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    - October, 2014
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This story is a sequel to Iron Hearts: Book 4 - Emerald Dawn

An MLP/Warhammer 40K crossover supplement.

The ponies that have joined the grim and unheroic warriors of the Iron Warriors 38th Company peer into the pasts of their sapien friends. They learn what made them, what drives them, and, just maybe, what may save them...

(Warning: experimental writing techniques, perspective shifts, classical grimdark, and much less pony than usual)

Chapters (7)

I was cast out by my comrades. Exiled. Forced to wander the frozen wastes...but I was not alone. Not entirely. The voice, now my only companion, guided me to my destination. Strange, nightmarish creatures awaited me at the entrance. I felt my blood run cold, as cold as Icecrown itself.

Inside, I bore witness to horrific acts, demonstrations of power, power that could be mine for the asking. Terrified, I ran...but did not get far. All too soon, my choice was made. Too late did I realize that such power does not come...without a price.

Now, the world shall pay a far greater toll, for I have returned.

Book of Bones, chapter six: the magus' lament

Note, this is not a world of Warcraft X mlp crossover.

It doesn't use anything from the game besides names, and some of these characters aren't even in their own roles. Never the less I've decided to include the crossover tag to appease angry fanboys with guns.

Chapters (6)

ACT One: (Chapters 1-10)
After a fatal tragedy, Twilight wakes up in a situation unlike anything she had experienced before. How is she supposed to react when she finds herself reincarnated as the daughter of Queen Chrysalis, the very one who orchestrated her assassination? Does she give into the rage and loss of her former self, or does she hold true to the magic of friendship?

ACT Two: Synopsis incoming

Chapters (10)

Twilight Sparkle is given permission to explore the Canterlot Caves after the invasion but, while inside, she discovers an ancient and primordial being, an literal force of nature, a creature said to be over a million years old...and it's now awake, how will she, and her friends, handle an adventure of a lifetime? Will they be able to get knowledge from a creature older than Celestia herself? Will they be able to bring it out of its well of sadness? Will they be able to show it that friendship really IS magic, or will it be driven away by their persistence of trying to become friends with it after it was betrayed and cause it to never been seen again?

Be wary Equestria for the Nine Tailed Beast has arrived!

Crossover with Naruto/After the Naruto Anime, if you hadn't figured out yet

Chapters (9)

Everypony has a story. Some tell of heroic feats and grand adventure. Others tell of villainy against the forces of Harmony. The story of an average guard, however, is one of obscurity. They live in the background, unnoticed but ever-present.

Silent Knight assumed his tale would be like that of his father's: join the Royal Guard and serve Equestria. He would be just another helmet and spear, part of the rank and file. And that was all he ever wanted.

However, when Captain Shining Armor asked for volunteers to form a House Guard for the recently returned Princess Luna, it was Silent's hooves that stepped forwards to set his new life in motion.

Chapters (56)

You know the drill. Comicon. Cosplay. Merchant. Boom, Equestria.

I woke up not in a land of technicolor ponies, but within the lands of their dreams. They had no protector, no one to stave off the nightmares and keep them safe. So I took on that role, and watched over them as if they were my own.

Until recently, when their previous protector finally came back.

A thousand years ago, the Protector of Dreams, Princess Luna was banished to the moon. And tonight she finally returned.

Thanks to Arxsys for the wonderful cover art work!

Chapters (8)

Sablewing the Wicked, a black-hearted dragon with an immunity to magic, invades Canterlot with his army of diamond dogs, goblins, and kobolds. As they attempt to defend their kingdom, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are captured and imprisoned by the foul reptile, and he proceeds to take over the entire city. A rescue attempt made by Princess Cadence and Twilight Sparkle is then performed, and immediately thwarted, resulting in their capture as well.

Having used the Elements of Harmony to save the Tree of Harmony recently, and being one pony short of using them anyhow, Twilight Sparkle's friends find themselves in the worst predicament imaginable. After raiding the library in the Castle of the Two Sisters in search of an answer to their problem, they happen upon, and then proceed to use a spell that shoots out into the multiverse in search of brave, suitable heroes to combat this monster.

Answering the call, four strange characters come forth: The Green Knight, Orange Knight, Red Knight, and Blue Knight; each powerful warriors in their own separate rights, who have honed their expertise in the field of beating the ever-living crap out of anything that has the sheer balls to simply be standing in their way.

Having been bored out of their minds in their home dimension (and being threatened that they would never return should they decide not to help), the four knights jump to the challenge to RIP AND TEAR and rescue some more princesses. They set off, weapons and sandwiches in hand, to kick some monster butt, crash some castles, and take names as violently as physically possible!

...Oh, and a certain mailmare with strabismus joins along on the mad adventure.

Rated T for scenes of gore, swearing, and an overdose of testosterone poisoning


Chapters (14)

Aaron was just on a hike to get away from work for a while. Or so he thinks, as there are a few holes in his memory. One thing's for sure though, after a chance encounter with the local Diamond Dog population, he's found himself outmatched in every way but one: Diamond Dogs are dumb to dangerous degree.

Takes place in the Observations Universe! Because of this, it is highly recommended that you start with Observations.

The sequel can be found here: Daring Do and the Throne of Ouroboros.

Caution! There may or may not be spoilers in the comments.

Chapters (17)

After so long, the barrier preventing the monsters of the underground from feeling the sunlight on their skin (or fur, scales, bones, etc.) has shattered. Everyone is exploding with anticipation to see the horizon from the top of Mt. Ebott, to feel the clean fresh air, and to experience the wonders of the surface. Giddy excitement turns to confused shock when everyone finds them self not atop a mountain overlooking the sunrise, but in a dark forest with an air of fear in the mist at their feet.

The lives of the residents of Ponyville get a little more interesting when seven visitors unlike anything Equestria has ever seen appear out of the Everfree forest. While they are intimidating at first (especially a certain blue one), they are quite friendly once you get to know them. There are only a few problems, they have nowhere to stay, and many more of their kind are coming.

Crossover between Undertale by Toby Fox and MLP:FiM. Set at the times of the True Pacifist ending and before the Season 4 finale respectively. Moderate spoilers for Undertale.

Chapters (4)

"Either I'm tripping balls, which is possible since I took quite a few hits... Or this is all real. And I'm a kid again. A pony one."

Max gets the unfortunate- Or fortunate experience of suddenly finding himself in Equestria as a colt after doing a lot of drugs. How will the teen turned child handle a second child hood? Will he make friends? Will he survive with his addiction to drugs?

Probably not.

(T for language, mentioning of drug usage, and sexual mentionings toward young ponies.)
Tags will be added as I go along.

Chapters (6)