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Sometimes you have to laugh, so you don't have to cry. Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich may have more in common than they thought, including Ponyacci, the greatest clown in all of Equestria. But when Pinkie Sense and Cheesy Sense combine, it sends them on a journey to throw the worst party of their lives.

Featured in Twilight's Library and on Equestria Daily. Art is"Generations of Laughter," by Fractious Lemon/Matt Garner. Used by permission, and it's also a shirt.

Chapters (3)

Sequel to Let the Silence Sing!
Big Macintosh is dating Princess Celestia, and now all of Equestria knows thanks to a certain foal photographer. Dating a Princess is hard, thanks to her demanding schedule and his work at Sweet Apple Acres. The two rarely speak to one another during their get-togethers, but the silence sings between them.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to What if: Rarity from The Three Sisters met with Chrysalis

Choosing whether or not to visit Chrysalis has been bugging Rarity for a week since receiving an invitation to do so. But there seems to be trouble brewing in the Hive and Rarity now has little time to act. Either way, her family's future rests in her hooves.

Now with a TV Tropes page! Warning: Will Contain spoilers.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to The Three Sisters: Extended Family

A story of The Three Sisters Universe

Families are like fudge — mostly sweet with a few nuts. ~ Unknown Author

Chrysalis' daughters are serving their community service in Ponyville. Nothing can go wrong. Right?

Unless they all have their own agenda, and surprises keep piling up, complicating matters further. But anything to broker peace between the Changeling Nation and Equestria... right?

Art by the incomparable Conicer!

Now with a TV Tropes page! Warning: Will Contain spoilers.

Chapters (20)

Seeking vindication in the most unlikely of places, Luna enters Tirek's dreams to find it in the form of a simple question for the villain. But when the tables are turned and the truth laid bare for all to see, Luna realizes that the truth is not necessarily the best of answers, especially if Tirek is the one to tell it.

Big thanks to my editors Titanium Dragon and Selbi for all their wonderful help!

Wonderful cover art found at http://sunshinederp.tumblr.com/

Chapters (1)

Tirek's free subscription to Better Lairs and Landscaping magazine nearly led to the end of Equestria as we know it.

Chapters (10)

What a foolish man to come here and reach so high.

You thought to love even the sun and that she might, somehow, come to love you. As if she could ever love some sad, misshapen thing.

And you changed yourself, so utterly, so horribly. A useless, broken mockery of what she was.

And now? Now all you have are your memories.


Wrote this for the Most Dangerous Game Contest.

Chapters (1)

Do you remember being born? Torn away from everything that is familiar and cast out into the unknown?

I do.

It haunts my dreams.

Chapters (1)

Naturally, most would think that having a destiny of good luck would be something wonderful. Who wouldn't love winning every competition? Who wouldn't love never having to worry about finding a job? Who wouldn't love to have everything handed to them without having to work at it?

One pony would beg to differ with this sentiment. Lucky Clover is a colt that has lived such a life, a life that has become more of a curse than a blessing. What once seemed to be great has turned into a nightmare, for being lucky all of the time does not necessarily mean life will be a simple trot in the park. On the contrary, it can present challenges that most would never face.

[A/N] I think I might have seen a story like this before, centered on a pony with perpetual luck, but I've decided to roll with this idea and give a story (with some background) to one of the most under-represented background ponies in this fandom.

With that said, I hope you enjoy. :)

Edited by: Twi-Guy

Story Slightly Inspired by: Every Thorn Has its Rose

Chapters (1)

Roseluck hates Hearts & Hooves Day. She's always been a single mare, and spending the entire day selling flowers is not her idea of a good time. She was hoping things would be different this time around, and who knows? Maybe things will finally change for the downtrodden mare.

Obviously, the title is a play on words of the Poison song, "Every Rose Has Its Thorn".

Chapters (2)