• Member Since 1st Sep, 2013


Don't we ALL feed off positive emotions?

Tracking 815 stories
Found 429 stories in 60ms

Total Words: 47,612,466
Estimated Reading: 18 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

The Equestrian Space Agency, or ESA, has finally sent their fourth scientific mission to the moon to study lunar geology and gain a greater understanding of their stellar neighbor. For Orion Zephyr, it is his first mission beyond low orbit of Equis, and while he's excited for his journey to the stars, he, along with his crewmates, are unaware of what truly hides beneath the lunar surface. As they set down and begin their duties, the crew of the Luna 4 come to realize; something else is still up here.

Written By:
Squall Windfeather
Fire Hearth

Edited By:

Art By:

First Featured #1 on 1/17/2023!

Chapters (4)

Sunset Shimmer wants to become an alicorn more than anything - it's the entire reason why she's Princess Celestia's student. But she's run out of ways to research it and Princess Celestia has blocked her at every turn.

Fortunately for her, there's a new Princess on the block - Cadance. One who's already ascended. One who knows personally and intimately how she did it.

To get her to talk, Sunset will do anything. Even if it means pretending to like - really like - the Pink Pony Of Passion.

Cover art by daOtterGuy.

Featured 8/28/2021-08/30/2021! (And basically every update date after that.)

Now with a TVTropes page thanks to ZanarNaryon!

Chapters (37)

This story is a sequel to Chrysalis' unexpected child

Clear Spark, now a young stallion, has overcome his troubled youth to become a smart and intelligent resident of Ponyville. With Zecora's help, he developed an aloe hybrid that has accelerated healing properties and aims to try and find a way to grow the new strain on a mass scale. However, even with Apple Bloom's sudden pregnancy announcement, things are not as they seem on the surface. Foes both old and new lurk in the shadows, and threaten every step as he tries to show even the blind can see the good in life.

Written with permission from coto616

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Anon Begins

Silly short/long stories with the reference-spewing 'hyewmun'.

Spin-off to Anon Begins and Anon II.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to A Noble Death

Known as the Angel of Las Pegasus to the ponies and the Demon to the changelings, Lieutenant Sierra-B312 Callsign ‘Noble Six’ has certainly made a name for herself.

From the streets of Canterlot to the tunnels of the Grand Hive of the Empress, Six brought the war between pony and changeling-kind to its conclusion. But now that peace reigns, what is a Spartan to do? Is she more than a living weapon? And what would happen to her should her newest family meet the same fate as her old one?

And with the recent return of the Crystal Empire after months of ever-growing restlessness, the answers she has been looking for may finally become clear.

But with every light, a shadow is cast, and one last question will become clear:

Is she afraid of what waits in the dark?

Coverart made by Crimsonwolf360

Tags will be added as the story progresses to prevent spoilers.

And I dedicate this story to you Frazy, whenever people see Six they will be thinking of the design you brought to life, may your retirement from drawing be filled with fuzzy ferret love.

Chapters (9)

Twilight Sparkle was presumed to be dead. Destroyed without even a body to bury, the young victim of a deadly magical surge that claimed the lives of many others along side her. More than a decade later, reports of a violent murder by a pony bearing her name are brought to Celestia and Luna's attention. A trail of carnage leading directly towards Canterlot's doorstep, brought by a pony who strikes without mercy. As Twilight approaches, in service to an unknown master, the Alicorn Sisters desperately try to uncover what happened all those years ago.

Edited by Zintegy and The Pink Mugsy

Chapter Heading Art by KirillK
All Sketches and Artworks can be found HERE

Chapters (67)

This story is a sequel to Little Memories

After two long, painful years, Twilight Sparkle has finally regained her lost memories. Unfortunately, her remembrance has come at a terrible price...

Exiled from her home city of Canterlot and haunted by the whispering voice of Midnight Sparkle, Twilight has been tasked with opening a mysterious chest presented to her by the Tree of Harmony. To do this, she must prove to her friends - and to herself - that she is still worthy to wield the Element of Magic. But with her own mind threatening to swallow her whole at every turn, her task will be far from easy. If she is to succeed, Twilight must face her fears and come to terms with what she allowed herself to become, or fall prey to the shadow whispering in her ear...

Thankfully, she does not have to carry this burden alone.

Beware spoilers in the comments!

Edited by Chromio

The cover art was drawn by Hagalazka

This is the fifth story in the Little Flashes series. Reading through the previous stories is intensely encouraged to understand the events of this story.

Chapters (48)

My home...my everything...was transported to an alien world. I have no idea, but I don't care..actually I do care...I do like it...but...at the same time... I don't care at all.. Does that make sense?

All I am trying to do is find my way back home, if only the princesses of the said land would allow me too.


Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Chrome Hearts

It's been a month since ponykind realized how much one of their elite stood to gain from their fights against the cyberlings. Now they unite to see justice done upon Blueblood, with Sunset and Chrysalis again at center stage. But it is what is around the curtain that'll determine whether it rises on a trial or a tragedy, as there are new schemers at work ready to inflame the tenuous peace between cyberlings and ponies - and it's up to Inspector Sunset to keep those fires from burning all she holds dear.

Commission to PrussiAntique. Pic credit goes to Underpable. Thanks to Shaslan, Muggonny, and Steel Quill for pre-reading/editing!

And an early Merry Chrysmas (misspelling intended) to all reading!

Chapters (2)

In the red/blue version of pokemon it says this about haunter: "Haunter can pass through solid walls. It is because of this that it is believed it is from another dimension." A fact I can confirm for you, personally.

Check out this story's sister fic.

This is part of the 12 days of christmas, head over here to keep track of all the cool stuff coming down the pipes. If you want to ensure I can afford to keep doing stuff like this, consider backing me over on Subscribestar or Patreon.

Chapters (6)