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A large corporation in Manehattan hires you to fulfill the Diversity and Inclusion goals and reach the target numbers on the key metrics such as the absence of gender and racial bias. They specialize in customized spell solutions, distributed enchantment systems and cloud mana storage: three things that you, a human, didn't know even exist.

To their surprise, you are not entirely useless.

This is an RGRE (Reversed Gender Roles Equestria) story. You were warned.

Huge thanks to Vayne Hellslinger and SirReal for helping me to make this stuff more readable.

Chapters (4)

In the magical land of Equestria, there are no ponies.
In the sleepy town of Ponyville, there are no ponies.
In the glittering Castle of Friendship, there are no ponies.

So who are all these colorful quadrupeds?

Chapters (7)

You are Anon. Or, at least, you used to be. Sort of. Now you're a filly. Let's just say, you're not thrilled with the change. And with it comes some unforeseen consequences.

Originally Edited by Alex_

Chapters (13)

Gilda only wanted the humble things in life. Cheap rent, copious bits, the respect of her peers, the occasional juicy field-mouse.

Being captured by the Equestrians and dragooned into the Territorials wasn't quite what she'd dreamed of, but at least the rent was free.

And the rats were nice and plump.

Chapters (36)

Twilight Sparkle has cast loose the magic of Equestria and has been corrupted into a being that craves knowledge, no matter the cost. So, it’s up to Sunset Shimmer to save the day, right?

Yeah, about that…

Thanks to Tired Old Man, Nova Quill/Firimil, and
Steel Resolvefor their edits and suggestions!

Wonderful cover art by shonuff44!

Chapters (3)

The School of Friendship has new Teacher Assistants!

The Cutie Mark Crusaders have been welcomed into staff on a probationary basis in order to assist their sisters (and Rainbow Dash) with their classes. Today just happens to be the day for the School Trip to Canterlot Castle for a certain group.

When things go wrong and our characters are flung into the Void and come out in one of many worlds at war, what kind of challenges will they have to face? And if they survive... what will they bring back with them to Equestria?

Many thanks to Petrichord and GapJaxie for their feedback and assistance.

Chapters (32)

This story is a sequel to The Storm and the Scorpion

The Storm King has been defeated, his former subjects are recovering, and the world is being rebuilt, trying to erase all evidence of his tyranny. The new chaos god, the sister of the Equestrian prince Antares, has left Equestria in an attempt to heal from the events of the war, and with the help of her friend, the former seapony Princess Skystar, she travels the world, hoping to find the peace she seeks, even if things do not go the way she hopes.

Chapters (6)

Over a thousand years ago, the griffons built a fortress in the Frozen North. Nopony alive today knows why except, perhaps, Princess Celestia - and she's ordered the abandoned structure to be reopened and brought back on duty by the brave ponies of the Royal Guard.

Because this is such an important assignment, the Guard has sent the only ponies that are up to the task - ponies whose service records are so spotty they're unwelcome in any other command.

Original one-shot/pilot written for the Quill & Blade Super Summer Jam

Left marked incomplete because I'll probably add more short, episodic chapters over time.

Chapters (1)

For most ponies the day they get their cutie mark is the day everything changes. That was especially true for Twilight Sparkle, as the day she got her cutie mark was also the day Princess Celestia took her on as a student, she gained a new little brother and started on the road to her future.

It was also the day she became a dragon.

Custom cover artwork by Elza Fox
Editing and so much more by Klamnei

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Drawn With the Night Into the Day

Dipper Doodle and Thunder Evening arrive in Canterlot, do I even need to say Chaos Ensues?

They are Fancy's kids after all.

Chapters (1)