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    Created by potdl
    - October, 2014
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A new pony has arrived in Ponyville on the day of Summer Sun Celebration. Who is he? He's nice but when the residents of the town learn more about him, even more unanswered questions seem to pop up.
Can anypony figure out this mystery?
Probably when they actually ask the right question.
Are they going to?
Will he interfere with events?
We'll see.

This is just an idea I had and wrote by hand (later edited onto a computer) in a matter of a few hours. I have no delusions that this is a perfect story. Just some fun I had when writing out ideas. For the most part it will focus on different ponies crossing paths with him as the series goes on and not directly follow him. This IS technically a Human in Equestria story but by no means is he ordinary, both in body and mind as you will notice in the first chapter. He WILL be unrealistic, so please no comments about him not reacting to the situation like a normal person.
As for the back story of the character, I had originally included it but at second glance, I felt it would be better for both people inside and outside of the story to figure it out.
The amazing artwork was done by Mix-up. You can check out his other artworks on his Deviant Art page.

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to New Beginnings

Human turned Unicorn Blank Page is finally settling down in his new form and home and life is returning to normal. What a normal life is however might be relative, especially when you suddenly changed species, are living in the castle, dating a god-princess and is followed around by changelings.

Warning: Contains enough slice of life to make a entire cake of life.

Continuation can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/332488/consequences

AN// All the thanks to people over at Spacebattles.com for helping me beta.

AN2// Many thanks to mix-up for the coverart. His user page can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/mix-up and the deviant art page can be found here:http://amalgamzaku.deviantart.com/

Chapters (50)

A magical accident has a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

Warning, Spoilers in comment section.

Cover art by: Sipioc

AN// All thanks to the people over at spacebattles.com for betaing.

Sequel can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/306592/normal-life

Chapters (53)

Discord was thought to have finally come to the side of harmony and light, but it turns out to be quite the opposite. He betrayed the land of Equestria--a land which has forgiven him twice--for a second time. He has now released all of Equestria's greatest foes against his most formidable adversaries, the Elements of Harmony.

The land was flooded with smoke, and great fires that ravage all in its path. The treacherous Chrysalis aims to control the land and oppress the ponies into nothing but mindless servants for her hungry children, while brutes like Tirek aim to gain as much power as possible. In the mean time Discord just sits back and watches with a gleeful, menacing, and malicious smile.

Luckily for Equestria, they just got a new hero.

Chapters (1)

In the aftermath of the Changeling incursion of Canterlot during the marriage of Shining Armour and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Equestria gears itself for war against the Changeling menace. Against a foe that can take the shape of anypony, assume their life, and undermine Equestria from within, the Royal Pony Sisters create a new institution to monitor their Royal Guard for any Changeling corruption, cowardice, and incompetence: the Commissariat. As total war rages across the land one hero stands out above the rest; Commissar Blueblood, Hero of Equestria. Or at least that's what the propaganda says. The truth, as ever, is far more complex, as the esteemed Blueblood is merely looking for an easy and sedate life. Unfortunately, fate has a habit of throwing him into increasingly dangerous and suicidal missions, which he must survive with a combination of self-preservation, lying, and sheer blind luck, even if doing so only fuels his soaring reputation!

Equine military fiction in the style of Ciaphas Cain and Flashman.

Cover art done by me.

Proofread and edited by the always dependable Setokaiva.

Chapters (52)

Random guy ends up in Equestria story, yet for reasons unbeknownst to him, he finds himself in an Equestria much like the one he barely remembers from a show he once watched, yet very different in all the wrong aspects.

It can't possibly be because he turned into a changeling right after their infamous invasion.


And now with an editor. A huge round of applause to Kablam Pony for helping me with editing this story.

A giant round of applause for mix-up for drawing such splendid cover art.


AU: This is literally an alternate Equestria, where grim events happen as normal occurrences, also, the story starts from season 2 and moves up to season 4.

Comedy: who doesn't like to laugh at the misery of a fictional character?

Adventure: if that wasn't obvious I don't know what is.

Dark: Some of you pointed out that it has some dark elements, but don't worry, I will not write anything overboard.

Human: dare I need to state why.

Teen because of a couple of death scenes here and there, no gore, unless it's written in an extremely scientific language.

Oh, it's a shameless self insert by the way. I want to see how much I can write myself as a character in my own story and how much it relates to other characters I have written.

Chapters (13)

Troy is a Gryphon who moved to Equestria to pursue a new life; however, his seclusion has left him feeling unsatisfied with how his life was going. All of that changes when he becomes involved in a storm prepping job outside of Ponyville for Princess Twilight Sparkle. Before the storm, Troy finds Canvas, a badly injured Earth pony, lying on the ground near death. As time goes on and wounds start to heal, how will the Gryphon's life change as he helps the stallion struggling to regain control of his life?

I want to give a big thanks to Bad_Seed_72 for her assistance in editing and proofreading. Also, major props to JackAnarchy for the cover art.

Chapters (54)

This story is a sequel to Savage

The rumors were many. Some reasonable, others unbelievable. But it was not until some unlucky souls stumbled upon it that they were able to find out their veracity. These are some of the recorded instances when the Everfree creature came in contact with the neighboring populace.

These are the other encounter ideas that I had while developing Savage, not its sequel. Any continuation of it will be in the original story.

Art is not mine but by aeflus, go check this guy out! He has some pretty neat art. Brought to you with the help of these fine persons: Mountain Bell,FreedomFiend, ScrambledCrackers and Alicorn Priest

Chapters (3)

Reading an epic tale of one of the Third Hokage's missions, a 6 year old Naruto sets himself on getting some awesome summons of his own. Unable to find a contract on short notice, and not understanding why a contract is required, he goes through the necessary motions anyways and winds up in Equestria. Can Naruto convince the locals to let him be their summoner? Is the ninja world ready for the likes of Pinky Pie? Just how much will a young Naruto benefit from the Magic of Friendship?

Chapters (42)

When a male human is created in the Canterlot Underground Labs and tortured for experiment, what will he do in order to free himself from his captors and live the life of freedom he craves?
This is the first fanfic I have written ever, so any criticism or advice is much obliged. Leave both good and negative comments for anything you have to say about the story.

Cover Art by Mexican Brony 101, with it being a linoleum print on paper.

Chapters (36)