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From Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder
K'larra was a deep cover changeling sent to spy on Ponyville in preparation for the invasion. Sazzix was a survivor of the invasion that slipped past the wards and posed as an ordinary pony.

They fell in love.

Then they figured out they were both changelings.

Then they got drunk.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie doesn't tell ponies about Pinkamena and Surprise. The doctors said that they were bad for her, that they were a disease, but she disagrees. Sure, Pinkamena's a bit of a grumpy-pants, but she's still a great friend! She's often the voice of reason to counter-act some of the other two's crazier ideas, after all. Surprise, on the other hand, is a great prank-player, and always up for some fun. She's more like Pinkie, only more hyper. Both are great fun to be around, and they get on well.

Thing is, she knows that if she told ponies about them, then they would be dragged back to the hospital. And then be 'treated' again. None of them want that. Because of this, not even her best not-in-head friends know about them. The three of them have, for years now, been careful enough to keep the existence of Pinkamena and Surprise secret.

This has, of course, gone out the window now that Twilight is hammering on the door after overhearing one third of a conversation, with no sign of anyone else talking.

Hints of F/F shipping inside. Nothing will actually come of it here, though. Maybe in a future story.

Cover art can be found here: http://killryde.deviantart.com/art/Smile-338206490

Chapters (21)

Crossover with The Avengers

9.12.2014- Cripes, I made the featured box?! Thank you all so much!

After his actions in New York, Odin hands down his sentence for Loki's crimes. Instead of execution or being locked in the Asgardian dungeon for the rest of his natural life, Loki will instead be sent to live with his granddaughters, to learn the virtues he is so desperately lacking.

Loki didn't know he had granddaughters. He had even forgotten he had a son in the first place.

And to make things even more complicated, said granddaughters are magical pony princesses in a magical land of talking, technicolor ponies called Equestria.

Yeah. Things are gonna get interesting.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Goodbye, Boneless

Cheese Sandwich keeps a lot of his thoughts to himself when he's around Pinkie Pie. For a party pony, he's still awfully shy. But today he’s going to slip up, think out loud when he’s barely awake, and say a lot more than he meant to.

Pinkie Pie is always happy to see her friend Cheesie. And this time, it’s not party pony business; it’s a really real visit just to see her! He’s so much fun to play with, and he thinks the nicest things about her, but she wishes he’d say some of them. Listening in is starting to get awkward.

This is a sequel to "Goodbye, Boneless." Technically, if you're trying to read in sequence, it also falls after "Flash and Trend Steal All Your Waffles." CheesePie, of course.

Chapters (3)

Inspired by a lecture my dad gave me after consuming 1.5 bottle's worth of rice wine. Also a little something for Christmas Eve and Day.

Scootaloo was on top of the world. Showered with praise at the Equestrian Games, became closer to her idol, and learned an important lesson in the process. To celebrate the success of their performance at the Crystal Empire, the CMC, with the aid of Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, launch a party at Sweet Apple Acre.

But even with all the festivities, Scootaloo's self-doubt had not completely disappeared. Even before the bullying, the idea of never joining Rainbow in the sky, no matter how hard she tried, left a hole in her stomach. After all, what more can you do but your best?

Wandering around the barn, she discovers a curious hobby of Big Macintosh's. Just to be fair like the cool pony she is, Scootaloo reveals a secret of her own, and learns from the stallion just what mere hard work can do.

Edited/proofread by JBL

Chapters (1)

For over a thousand years, the power to teleport things has been a high-level spell that unicorns can perform. But when Pinkie Pie hits upon a strange rule (to her) Twilight has to explain things to the pink pony.

EDIT: Holy cowbell, how the heck did this get featured? This is. well, not anywhere near my best work. How? HOW?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Into The Depths

The horrors of the catacombs have turned to distant memories for Celestia, Twilight, and Luna. Discord’s change of heart and Twilight’s coronation have helped to ease and erase the mental scars from that harrowing night. The three princesses can even smile and laugh as Nightmare Night moves into full swing.

Yet, it should never be forgotten that those who have been touched by Tirek are forever within his grasp.

Chapters (9)

Cheese Sandwich knows there’s no mare more fun-fun-fun than Pinkie Pie, and there’s nothing he’d like more than a Hearts and Hooves Day party at which they’re the only guests. But she’s the super-duper-iest party pony of them all, and everypony in Ponyville is her best friend, and they all seem determined to invite themselves along. What’s a colt to do?

Written for a Hearts and Hooves Day contest on Deviant Art.

Chapters (1)

Equestria rejoices as Princess Twilight defeats evil, a castle ascends from the ruins of the Golden Oaks Library, and magical rainbows of friendship billow across the land. But there is grief even in the midst of joy: the Princess laments the loss of her beloved books, and a party stallion mourns a small rubber chicken.

Takes place after Equestria Games: The Cheese Course, and the season 4 finale. CheesePie; part of the same verse/continuity beginning with Swear on Camembert.

Cover art is Filly On The Ball, by Shiro-Gi. Used by permission.
This fic is 100% approved by Twilight's Library.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Swear On Camembert

Cheese Sandwich is having a hard time distinguishing between the Cheesy Sense sending him to throw parties all across Equestria, and some other mysterious force that keeps pulling him back towards Ponyville and its pink Permanent Party Pony. He's fighting it as hard as possible, but when his career literally bombs, he may have no choice but to give up---or give in. Either way, he has to ask Pinkie Pie for her help.

A Hearts and Hooves Day sequel to Swear on Camembert. Cover art by FillyBlue: used by permission.

Chapters (3)