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Hello, Equestria. My name is Princess Luna, and my sister is an idiot. The object of her idiocy – her faithful student, Twilight Sparkle – appears to share her stupidity. Luckily, I am here to lend them a helping hoof.

I can't really blame them, though. They're just so adorable when they're completely clueless.


100% Approved by Twilight's Library!

Chapters (1)

On the Night Mare's Night, Archdruid Twilight Sparkle prays to her goddess, and, for the first time, her goddess answers.

Unfortunately, matters are never quite that simple when one is dealing with a being of power beyond mortal comprehension.

Entry for the Second TwiLuna Contest

Thanks to Obselescence for his help.

Chapters (1)

For more than a millennium, it was believed that the princesses were immortal. But as time marched ever forward, it become clear that even the alicorns won't live forever.

Princess Celestia is at the end of her life.

While Equestria must find a way to cope with this new reality, those that are truly suffering are those closest to her. None are struggling as much as her sister, Princess Luna. Not only is she forced to handle the duties of ruling Equestria and taking care of the transition, she must also cope with the imminent death of her beloved sister.

Image source.

Warning: comments may contain spoilers.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia goes out on a whim for an ice cream cone and discovers just how shaky her own personal finances are, leading to a fiscal catastrophe that could threaten the status of the entire nation.
Featured on Equestria Daily with two stories by Bad Horse called Sisters

Now with readings from the Living Library Players and joehighlord.

Editing assistance by Bad Horse
And a review by Paul Asaran
And a Spanish translation by Kiwi.
And a Chinese translation by way of Nova Twinkle.

Chapters (1)

In the mirror universe of Equestria, King Sombra rules as a wise and good monarch, with one great secret. He loves the Princess Celestia, one from a different universe, as kind as his world's is cruel. He has loved her patiently for over a thousand years, and would continue to do so, if the cruel Celestia had not begun slowly to destroy his kingdom and his ponies.

She has offered him an almost irresistible temptation: to give her the key to that other universe, and to have his princess in exchange. He has always refused, but now his most trusted advisors beg him to accept. Can he oppose their temptation as well?

Based on the Reflections Arc of the IDW comic series, 17-20; set just before and just after the action of the arc, and just after Equestria Girls and before Season Four of FiM. Spoilers for the arc apply.

Chapters (2)

Flash Sentry returns home to Ponyville after a lengthy tour of duty in the Crystal Kingdom.

He is not alone.

Chapters (1)

Losing your home isn't something that you get over in a day—Spike doesn't think so, at least. But Twilight insists that she's not overly distraught by the destruction of the Golden Oak Library, and she says that she's simply ready to move on. Spike, on the other hand, can't let go of his old home quite so easily. Is Spike just blowing this whole thing out of proportion, or is there something Twilight isn't telling him?

Now in audio form, courtesy of Pinkie Pie!
Cover image generously created by StainlessKey.

Chapters (1)

"Nopony exists but you, and you are but a thought."

Twilight's life as she knows it harbored a sense of security, but all that changes when Princess Celestia then arrives to deliver a message. To reveal the truth about Twilight's world that the mare's conscious mind has long since forgotten.

As her memories return, she is forced to come to terms with the fact that she was never Twilight Sparkle at all, but rather a structured thought experiment whose knowledge expanded through lives she herself requested to live in order to harbor a greater understanding of existence.

But sometimes there's one life among many that's the hardest to let go of...

Inspired in part by a "Three words" game in The Writer's Group, and Mark Twain's "The Mysterious Stranger".

Edited by Breath of Plagues

Featured on Equestria Daily!
TV Tropes page.

Chapters (5)

Ponies gravitate toward Twilight. Through charisma or just getting thrown together by circumstance, she's gained a lot of friends, but when has she ever simply walked up to a pony and said, "I'd like to be your friend"? Time for the Princess of Friendship to fix that.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash keeps a short diary after she returns to Ponyville.

Chapters (9)