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Fresh cookies are a great start to a summer afternoon, and an unexpected surprise makes things even better. What's a little filly to do, though, when the best foalsitter ever is running late, her BBBFF starts acting funny, and her house is filled with molten rock?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Princess Celestia: The Changeling Queen

This story is a direct sequel to Princess Celestia: The Changeling Queen. Reading that first is necessary to understand any part of this story.

Co-authored by vren55 and Zervziel

Alternia, sister to Chrysalis, ruled Equestria for a thousand years, disguised as Princess Celestia, while the alicorn slumbered in a healing sleep. Now revealed, Alternia prepares to become Equestria’s first changeling princess, and prove herself to the ponies she loves at the side of her co-rulers Luna and the newly-returned Celestia.

But even as the crown descends onto Alternia’s head, something is stirring in the depths of the Eastern Sea, something that will turn the surface world onto its head. Some power that could destroy Alternia, and all that she loves, before she can even regain the approval of her own ponies.

Will Alternia restore the trust her ponies once placed with her? Will she found a hive? Will she find love?

All that is certain is that Equestria, and the world, will never be the same again.

Now with a TV Tropes page.

Empress Tethys and the Kelpies Created by Zervziel

That Fantastic Cover art is by Plainoasis

Pre-read and edited by:
Courage Fire
Cosmic Cowboy

Chapters (31)

This story is a sequel to The Luna Cypher

Twilight sets out to learn more of the ways of the world, and soon decides that the whole planet is disorganized, insanely dangerous, and desperately needs to be fixed. And she's just the mare to do it... with a little help from her friends.

Also, there are sky-pirates!

Book 3 of the Alicorn Adventure series.

A few extra, slice-o-life chapters are here: On the Rocks

Chapters (25)

Everypony enjoys myths and ponytales, even if they know such things aren't real. Alicorns fighting against a spirit of chaos? An ancient princess trapped in a library under a tree, waiting to be found? Quite enchanting and fantastic tales yes, but nonetheless as fictional as Daring Do and other such stories. At least, that's what Rarity used to think.

She doesn't anymore.

Dedicated to Annuska for being as amazing a writer as she is a friend.

Now a physical book!!!
Based on an old oneshot.
Chapter Art by Arctic Waters // Graphic Design and Typography by Swan Song.

Chapters (46)

How could she miss it? The seventh element was right under her nose the entire time, supporting her, guiding her, and loving her. When it strayed from its course, destiny itself nudged it back into line. It was always there... It was just waiting.

Written for Rage Reviews and their prompt!

Chapters (1)

Luna and Twilight devise a spell to go back in time and view the dream that inspired Celestia to become an alicorn.

It's not what they expected.

Chapters (1)

In the days after her ascension, every newspaper in Equestria is talking about how Princess Celestia transformed Twilight Sparkle into an alicorn princess.

There's just one problem – Twilight knows that's not what happened.

Why does Celestia let them believe something that isn't true? After all, it isn't like knowing could hurt anypony, right?

Chapters (1)

Sombra was not always the heartless ruler that ruled the Crystal empire with an iron hoof. He once had friends, a home, a lover...
But his thirst for knowledge and power led him down a dangerous road.

By chance or the powers that be, Sombra is deemed worthy of a second chance to correct a thousand year old mistake. History ignores intentions however, only recording actions. Can Sombra find a way to bring peace to his heart and those he cares for, or will the darkness from his past consume him?

Image, story idea and OC used with permission.
Check out her DA Here!
Inspired by StasySolitude's animation. (Watch to provide a bit of clarity/backstory!)
Click Here to watch!
Art by StasySolitude for this fic;
Chapter 8 Picture:
Click here!

Chapters (21)

He's the official Time Keeper of Ponyville. He is the one who keeps the clock tower of Ponyville in working order. He makes clocks and sells them in his shop as well as reparing any clocks that need to be fixed for the citizens of the town. His life is pretty normal, but it may be changing. He has begun to realize that he's attracted to the local mail mare but he's far too nervous to do much about it. Other things also distract him as the clock tower needs minor repairs and he gets a new employee at his shop. Then things go south when the mare he loves has some trouble with her daughter's father.

This story is part of The Equestria Tales series.

Pre-story to "Return of the Dark Ponies" story arc.

Unofficial side story to "The story of Tango and Snow Heart"

Chapters (15)

Pinkie Pie, reality's "Blind Spot." Capable of impossible things, things that nopony would understand. That is, if they ever tried. Everypony gave up on figuring her out a long time ago, including Equestria's most notorious scholar, Twilight Sparkle.

Enter Discord. He senses something that should be impossible, even for him, and traces it back to Pinkie Pie. Then he does what he should have done back when he was first freed from stone.

A.N. Cover art by the talented Hei201 Featured on March 29th, 2015.

Chapters (23)