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It turns out, the changeling invasion of Canterlot was very...improvised.

Chapters (2)

"It's not easy to be the bad guy. Sometimes you've got to raise towers of iron and magic in a testament to your power. Sometimes you've got to blanket the land in black flame just to uphold idle threats. And sometimes you've got to remind a filly that she is grounded - that's right, I mean you, missy. Don't give me that look, you've got homework to do."
- Excerpt from An Interview With Lord Ironblood.

Forgath Ironblood is a man who values power and might. He spent untold years developing his dark magics, and years more using ice and iron and balefire to claim and rule his domain. But it didn't last; a group of bold and plucky rebels broke into his inner sanctum and unleashed a magic he was unprepared for, a magic that cast him into the void between worlds. At that point, he was no longer their problem and the peasants rejoiced.

The world he fell into, however, was another story. It was a world rich in magic. A world full of innocents. A world he could bend to his will and carve a new domain out of.

He never knew what hit him.

Idea adopted from Whiskylullaby, as seen here, written entirely for the fun of it.

Chapters are dated for the reader's convenience; BNM for "Before Nightmare Moon", and AB for "After Banishment".

Chapters (10)

Twilight Sparkle had been preparing for her entrance exam for so long, just to blow it at the end! If only she could get away to a place no one would know her.

Sometimes wishes come true.

A Collab with The Abyss

Edited by RK

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Hard Chitin and Soft Fur

Chrysalis has a small purple filly named Twilight in her castle, and it looks as if she's going to be adopting her for a long while. Can Twilight's love change her, or even the entire hive?

Only time will tell, though Chrysalis is determined that she could never find something so fuzzy and energetic in any way cute.

A sequel by popular demand! Rated T so I have a little flexibility with language and the like, but for the most part I imagine things will be very light and non-explicit.

Chapters (1)

Filly Twilight is teleported far, far away from Celestia. Now Chrysalis has her, and she's fully intent on keeping her.

But maybe the powerful, loving filly is more than Chrysalis expected?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Changeling of the Guard

To live in Everfree Forest requires one to make a lot of sacrifices. Zecora can attest to that; for years the ponies were too frightened of her and her studies to even make contact.

Then again, that's for the best; the forest has never been kind to intruders. One never does know what fate can be levied for not treating it with the respect it demands. Still, she wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

The same can't be said for her newest ward.

More future-sidequel than sequel to Changeling of the Guard, as Idol isn't starring, but something I'm going to work on in tandem with it.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Changeling of the Guard

This is a collection of various stories, short and otherwise, to go along with The Changeling of the Guard.

They aren't absolutely necessary, but the intention is to provide some background or additional material. Things like Topaz's research notes on Changelings, stories involving the other characters, and various insane things Idol has done that don't quite fit into the main plot. They might be chipper, they might be sad, but they're all canon to the main fic... or to whoever from the story is relating them.

Chapter 1 is the Nurse, mentioned briefly in Moonlighting, who brought Idol the Nymph.

Chapters (1)

The failed invasion of that mad queen, Chrysalis, rocked the changeling community. From the hives nestled outside Equestria, to their kin living in peace within, they watch those colorful ponies eye one another with suspicion and let themselves be swallowed by fear and distrust.

A gamble by Princess Celestia has summoned forth the diplomat to the Seekers, the one changeling who may be able to ease tensions between their races and restore balance. The Bearer of Magic has been summoned after a century of peace.

And, like her mother before her, Princess Twilight Sparkle will answer the call.

Preread by Alto, Cynewulf, and Timaeus.
Cover art by FoughtDragon01, used with permission.

Chapters (12)

Unhappy that her future as a member of the monarchy is denied by Celestia, Sunset Shimmer escapes through Starswirl's mirror into another world, planning to take it over to prove once and for all she was fit to rule. What she didn't expect—besides a species change—was to arrive in a world already conquered.

TvTropes Page (Just created! Needs Help!)

Art (Will contain spoilers)

Sunset Shimmer - Bloody Sunset

Spoilers Ch. 11+: Angel - Angel and Sunny
Spoilers Ch. 18+: Princess - Comic
Spoilers Ch. 121+: Alejandra Acevedo - Flying at the speed of death
Spoilers Ch. 161+: Apple Bloom - Bloom
Spoilers Ch. 180+: Food - Sunset's Party Dress
Spoilers Ch. 185+: Fugue - Fugue by Rametep
Spoilers Ch. 197+: Exhausted

(Art is always welcome!)


Chapters (261)

For centuries, ponykind thought Princess Platinum's splendorous silver crown lost for all time, but it has been found. Twilight Sparkle, the self-proclaimed Princess of Thieves, has tracked it down to the long-fallen Diamond Dog kingdom of Erebark, and means to enter the mountain to retrieve her kin's lost heirloom and settle scores with Princess Celestia.

Unfortunately, there are one or two details she didn't realize going into this mess. Namely, that she'll need to steal from the gilded gallery of one of the mightiest dragons ever to walk the land.


Preread by RossbyWaves, Cynewulf, Timaeus, Undome Tinwe, Brasta Septim, and Beltorn.
Special thanks to the aforementioned six for enabling and encouraging this story, along with a few other friends in the most exalted and dedicated purple girlfriends chat server.
Artwork brilliantly done by Lilfunkman.

Chapters (1)