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Having spent nearly a year in Celestia's court and by her side, the first and only human in Equestria is in rapidly deteriorating health. And despite all of her power, Celestia finds herself unable to help him.

(Written for the Most Dangerous Game contest, and in far less time than I would have liked. AU tag because for purposes of this story I'm ignoring the mirror world where Equestria Girls took place—this Equestria has no knowledge of humans in any way.)

Chapters (1)

Expectations. Fame or infamy. Family. Friends. Work.

They all define everypony in different measures. Sometimes the feeling is positive... and sometimes... sometimes it gets to be a bit much.

Chapters (1)

Frosty Mug runs the premiere (and only) watering hole in Ponyville. He's been behind the pine for years, and listened to many a sob story, and joyous announcement. Enjoy his recollections of a rather strange week in which he served a different Element of Harmony every day, and a pony he would have never thought he'd have the honor of getting drunk. These are the memoirs of a Ponyville booze vendor.

Now with bonus drinks! Consider it 'Happy Hour'!

Warning: Shipping is mentioned.

Chapters (10)

The life of a mother is challenging, but the life of an expectant one is excruciating. Maybe one day, Princess Cadance can reach the challenging part. For now, all she faces is the cold bathroom floor and a solid bout of nausea, and she is losing miserably.

Can she survive this morning?

Approved by Twilight's Library.

Chapters (1)

In Equestria, there is a night, known as the night of long shadows. It was the night Luna's rebellion ignited a civil war between a race that had known nothing but acceptance and peace for a thousand years before. It is on this night that Princess Celestia handles Luna's duties so that she may make a solemn journey to a secret garden.

My Memorial Day fic.

Happy Memorial Day to all my brothers in arms!

Chapters (1)

My ponies come up with some strange ideas; and so do I.

What follows is the best, and arguably the weirdest day of Celestia's life. (and at her age that's saying something)


Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Wingover

When the biannual Wonderbolt Exhibition in Manehattan turns into a disaster zone, even the most skilled of pegasi will find themselves tested.

Prism Bolt has been coasting through life since his brief moment in the sun during Tornado Duty. His brother, Icy Storm, has set his sights on being a flier greater than even their mother, to the exclusion of all else. Will the turbulence from this event give their lives new direction, or will it send them spiraling into disaster? The time has come for the children of Rainbow Dash to choose their own paths in life. These two brothers, different as night and day, will find that perhaps they have more to learn from each other than they realized.

AN: This is the fourth and final part to a series that began with the story 'A Little Push.' I highly recommend reading the other three stories for maximum enjoyment.

The characters, art and pretty much everything except the story concept belong to Kilala97. She's awesome and you should check her stuff out.

Proofreading done by the grammatical force of nature, Prak. This is another guy you should check out, cause man can he write humor.

Chapters (1)

You remember Canterlot. You remember the taste of victory. Across a thousand years and a hundred lives, it was the greatest joy you had ever felt.

And then, in a flash of heat and unbearable light, it ended.

Now you are alone. The rest of your kind are dead or scattered, and you cannot hear their thoughts.

There is a void inside you. A gnawing, endless hunger you cannot escape. It is killing you.

You need love to survive, but there is none of that here. Not for you. You can only steal it from them, these ponies for whom we are hungry.

[My entry in and winner of the "Most Dangerous Game" contest."]

Chapters (5)

After Twilight delivers a batch of books to Sweet Apple Acres as a gesture of goodwill, she finds that one member of the Apple Family is not interested in her offerings. Through her efforts to discover why, she inadvertently discovers Big Macintosh's most shameful secret.

Thanks to JBL for the story idea.

Thanks to Holo, Midnight Legend, ajvasquezbrony28, Sir Rustbucket, ValorlordV5, and Sage Runner for editing.

Now with a YouTube reading by Thornquill!

Rated Teen for some thematic elements.

Chapters (1)