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This story is a sequel to My Little Paper Mario

Twilight and Princess Peach are having themselves a princess vacation in a faraway land, starting in the ragged port city, Rougeport. They find a mysterious treasure map given to them by a mysterious trader, and not wanting to leave their friends out on discovering something exciting, they deliver letters to both Mario and Twilight's friends in Equestria, detailing their findings along with sending the map to the heroic plumber in red, and the gang set off to Rougeport to join the two princesses.

A far more dangerous game is afoot than Bowser's almost successful attempt months prior with the power of the Star Rod. A new enemy stands in their way, wanting to discover what lies beneath the port city, and they will do anything to open what is known as the legendary One Thousand Year Door. Not only that, but they have also managed to kidnap both Peach and Twilight, taking them hostage while the leader of this new group plans to uncover what secrets are hidden beyond this millennial doorway. Will Mario and co. be able to surpass this new foe and claim the treasure for themselves, or is there something far more sinister lurking deep below the land that could wreak havoc on the world?

Chapters (20)

Two teenagers, Alice and Thad, dressed as their favorite Transformers, Arcee and Skywarp, walk into a movie theater, before being spirited away to a land full of colorful equines! What will the two teens do?

This story is a Displaced colab written with the help of Bronyparasite, go check him out!

Chapters (8)

Well, my life has gone insane. I was attending my first ever convention with my mom and sister, dressed in a costume that looks like a black and blue Spider-Man that took me months to make. Then I find someone who offers me a mask and sword that'll complete my costume. Next thing I know, I'm in an anthro version of Equestria with all of Spider-Man's powers and abilities and my sister is a pink hedgehog with a hammer.

My own little take on a Displaced story. This is my first ever story, so constructive criticism is appreciated. Rated T for some swearing. Also, first 2 chapters are currently pretty bad but the rest is decent so please don't judge it until you finish chapter 3.

Feedback (your thoughts in the comments) on chapters will be appreciated.

Chapters (65)

So, this is unexpected.
Oh, sorry, guess I should introduce myself. At least, with my new identity. My name's Cinder Fall. If you haven't heard of me, I can't really blame you. Still, for those who have, I'm in Equestria, of all places. Not trying to conquer it, actually. In fact, I'm friends with the Princesses. Trust me, it was weird for me, as, before, I was just a normal wife where this-my new identity and this world-were fiction, and on my death bed when something spoke to me, and offered me a second life, as i had done some. . .well, let's just say immoral stuff in that life, shall we. Anyway, I guess I'd better start telling the story of what got me here, and what I've been doing. That's why you're here, after all. To read a story.
(My first RWBY story, but not my first Displaced. Also pre-displacment universe is the same as Shadow Kings and Harmony's Champion)

Chapters (14)

BlackWarGreymon, created from 100 Control Spires to do evil, died being a hero.

But as death start to grip him, fate has other ideas. Now in Equestria, his life can start again. Making unforgettable friends, facing deadly foes and experience feelings and emotions he never thought would ever happen to him.

(note: this story takes place after the events in Digimon Adventure 2 episode BlackWarGreymon's Destiny and some time after MLP FIM season 4)

Chapters (78)

Caught up in a massive teleportation spell array, I was dragged from a convention and cast into the frozen wilderness of Northern Equestria. Despite missing a couple years of development and the a talking ermine fairy as a companion; the new form, new skills and even the new world are beginning to seem to like the least of my issues.

I can't help but wonder if some greater game is afoot as destinies and fates seem to shift unto entirely new paths, some of them crossing the roads of others. Even worse, it seems as if I just might have to play a part in keeping everything from ending in a complete disaster.

With new skills and an ever expanding circle of new friends beside me, I can only hope it all works out. With any luck, it won't just be me getting thrown into one dangerous situation after another. Keep moving forward, not getting held back by the past but not forgetting it. It's a promise I made to myself. One made twice over, even. I don't intend to break it. All it takes is a little bit of Courage.
[sources: vector, background]
[A Negima/MLP Crossover][A Displaced Story][wikipage][Editor: Regreme (c.7+)]

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Inner Strength

This story is a sequel to Playing House

After discovering the magic of friendship, Sunset Shimmer's senior year was one of the happiest times of her life. But it's been almost two years since graduation; all her friends have moved on to studying abroad, to promising careers, to new lives.

Sunset decides that with nothing left to keep her in the human world, it's time to go back where she belongs, only to find that returning home is different than finding one.

A story set in the Who We Become series.

Although this story could be well understood without knowing anything about Who We Become, this comment will explain what happened in previous stories if you want to get caught up.

Content warning: This story contains depictions of polyphobia. The narcotics tag is included for heavy alcohol use, no hard drugs.

Thanks to ArchAngelsWings, elmago02, Eddie Grammar, and Dessert, known on Fimfiction as Mouch30 for editing/pre-reading. This text would be much uglier without them :ajsmug:

And another thanks to Dessert for the wonderful cover art, which I'm sure is the biggest reason anyone notices this story in the first place :raritywink:

Chapters (23)

Fire Emblem Crossover

Marked Defiance (Mark for short), a mischievous unicorn, not to mention apprentice to Equestria's Royal Tactician, finds himself in a whole new and dangerous world by accident.

After being saved by a local named Lyndis, he is set on an adventure that will test his skills and quite possibly his sanity. But can he and the friends that he gathers, stop the forces threatening to destroy both worlds?
If you do dislike it and you press the dislike button, at least let me know why so that I can improve.

This is my very first written fanfiction. I appreciate honest and constructive criticism so that my story and writing will get better as it progresses.

Crossover of My Little Pony and Fire Emblem (Will follow the seventh game's plot to a point)
Rated Teen for cursing, violence, and sexual themes (No Clop)

For those who'd like to know how I'm splitting the story arcs and it's primary focus, it's as follows:
* = Complete
^ = In Progress
$ = Planned
*Lyn's Story (Where I started and got used to writing while introducing the crossover)
*Chrysalis' Story (I split off into Equestria to practice my original content as well as provide an engaging FE style plot in Equestria)
$Eliwood/Hector/Mark's Story (Where I use everything I learned from the previous arcs to tell a familiar tale in an interesting new way)

Edited by Neiha(Retired) and IRpony. Without these two, the story would be a lot worse. Trust me.
Cover Art by: littletea10
I do not own MLP or Fire Emblem (unless you count the GBA cartridge), they belong to Hasbro and Nintendo respectively.

Chapters (31)

For once, everything is peaceful in the Mushroom Kingdom. And things only get better when Princess Peach's royal friends in Equestria invite her to attend the Grand Galloping Gala with the company of the famous Mario Bros.
While everyone and everypony is having a good time, a cataclysmic event is brought about by a draconian sorcerer...who isn't Bowser! (Dramatic Cello).
Using his awful powers, the villain does away with the Bearers of Harmony, and renders any magic of the Mushroom or Equestrian royalty inert.
Drained of all power, confined to their castle, and with their own heroines out of commission, the powerful royals must rely on the power of the heroes from another land, who may not bear the powers of harmony, but may have something just as powerful: brotherhood.

Chapters (6)

It looks like Bowser has another plan to kidnap Princess Peach...again. But, it looks like his plan will succeed when he does the unthinkable: stealing a mystical wand called the Star Rod, said to grant any wish to anyone who holds it, sealing away the Star Spirits, 7 powerful star beings that watch over the land and grant wishes to those with a good heart, and using the Star Rod's power to take over the Mushroom Kingdom, defeat his nemesis, Mario, and make Peach his.

Meanwhile, in Equestria, Twilight had managed to come up with a spell to transport to other dimensions without the use of a portal. Eager to try it out with her friends after her experience in the human version of Equestria, and a few experimental tests with other objects beforehand, she casts the spell to transport them, only for it to backfire, sending them into the Mushroom Kingdom. Stuck in this new world until Twilight can find a way to safely get her and her friends back home, the Mane Six will have to team up with Mario and new friends in this new world to stop Bowser and save the Mushroom Kingdom from his tyranny.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro.

Paper Mario is owned by Nintendo.

Chapters (42)