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This story is a sequel to Nigel M Chalmers, Emperor

(15/10/2015) Turned status back to incomplete pending an Epilouge and Alternate Endings chapter as per comment suggestions.

After being banished by Celestia for his misdeeds, the alien Emperor of the Crystal Empire is back... and out for revenge.

Emperor Chalmers is not a happy space man. After being stabbed in the back by Equestria, he was sent to the depths of the Underworld. Kicked out for causing too much trouble for the wardens, Nigel now has the chance to take back his empire and show Celestia just how disappointed he is with her.

This time things will be different. This time he has friends.

Chapters (15)

As a young adult, Sebastian was having the time of his life. He had his own small group of friends, a loving family, and a clean home in a nice neighborhood.

Key-word being "had".

After the accident, he finds himself in a different time, a different place, and, most importantly, a different body.

Hey everybrony, just jumping on the bandwagon here.
Tags and characters will be added as the story progresses.
Why yes! I DO suck at descriptions!

Edit: 6/8/2014
I got featured.
I'm crying right now oh my god help me

Chapters (3)

Jayce is a trainer from the Kalos region, all through out his travels he's gone out of his way to be kind to those he meet and have adventures with his oh so fluffy Meowstic Nao. But when Arceus escapes his prison and decides to move all of his children and a few worthy human to a new world chaos is bound to ensue. The problem is this new world doesn't know they're coming or even what Pokemon are, did I mention this world was filled with colorful ponies? Being in a new world is scary enough, but the humans who find themselves here are turned into Pokemon and Jayce is no exception.

I would like to thank Zeusdemigod131 for creating a great setting and allowing me to have my own adventures in it. I highly recommend getting up to date on his story before starting mine, it'll help.

Chapters (9)

In the far reaches of Canterlot Castle, high above in the towers lived the archmage. Everypony knew her, yet few had met her.

Twilight Sparkle sighed, having teleported away another noble seeking favors before reaching the top of the stairs for the second time today. They never learned. As the archmage, she already dealt with political squabbles far too often without inviting them into her home. Aside from personal favors for Celestia, she did what was required of her position and then returned to seclusion and research.

The nobility grumbled that no archmage should be a commoner, and Twilight’s disrespect toward them proved it. Each and every time they were forced to bow to her, they hated what they saw: the position, the status, the deference.

Was she not powerful? Was she not great?

Twilight, now reading through dusty scrolls and long forgotten tales, wrote in her notes — notes gathering dust of their own. A brief thought flashed through her mind.

Am I not powerful? Am I not great?

And then Twilight picked up The Tale of the Royal Pony Sisters.

Defunct side stories told in Across the Boundary. They can still provide a little context, but when in doubt, the main story here is canon.

Cover art provided by Lafiir

Chapters (31)

Testing the fabrics of morality and his body, he seeks to kill himself for good.

Too bad there's so many distractions on the way.

Inspired by LucidTech's To Befriend the Night

Chapters (6)

Ever wonder what characters are doing when they’re not in the spotlight?

They’re certainly glad you never knew.

Unfortunately for them, stories of their lives have come to light.

Defunct side stories to the Seeking Power series.

A forewarning, each short story may contain spoilers for the main series. Although they are arranged in chronological order, they are written in an arbitrary order and out of sync with the main story. It is possible that reading a story can reveal information that isn’t given until much later in the main series. Such stories will have a warning at the top listing the chapter at which spoilers are no longer in effect.

Art created from various sources. A full list of links is available here.

Chapters (9)

Just another glorious day in Ponyville, till the nanite infection is activated. Now it's up to Rarity and an infected Twilight to save the world. This will prove easier said than done though as old friends, enemies, and teachers come out of the wood work, and they all want to shut down the intrepid pair. But have n/ ...detgruhfihvdsivbhdsfh
Insubordinate data terminated. Run Program: Imperium.

Credit for the cover pic goes to Thattagen of here and Deviant art. Be sure to like, fave, and follow.

Chapters (4)

The Elements of Harmony. Six artifacts of legendary power that have provided for the peace of Equestria for over a thousand years. While Queen Chrysalis managed to deny the ponies their ultimate defense, she still lost to a different unexpected surprise in the form of a love-powered shield spell.

However, the Elements won't be so easily denied. Unbeknownst to anyone, they awaken in their vault and cast Chrysalis into another world to teach her a lesson or six about life and harmony.

Stripped of her power, trapped in a form unfamiliar even to a changeling, and at the mercy of the locals, Chrysalis must learn how to get along with others before she is allowed to return to save her hive. And if successful, she may just be allowed to keep her new friend... If he's willing, and if he can survive the drawbacks of being one of the rarest changeling classes ever seen:

A breeding drone.

Join a spoiled rotten queen and a workaholic electrical engineer in the retelling of an adventure that brought them together across the boundaries of space and time. Because sometimes, a little change isn't all that bad.

(Changeling Drone 'Gazer' design artwork courtesy of oFimFiction.net member 'More Dakka')

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Awakening

This is the long dark night of the soul. More than 10,000 years have passed since Celestia’s reign over Equestria ended and the entire continent sank into the ocean and faded into myth and legend. Although the pony tribes have colonized the stars, the earth ponies have lost their connection to the land, the unicorns no longer think magic even exists, and the pegasus tribe has forgotten how to fly.
Although the principles of magic and friendship and Harmony are under constant assault in this age of war and strife, a pegasus named Thunder Gale has travelled to the ends of the galaxy in search of a long, lost friend of his. His search has led him to a planet where the old ways have not been entirely forgotten and evils left dormant since Celestia’s time stir once again. In order to survive the night, he’ll have to seek out guidance in the last place he ever thought of looking: the wings on his back.
Not a crossover nor an alternate universe, this is the far future and all this has happened before, and will happen again.
Cover art by Silfoe.
Now featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (22)

While I'm pretty sure that being transformed into a Hero from a Movie can be considered cool in more than one way, I just don't see it.
"This... is so wrong."

Being sent to a land where Myths and Legends come to life is not a fun way to die.
"Nice puppies?"

It's not Hell, and it's not Heaven, and I'm pretty sure that this isn't Nebraska!
"Oh, crap."

I'm not sure what happened.
"Thou vile beast, We demand to know how you appeared here!"
"You and I both, lady."

And apparently I'm not very good with first impressions.
"... She started it!"
"Thou deceiving mongrel, We weren't the one who started the battle!"
"You threw the first punch, I just returned the favor."

And even without interruptions by some assholes...
"You know what is the difference between us?"
"Oh, pray to tell?"
"I'm fireproof, you, not so much."

I feel that my goal to get home will be pretty hard to achieve, all thing consider.
"But that's impossible!"
"You know, I'm pretty sure that by now this word left my dictionary forever."

{Character-tags will be updated with the story.}
{Currently being Edited by The Snide Sniper.}

Chapters (1)