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Trying to patrol the dreams of every pony in Equestria can be stressful. To ease her burden, Luna retools the Tantabus to turn nightmares into good dreams instead of vice versa. Aware of her mistakes from last time, she tests it out thoroughly, making sure there are no unexpected behaviors. And as far as she can tell, there are none.

Except that it's started calling her "Mom".

Faced with the prospect of possibly creating life, Luna seeks out Twilight's advice and assistance. With a little luck, they can get this all sorted out before the sun rises.

Chapters (5)

On their six month anniversary, Twilight and Celestia were enjoying themselves when a power surge drew their attention to the Tree of Harmony. To their shock and horror, the second they arrived the tree began to glow so brightly they were forced to turn away. When they were able to see once more, there were two fillies asleep under the tree; both had wings and a horn. Not sure what else to do, Celestia lifted the fillies onto her back. Once she climbed the stairs, followed by Twilight, she was very glad they were on her back and not within the grasp of her magic. The Palace of the Royal Pony Sisters was gone and the Everfree Forest was bright, filled with the sounds of birds' singing.

Twilight and Celestia stared at each other in shock. It was apparent that they weren't in Equestria anymore.

Cover Art drawn by my twin bruddah Otto

Lovingly edited Chap 3+ by Jumbled

Chapters (4)

When Princess Celestia puts away her crown for the night, her dreaming mind escapes into a secret world. A world of adventure, in which the rules are different and everything is possible.

Usually, those dreams pass by without affecting her daily life. But they usually don't involve kissing her sister, either.

Cover by me.
Proofread by Algorth Ironstone.

Chapters (9)

In a silly foal's game, old feelings come back to surface.

Under a mistletoe.

Hearth's Warming fuzzy princest.

Thanks to Anonymous Editor for help. Again. <3

Chapters (1)

After Princess Twilight is given the news that she must move much farther from their friend than she already had, Spike finds himself infuriated. The resulting argument is enough to force him to run away, but neither could have imagined how devastating it would be to their friendship. Now, six years later, Spike can't stop thinking about what he did that night and how dearly he wishes to take it back. So, after many sleepless nights, he decides to return to the friend he's long since abandoned, though when he arrives in Canterlot, Spike may have found more than just friendship.

Chapters (8)

While cleaning the library, Spike comes across a book hidden in Twilight's bed. At first it seems like an ordinary book, but he soon finds out that his longtime friend has been holding some feelings back. But what should Spike do? Should he open his heart to Twilight? Or will he crush her feelings?

The characters in this story are anthronized. Cover art by OnyxPrince

A big special thank you to FlimFlamBros. for proofreading this story and helping me out.

Chapters (6)

Every weekend when the library's closed and no threats to Ponykind are around, Spike and Twilight enjoy their nights with munchies and some flicks. This time though, their choice of cinema encourages some interesting discoveries between the long-time friends.

(Image is cropped from Frist44's work on Derpibooru.)

Chapters (1)

Designation ManeFrame, an experimental construct created by the Equalists, has only one purpose – to crush the remaining resistance that struggles against the mighty Empire. However, when the construct gains conscience in a bloody, unmerciful battle, it is thrust into one last, titanic struggle that would decide the fate of Equestria.

Information is scarce to come by, and every clue reveals three more questions. What happened to the Princesses of the Old? How did the Equalists seize power? And just why does the name Twilight Sparkle sound so familiar?

Featured 28/01/2017. Thank you so much, everyone!

Massive thanks go out to my editors and proofreaders: Garzeel_, Flicka Ravenhide and Destella Morningdew.

Character tags maybe updated in the future. The cover art is edited from the original artwork by zolombo, which you find here. If you don't like the story, please tell me why in the comments description. It would be greatly appreciated!

Chapters (7)

The Cooper Gang has faced many hurdles since they left the orphanage together. Each heist held its own hazards, its own problems, and its own consequences if anything went wrong. However, by working together, Sly, Bentley, and Murray have handled everything thrown their way.

However, their next mission saddles the raccoon leader of this little band of thieves with two hurdles he never anticipated, ones he'll have to handle himself: romance and fatherhood. After all, how could he resist the allure of the lovely Carmelita Fox, even if she is on the side of law enforcement? And an orphan himself, he could never turn his back on the lost, alone, and scared Coco Pommel, a tiny pony filly small enough to fit in his hand...and threatened by the worst of the worst of the criminal world.

Little did he know just how much these decisions would change all their lives.

Part of the PWNY-verse.

Edit: New cover art by Technopathic
Edit 2: New fan art by The Emerald Nightingale

Chapters (144)

Dr. Albert Wily...mad genius, evil scientist, brilliant roboticist, wanted criminal, would be world conqueror, loving father... Wait, what was that last part?

When Dr. Wily wakes up one morning with a tiny unicorn inexplicably clinging to his bald head, he is more than a little flummoxed. Unknown to him, this tiny creature is about to turn his entire life upside down, worm her way into his heart...and make his dreams a reality.

Can you feel the Wub tonight? Mega Man sure will.

Part of the PWNY-verse.
Edit: Now with awesome cover art by sanyo21! How does he do such awesome artwork so fast?
Edit 2: Adorable fan art sprite by SteamingBullet!
Edit 3: New fan art commissioned by a fan!

Chapters (130)