: Homecoming, Origin story.

Cover by: Amber Spark

September 22, 2017 - new chapters and chapter revisions completed.

Featured December 28, 2016, September 13, 2017

Chapters (16)

As part of her search for somepony to assist her with legal matters, Twilight spends most of her time interviewing potential candidates. When this results in her neglecting her friends, Rarity decides to take matters into her own hooves.

By which she means getting a job interview with Twilight and acting as unprofessionally as possible.

I regret nothing.

Written after my friend The-Chibster asked me to 'RariTwi' this wonderful comic by Accordingtodevin. Cover art was done by my partner in raritwi crime, ArcticWaters.

Chapters (1)

Main Theme

Rarity has a wonderful life. She has a wonderful family, great friends, and lives in probably the best neighborhoods around, filled with bright colors, nice people, and even a hint of magic. If she could, she'd stay here in this peaceful world forever.

Sadly, fate has other plans for her. A mysterious creature appears one day in the portal to Equestria, and causes a phenomenon that thrusts Rarity out of her world and into another one. In this dimension, nothing makes sense. Her friends aren't who they're supposed to be, Canterlot is nowhere near as bright, and for some reason, no one knows who she is. Determined to discover what happened, Rarity will journey to a number of Parallel Dimensions, all to learn what that creature was, what happened to her world, and how to get it back.

But she's a part of something much bigger, and may learn that returning to home may be the least of her worries.

Will now update regularly, every Tuesday.

Crossover with Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross, taking place after both games. Information on the games is not needed to enjoy this.

All characters have normal colored skin, despite this being canon to the Equestria Girls movies.

New TV Trope page!

Chapters (35)

Starlight Glimmer has been feeling unloved lately, even by her closest friends. As she finds herself wondering through Ponyville on one cold Winter night, she receives advice from a very unlikely source.

Written for the F*** this Prompt #11 contest in the Rage Reviews group, with the prompt being "Scootaloo is an orphan".

Thanks to FamousLastWords for goading me into writing this by telling me I need to be more spontaneous. Love ya, bro!

Chapters (1)

On the night of her mother's passing, Luna must accept the cold, hard fact that she'll never feel her mother's loving touch again. With no one to else to turn to, she finds solace and a much-needed shoulder to cry on with her big sister.

Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Tantabus, Mk. II

The new and improved Tantabus has behaved itself thus far, but Luna has delayed telling Celestia about it. Until one night when it jumps into Celestia's dreams to say hi and inadvertently reveals itself. Luna must now introduce Celestia to her little bundle of self-aware psychic dream energy sooner than she imagined.

Chapters (1)