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I was known as Frank DeFontaine. I was going to a Halloween party. I was a pretty intelligent kid, starting my first college term, and decided a little dress-up couldn't hurt.
My buddy Richard got involved, though. And like everything, he took it a bit too far. This time, I didn't say no, though. I really should have.
Next thing I know, we're going all-out on making my Dullahan costume. Because he's my favorite optional boss, and all.
Really shoulda known something was up when that guy behind the counter just so happened to have a sword that fit our specifications perfectly.
Next thing I know, I'm in Equestria. And I'm missing a head.
Sakes, I could use a drink. And a neck.
Featured on 2/19/2014.
I'd like to leave it at "Holy mother of-!" but that doesn't capture what I'm feeling!

Chapters (25)

(Story rewrite incoming in the near feature.)

Victoria is hanging out at a convention for a game she knows next to nothing about, only there to enjoy the time being spent with her best friends. While there she's given a small blue ring from a vendor, pokes fun of some cosplayers, eats a lot and over all enjoys the atmosphere the convention as to offer.

It's only when she wakes up as a bird the size of a small falcon with no memory as to how and where she is, does Victoria break down and begins crying for help. Her cries are answered in the form of a young phoenix named Philomena.

(Story Theme)

Story concept (human enters Equestria from a magical artifact) is inspired by the Humans Acting Villainous group

This story takes place after the season 3 intro.

Credit for this fantastic image goes solely to its creator Charaki

Chapters (6)

[Featured on EQD 21/4/2014] [Now on TVTropes]

When Luna gifts Twilight the town of Ponyville and its surrounding countryside as her demesne she's initially confused. Then, after double checking her dictionary, more than a little concerned.

All her friends are, legally, her possessions. The town that took her in is her plaything, if she so wishes. She has been given responsibility.

Can Twilight's vision for a modern renaissance outrun the harsh realities of the shadowy figures pulling strings behind the scenes, nobles jockeying for her attention, and an irritatingly metaphorical love triangle?

Special thanks to the insatiable Blue_Paladin42, the incorrigible Maskedferret, the intuitive Southpaw and the indestructible newbiedoodle for all their hard work, past, present and future.

Chapters (10)

When Apollo 11 lands on the moon, Neil Armstrong utters his famous lines as his boots land in the lunar regolith, but when he turns around he finds something no one was expecting or had ever planned for.
There's an alien on the moon. And it's blue, four-legged, and staring at him.

Sequel here.

Chapters (1)

[img]http://i.imgur.com/6MrWqNZ.png[/img]Twilight takes on the most important task in her career as a princess of Equestria, when she opens up a magical portal to a distant world with extra-Equestrian intelligence. With her organizational skills and keen understanding of scientific principles, she leads diplomats and scientists in a well-planned expedition to a historic first contact.

The first exchange doesn't quite go without a hitch, however, as the portal opens near a pony ranch at Texas, Earth.

For the purposes of this fic, assume Equestria Girls didn't happen.

Former one-shot.

Chapters (9)

Ponies like balloons for different reasons. Perhaps they keep them afloat while playing in the pool, or liven up a party. Perhaps they have other uses, discussed behind closed doors. For some ponies, a balloon becomes a prison.

This is a collection of short stories, to accompany my growing list of "Balloonified OC's."

Modified the outstanding work of these artists:
-Spectra, Sunny, and Scrub were drawn by AceSential
-Sollace was drawn by Comeha

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Veil of Thoughts

After surviving a spell that merged Twilight and Dash into a single being during the story Veil of Thoughts, the two mares are still struggling to get back to as normal a life as they can have. Except, didn’t they used to have more friends? Why is it so hard to remember…

The boundaries of reality are starting to crumble apart. Half dreams haunt their waking world. Memories of another life seep through their mind. What they were is quickly becoming little more than Fragments of Memories.

Friends, family and even enemies will come together to save Twilight Dash before it’s too late and there is nothing left to save.

The long awaited, highly anticipated, sequel to Veil of Thoughts. Don't forget to remember.

Chapters (23)

The lost children...

Ten long years have passed since the Book of Darkness Incident. In those ten years, Equestria has come into its own as an allied world with the Time-Space Administration Bureau. Though diplomatic interactions between the two are still rocky, cultural, technological and academic sharing has helped to smooth over the bumpy relations to some degree.

In an attempt to foster better relations between the two worlds, the Bureau has established a special joint training task-force, bringing on some of the brightest and most talented mages in all of Equestria. A group of young humans, ponies, and... others have been selected as candidates for this new, experimental group.

Unfortunately for the humans and ponies of the Resolution Instructional Operations Task Force, things are not all they seem. A new threat is brewing; one that may destroy the fragile peace the Bureau has long sought to maintain... and dredge up secrets of a past long, long forgotten.

Thank you to ArtoftheDerp for serving as my pre-reader.
This fic is set after the events of Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight A's. Familiarity with this fic is essential to understanding this story.
Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight by PurpleProse is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Chapters (14)

The Great and Powerful Trixie joins the battle to save Ponyville!

So why did she wake up in a waiting room?

Contents by: Gravekeeper & Wanderer D

Chapters (1)

The history of Equestria spans dozens of centuries, and many terrible foes have risen up from the past to threaten the future once more, only to be defeated.

When a vicious and powerful enemy older than any Twilight, her friends, or even the Princesses have faced before returns, they will have to reach out to an ally just as ancient for help... but is she still the heroine she once was?

This story takes place after the end of Season 3.

Honourable Mention: Best Fimfiction, Pony Awards 2013

Full-Cast, Illustrated Audio Drama version by Scribbler Productions can be found here!

Hardcopy editions from Ponyfeather Publishing can be found here!

Chapters (9)