• Member Since 1st Sep, 2013


Don't we ALL feed off positive emotions?

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From the back cover of Daring Do and the Return of King Kookaracha by A.K. Yearling:

In a blast from Daring's past, King Kookaracha returns to confront our intrepid adventurer, and this time he has a daughter! The king wishes to get revenge from Daring for the loss of the cursed chalice by making her reveal the whereabouts of a temple which he believes holds the power he would need to form an unstoppable empire.

However, in a surprise turn of events, King Kookaracha and Daring Do soon find themselves teaming up when the king's daughter is kidnapped by a mysterious foe. Will the duo be able to save the king's daughter and beat the kidnapper to the secrets that lie within the temple?

Given that this is a spin-off of VDrake77's The Changeling of the Guard, reading said story is highly recommended for both context and entertainment, though not strictly necessary in order to understand what is going on.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to A Moon and World Apart

Luna and Celestia have settled their differences. With one major obstacle settled, Equestria and the Lunar Republic are coming back together as allies and partners. But danger still lies ahead, and not all are happy with the new arrangements. More challenges await the Royal Sisters, along with Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer and their friends, as the world continues to change.

Second in the Worlds-verse, and a part of the greater The Powers That Be multiverse.

Has a TV Tropes page here.

Chapters (6)

With all life in his world at stake, a long-time Pokémon Master challenges the progenitor of the fateful prophecy that threatens it. The resulting outcome of that event throws him across realities where he'll find even more world-ending calamities ahead of him.

The life of our would-be hero is not an easy one. But alongside a special little Eevee and a group of kind ponies who are used to saving the day, he might just be able to redeem himself of the sacrifices he had to make in order to save his world.

His adventure has more in store for him than just redemption, however, as it'll prove to be the stepping stone he'll need to grow as a person. If he is to save anyone in the way he truly wants to, then he'll have to learn to rely on others.

Chapters (10)

A nice Yakutian stallion visits the nice, friendly lands of Equestria for a diplomatic visit. Despite being toted around as a land of Friendship and happiness, all of the mares keep bothering and or attacking him? What gives? Did he do something wrong? Was it a culture thing?

Well, Snowball, even with a security detail assigned to him, he'll have to learn why. As for the mares of Equestria, they'll be taught a very valuable lesson... By Snowball of all ponies. Will he and his luxuriously tempting extra-thiccc arctic coat survive Equestria uncuddled and unmolested?? Who knows?

RGRE Equestria with a Yakutian from a not RGRE culture based around Anui/Innuit/Yakut culture

A lot of influence from "The Long and Short of It" by SQA with his permission

Chapters (13)

Thorax never asked to be leader. He certainly never believed he could fit into such a rank. Now, he must face his fear of confrontation and disappointment for his Hive's reformed legacy to continue on, even when threats begin to arise around every corner. Thus, Thorax must learn how powerful he can actually be, in hopes of keeping his Hive, his pack, safe.

*This Is What It’s Like, and Celestial Ascent, both other books of mine, are hinted at throughout this book (and vise-versa). Although, they don’t necessarily have to be read before.*

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Changing Expectations

When ages are segmented and divided in the annals of history, it is done so with great events as breakpoints. The Second Age of Heroes was unanimously declared to have started with the return of Princess Luna and the changeling Invasion of Canterlot.

For thousands of years, the changelings survived beneath The Great Tapestry, that which connects all living and nonliving things. Hundreds of generations worked endlessly to keep their existence a secret. With one command from Queen Chrysalis, the Masquerade was broken.

In a single night, the changelings waged war against Equestria and took the Kingdom by storm. Months later, the war between changelings and ponies has ended. A new tapestry, a new story, must be woven between the two species. Equestria and the Fifth Hive have gone through a dark chapter and have emerged stronger for it.

One war ends and another begins.

As The Sword of Damocles hangs above the heads of the formerly-human King Phasma and his Equestrian counterparts, the forces of light must work on an ever-shortening window before war once again brings Hell to Equus. Dark powers grow in the places that the light does not reach, and they bring one irrefutable truth.

Epitaph is coming.

Cover art by Nixworld.

Special thanks to my pre-readers!

Chapters (33)

This story is a sequel to I Am Human, And That's All I Want To Be

A/N this is a sequel to my story I Am Human. It is not required reading for the sequel, but you may want to read it regardless. Also, I work as a PMC, so I don't get alot of free time. As a result, updates will likely be sporadic. Thanks.

A/N woo-hoo! Featured! Thanks for reading and the support!

Its been just over six years since your injury. You're not sure what happened but apparently while flying over the city you lost control and plummeted to the ground. Thanks to the Princess you were still alive but with no memory of your life before the incident. But lately, you have been plagued with dreams that seem so familiar.

Chapters (6)

A little pegasus filly shows up in Ponyville. Who is she? Other than the cutest little thing who's ever existed, of course!

I don't know when updates to this will be, other than "occasionally".

Chapters (22)

In Manehattan there is a strange ape-like creature that is being held in a lab. Its injuries bear the distinctive marks of illegal sport hunting by exotic game poachers.

What's strange is that there's an entire section in books on natural life about this creature designating its kind maned apes. What's even stranger is that there are accounts throughout Equestria's history about maned apes turning up.

The maned ape, given the moniker Big Red by the scientists holding it, is given over to the crown and transferred to Ponyville for safe keeping. The Mane 6 comb through Equestria's historical texts and oral account to try and find where the maned apes come from.

This is an HiE story that starts in Season 1 shortly after Apple Buck Season.

EDIT: 6-8-2022 Featured! Woo-hoo!
18-202023 Featured! Woo-hoo!

Chapters (9)

Shattered Skies has lived quite some time. He had done well for himself over the past few thousand years; staying out of the public eye and remaining generally uninvolved from pony society while he tended his forests.

Who wouldn't want that, right?

His job came with excellent security and fringe benefits, but after he was betrayed by a princess he trusted, all he wants to do is to live a normal life even if the world tells him otherwise.

Oc disclaimer: The original characters that appear in the story that are not my own have been obtained from the original owners via written permission.

Chapters (55)