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Princess Celestia sends Twilight Sparkle a letter, asking the same question she always does. Maybe a visit from Spike will prompt her to give an answer at last.

Lengthened version of the 6th-place finisher in the /fic/ mini write-off "One Little Mistake."

Thanks to The Descendant for reading over this for me and making sure it had something useful to say.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie's birthday is coming up, and given how far along she is in her pregnancy, she's been put on double-ultra-secret activity probation. This means no baking, which means no birthday cake, and that's just something that her daughter, Cotton Candy, can't allow. It's time to bake her a cake! There's only one issue: she can't bake to save her life. Luckily, Papa Pokey's perfectly willing to help out.

Cotton Candy (and the cover art of her) is a creation of the amazingly talented kilala97, who also did the prereading for this story!

Chapters (1)

Aphid is a changeling, stuck in a cage in a circus sideshow. Azure Blue is a colt from the Crystal Empire, the heir of a wealthy family... and looking to make a purchase.

There are some things money can't buy. A changeling's freedom should be one of them...

Cover Art Provided By Pen Mightier.

Chapters (2)

Most ponies assume that something is wrong with Ditzy Do's eyes. Theories range from a head injury to a genetic disorder to muscle damage behind her eye. The crueler folk suggest she's just retarded. Nicer ponies say it's just a party trick she never got tired of.

They're all wrong. They're all very, very wrong.

I discovered the truth one day in conversation with her. One eye would always look at me, and the other would wander. At least, I thought it was wandering. So while we were talking, I followed it. Goddess in heaven I wish I had not. Never follow the other eye. Ever. Because Ditzy Do's eyes work fine.

She's just watching something. That... thing that's always in the corner of our eyes. And if she looks at you with both eyes?

Goddess save you.


Preread by BrastaAAura17, Chase Cosmicwing and dreamingnoctis. Cover art also by dreamingnoctis. Guy's a bro.

Chapters (13)

Destiny is a funny thing.

Sometimes, at the drop of a hat, our destiny can change. Sometimes, we don't even notice it, and what we end up with is something that doesn't belong. Even after our true friends step in to right what was wrong, a false destiny can leave something behind, and all you can do is ignore it... or embrace it.

Set shortly after the end of Magical Mystery Cure

Cover Art by Ambris

Chapters (1)

In the aftermath of her battle against Tirek, Twilight Sparkle is unwell. She wants more. She needs more. And she is afraid of what others might think of her.

But even in the midst of her growing despair that she has betrayed everything she stood for, she learns something about friendship and what it means to be an alicorn.

Chapters (12)

One fateful day, Discord felt a disturbance in the balance of things. Not just him, but Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, too. They all know what happened.

Laughter had experienced a loss.

This is for the loss that has been endured on 8/11/14, of a comedy icon that never failed to try and make everyone smile. O Captain, our Captain.

Chapters (1)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders' plans for an afternoon of crusading are interrupted by a school assignment to write a report on nature. They've heard other ponies talk about "the birds and the bees" and decide to ask their sisters and the rest of the Mane Six for their help on the subject.

Needless to say, the answers they get should make for a very interesting report!

(Cover art composite created from vector images by Alphanz and Sulyo)

Presented as a multiple short chapter story.

Chapters (7)

An angry old stallion frustrates the citizens of Ponyville with his insulting, cantankerous ways. Nopony can stand him, including Princess Twilight and her circle of friends. All the while, Fluttershy quietly looks on.

Chapters (1)

North of Canterlot, in the far marches of Equestria near the border with the Griffon tribes, there is a mountain that flies.

West of Canterlot, beyond the Galloping Mountains and a desert painted in the pastel hues of a faded rainbow, a tower sits at the edge of the world.

South of Canterlot, past the Everfree forest and the desolate badlands, a city of gardens waits to be born.

The Lost Cities Challenge! Awesome authors who have taken it upon themselves to explore other abandoned places:

- The Land of Glass and Stone, by RazgrizS57
- The City that Breathes, by Pearple Prose
- Aletheia, by Foehn
- Far Kobresia, by Baal Bunny
- Keskiyƶnnon, by Bradel
- Unknown Architecture, by Not_A_Hat
- The Gentle People, by Bad Horse
- The Seal of Wax and Glass, by DuncanR

Dramatic Reading by Illya Leonov: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4.

Royal Canterlot Library interview for Lost Cities.

Chapters (7)