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He had been nothing more than a drifter caught in a summertime thunderstorm. She had been an honest and dependable pony that gave her very essence to the land that her family tilled. Seeking shelter from the rain one dreary afternoon, the drifter met with the pony, and their lives would never be the same again. When the drifter disappeared into nothing one day many years ago, the pony lost the only thing that she had ever wanted.

She wanted him only to stay...

Chapters (1)

Based on the original characters of Kilala97's Next Generation pictures, comes a series of one-shots and fluffy drabbles featuring the pairing of Anthea and Prism Bolt.

Inspired by the cover art and fact that this is the artists personal OTP and her challenge to have people write fiction for this pairing I present that fic. This will be a series of one-shots and drabbles that deal with the pair. Ranging from funny, sad, romantic, sensual (but not sexual) and everything in between I hope you all enjoy this fun little couple.

Characters belong to Kiala97 who can be found on deviantart here. Friendship is Magic is owned by Lauren Faust, DHX media, Hasbro and the Hub. I do not own these characters and make no profit from making these stories.

Thank you and enjoy.

Chapters (1)

Michelle Winters has had a rough life. And upon finding out that magic is real, she discovers just how interesting a transdimensional pen pal can be. And how life-saving they can become.

(Not gonna spoil the first chapter in the intro. :3 )

( This actually came onto me after listening to Pull Me Through by Aftermath. Amazing, powerful song.)

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to A Good Girl Never…

Roseluck has a wonderful fillyfriend, a great job, and a great life.

She's happy with where she's at, but there is one event in her past that still haunts her. At the urging of her fillyfriend, she sets out to make it right.

Primary Cast: Roseluck
Secondary Cast: Applejack, Torchsong, Apple Family.

A/N: I wasn't certain I was going to make this, but as a lot of people pointed out, there were some glaring issues with A Good Girl Never… that I was not happy with. I hope they are sufficiently addressed and sorted out with this fic.

Chapters (1)

When she was birthed with horn and wings she was thought to be a pegacorn, a rare and blessed blending of the tribes, whose long life and power brought wealth and stature.

Then the guards came, seeking the first alicorn born in over a thousand years.

An entry for The Most Dangerous Game contest
Now archived in Twilight's Library

Chapters (1)

Testing the fabrics of morality and his body, he seeks to kill himself for good.

Too bad there's so many distractions on the way.

Inspired by LucidTech's To Befriend the Night

Chapters (6)

Vinyl Scratch knew from the day they met that she and Octavia would be friends forever. They were inseparable, indivisible, invincible. Nothing would change that, Octavia promised. Nothing.

However, as time goes on, not all foalhood promises seem concrete. Time, after all, changes everything.

Inspired by and dedicated to the best friend I've ever known.

Thanks to RoboRed and Sir Rustbucket for editing.

Now featured on Equestria Daily!

Rated Teen for some language and thematic elements.

Chapters (1)

The princesses want to share a rare honor with Twilight and her friends. They will all journey to an ancient monastery where they can get in touch with new powers gifted to them by the Tree of Harmony. Unfortunately, to attend the monastery, Twilight and her friends must shave their manes and tails. Rarity cannot perform such an dreadful act without spending an evening saying her final farewells.

Inspired By: Meditation

Chapters (1)

One normal and completely average morning, everything went wrong. Rarity arrives at the Castle of Friendship to pick up Spike for their weekly gem hunting trip, only to find that Spike has locked himself in his room and Twilight is working herself into a frenzy in the library. As she tries to piece together what happened that morning, and mend a damaged friendship, she'll make a number of startling revelations.

Some of them bigger than others.

Cover art used with permission of Kilala97.

Thanks to The Albinocorn for proof reading.

Chapters (1)

During a sleepover at Twilight’s, Rarity takes the opportunity to talk about boys. The girls press Applejack into opening up a little more around them.

But a good girl never talks about that kind of thing…

Primary Cast: Applejack
Secondary Cast: Mane Six

Edited by Level Dasher

Chapters (1)