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A man is transported to Equestria through some unknown means. Instead of becoming the life of the party in an instant, he is forced to survive using less than conventional means, hiding from the denizens of Ponyville in fear of how they would react to a human being. But such an existence cannot last forever.

As well, he must contend with the reality of an incomplete cartoon world. Things are not as easy to adjust to as they seem.

Chapters (29)

As Princess Cadance and Shining Armor leave to spend their wedding night, Twilight Sparkle and her friends get to kick back and relax after a successful wedding. And just as she's getting comfortable, the conversation veers onto the subject of... sex. And before she knows it, Twilight faces the terrifying prospect of having to tell her friends about her first time. A special, magical, enchanted moment.

Some unicorn spells should have never been devised...

Chapters (1)

Spike has been rejected by Rarity after helping her for a very important client and a fashion show. He disappears shortly afterwards, leaving Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, and the rest of the gang saddened by his absence.

It has been three years since that incident, and the girls have gotten past the sadness, but still get together to remember the purple dragon every year. On this day, a new pony comes to Ponyville, and although he knows nothing of what his life was like, helps the group have more fun and fills part of the hole left in their hearts from Spike.

Idea for the fashion show goes to LordPlagus777's story Heart of Scales.

Chapters (10)

SGT Jennings dropped into New Mombasa to take over a Covenant cruiser. When a lucky Anti-Aircraft shot takes away his ability to control his pod, he careens end-over-end into a slipspace portal, and emerges in Equestria.

Be warned, there is more cursing in the beginning then there will be later, due to an all-military environment in the beginning.

Chapters (14)

Over the course of several years, Rarity has achieved a fabulous career, contributing to both Equestrian fashion and the Ponyville community. She is admired by her clients, envied by her peers, and cherished by her dear friends, proving that she's a dependable shoulder to lean on.

Then one day, a mysterious pony visits from out of town. She wishes to meet Rarity, but not to thank her.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Fluttershy Discovers Animal Crackers

Following the horrific events of the Animal Cracker Incident, Pinkie makes gummy bears for Rainbow Dash. Will Fluttershy find out about them and just become even more traumatized?

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash isn't having a very good day. First she was in some dark place, then it turns out she's in the hospital. Oh, and she's apparently blind now.

Eventual Twidash!


Inspiried by the cover art, which belongs to the awesome 8-Xenon-8 on deviantart! Also inspired by the Ask Blind Rainbow Dash tumblr blog by Jykinturah.

Youtube reading, by the awesome L0RdZovChAoS, here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6S23CkL48EM

Chapters (19)

Alex has been thrown around realities for a long time without control. This time, he jumped to Ponyville and will be staying for a lifetime. Can he build a life here? Does he want to? What about the family he left behind?

Cover art is a commission by AphexAngel

Also, a big thanks to my ediors, pre-readers, and idea givers: Marvelous Cheshire,
Tosety, DiscordsAdvocate, KMCA, warpd, Spect, Makkelulu, KitsuneNoYomeiri, earthrise, Pen Brush

Chapters (70)